RO13-3978 is a broad-spectrum antischistosomal. Ro 13-3978 showed minor in vitro activity and no damage to the tegument was found. No cytotoxicity was detected for Ro 13-3978. Ro 13-3978 was metabolically stable. Ro 13-3978 has excellent antischistosomal properties in vivo. References: Keiser J, Panic G, Vargas M, Wang C, Dong Y, Gautam N, Vennerstrom JL. Aryl
hydantoin Ro 13-3978, a broad-spectrum antischistosomal. J Antimicrob Chemother.
2015;70(6):1788-97. doi: 10.1093/jac/dkv016. PubMed PMID: 25691324; PubMed
Central PMCID: PMC4462663.