位置:首页 > 蛋白库 > I36RA_MOUSE
ID   I36RA_MOUSE             Reviewed;         156 AA.
AC   Q9QYY1; Q9JIG2;
DT   08-NOV-2002, integrated into UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot.
DT   08-NOV-2002, sequence version 2.
DT   03-AUG-2022, entry version 153.
DE   RecName: Full=Interleukin-36 receptor antagonist protein;
DE            Short=IL-36Ra {ECO:0000303|PubMed:21965679};
DE   AltName: Full=Interleukin-1 HY1;
DE            Short=IL-1HY1;
DE   AltName: Full=Interleukin-1 delta;
DE            Short=IL-1 delta;
DE   AltName: Full=Interleukin-1 family member 5;
DE            Short=IL-1F5;
DE   AltName: Full=Interleukin-1 homolog 3;
DE            Short=IL-1H3;
DE   AltName: Full=Interleukin-1-like protein 1;
DE            Short=IL-1L1;
GN   Name=IL36RN {ECO:0000312|MGI:MGI:1859325};
GN   Synonyms=Fil1d, Il1f5, Il1h3, Il1hy1;
OS   Mus musculus (Mouse).
OC   Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi; Mammalia;
OC   Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Glires; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muroidea; Muridae;
OC   Murinae; Mus; Mus.
OX   NCBI_TaxID=10090;
RN   [1]
RX   PubMed=11093146;
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RA   Barton J.L., Herbst R., Bosisio D., Higgins L., Nicklin M.J.H.;
RT   "A tissue specific IL-1 receptor antagonist homolog from the IL-1 cluster
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RL   Eur. J. Immunol. 30:3299-3308(2000).
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RX   PubMed=10744718; DOI=10.1074/jbc.275.14.10308;
RA   Kumar S., McDonnell P.C., Lehr R., Tierney L., Tzimas M.N., Griswold D.E.,
RA   Capper E.A., Tal-Singer R., Wells G.I., Doyle M.L., Young P.R.;
RT   "Identification and initial characterization of four novel members of the
RT   interleukin-1 family.";
RL   J. Biol. Chem. 275:10308-10314(2000).
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RX   PubMed=11466363; DOI=10.4049/jimmunol.167.3.1440;
RA   Debets R., Timans J.C., Homey B., Zurawski S., Sana T.R., Lo S., Wagner J.,
RA   Edwards G., Clifford T., Menon S., Bazan J.F., Kastelein R.A.;
RT   "Two novel IL-1 family members, IL-1 delta and IL-1 epsilon, function as an
RT   antagonist and agonist of NF-kappa B activation through the orphan IL-1
RT   receptor-related protein 2.";
RL   J. Immunol. 167:1440-1446(2001).
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RC   STRAIN=C57BL/6J; TISSUE=Stomach, and Tongue;
RX   PubMed=16141072; DOI=10.1126/science.1112014;
RA   Carninci P., Kasukawa T., Katayama S., Gough J., Frith M.C., Maeda N.,
RA   Oyama R., Ravasi T., Lenhard B., Wells C., Kodzius R., Shimokawa K.,
RA   Bajic V.B., Brenner S.E., Batalov S., Forrest A.R., Zavolan M., Davis M.J.,
RA   Wilming L.G., Aidinis V., Allen J.E., Ambesi-Impiombato A., Apweiler R.,
RA   Aturaliya R.N., Bailey T.L., Bansal M., Baxter L., Beisel K.W., Bersano T.,
RA   Bono H., Chalk A.M., Chiu K.P., Choudhary V., Christoffels A.,
RA   Clutterbuck D.R., Crowe M.L., Dalla E., Dalrymple B.P., de Bono B.,
RA   Della Gatta G., di Bernardo D., Down T., Engstrom P., Fagiolini M.,
RA   Faulkner G., Fletcher C.F., Fukushima T., Furuno M., Futaki S.,
RA   Gariboldi M., Georgii-Hemming P., Gingeras T.R., Gojobori T., Green R.E.,
RA   Gustincich S., Harbers M., Hayashi Y., Hensch T.K., Hirokawa N., Hill D.,
RA   Huminiecki L., Iacono M., Ikeo K., Iwama A., Ishikawa T., Jakt M.,
RA   Kanapin A., Katoh M., Kawasawa Y., Kelso J., Kitamura H., Kitano H.,
RA   Kollias G., Krishnan S.P., Kruger A., Kummerfeld S.K., Kurochkin I.V.,
RA   Lareau L.F., Lazarevic D., Lipovich L., Liu J., Liuni S., McWilliam S.,
RA   Madan Babu M., Madera M., Marchionni L., Matsuda H., Matsuzawa S., Miki H.,
RA   Mignone F., Miyake S., Morris K., Mottagui-Tabar S., Mulder N., Nakano N.,
RA   Nakauchi H., Ng P., Nilsson R., Nishiguchi S., Nishikawa S., Nori F.,
RA   Ohara O., Okazaki Y., Orlando V., Pang K.C., Pavan W.J., Pavesi G.,
RA   Pesole G., Petrovsky N., Piazza S., Reed J., Reid J.F., Ring B.Z.,
RA   Ringwald M., Rost B., Ruan Y., Salzberg S.L., Sandelin A., Schneider C.,
RA   Schoenbach C., Sekiguchi K., Semple C.A., Seno S., Sessa L., Sheng Y.,
RA   Shibata Y., Shimada H., Shimada K., Silva D., Sinclair B., Sperling S.,
RA   Stupka E., Sugiura K., Sultana R., Takenaka Y., Taki K., Tammoja K.,
RA   Tan S.L., Tang S., Taylor M.S., Tegner J., Teichmann S.A., Ueda H.R.,
RA   van Nimwegen E., Verardo R., Wei C.L., Yagi K., Yamanishi H.,
RA   Zabarovsky E., Zhu S., Zimmer A., Hide W., Bult C., Grimmond S.M.,
RA   Teasdale R.D., Liu E.T., Brusic V., Quackenbush J., Wahlestedt C.,
RA   Mattick J.S., Hume D.A., Kai C., Sasaki D., Tomaru Y., Fukuda S.,
RA   Kanamori-Katayama M., Suzuki M., Aoki J., Arakawa T., Iida J., Imamura K.,
RA   Itoh M., Kato T., Kawaji H., Kawagashira N., Kawashima T., Kojima M.,
RA   Kondo S., Konno H., Nakano K., Ninomiya N., Nishio T., Okada M., Plessy C.,
RA   Shibata K., Shiraki T., Suzuki S., Tagami M., Waki K., Watahiki A.,
RA   Okamura-Oho Y., Suzuki H., Kawai J., Hayashizaki Y.;
RT   "The transcriptional landscape of the mammalian genome.";
RL   Science 309:1559-1563(2005).
RN   [5]
RX   PubMed=17908936; DOI=10.1084/jem.20070157;
RA   Blumberg H., Dinh H., Trueblood E.S., Pretorius J., Kugler D., Weng N.,
RA   Kanaly S.T., Towne J.E., Willis C.R., Kuechle M.K., Sims J.E.,
RA   Peschon J.J.;
RT   "Opposing activities of two novel members of the IL-1 ligand family
RT   regulate skin inflammation.";
RL   J. Exp. Med. 204:2603-2614(2007).
RN   [6]
RX   PubMed=18284608; DOI=10.1111/j.1471-4159.2008.05304.x;
RA   Costelloe C., Watson M., Murphy A., McQuillan K., Loscher C.,
RA   Armstrong M.E., Garlanda C., Mantovani A., O'Neill L.A., Mills K.H.,
RA   Lynch M.A.;
RT   "IL-1F5 mediates anti-inflammatory activity in the brain through induction
RT   of IL-4 following interaction with SIGIRR/TIR8.";
RL   J. Neurochem. 105:1960-1969(2008).
RN   [7]
RX   PubMed=21860022; DOI=10.1182/blood-2011-05-356873;
RA   Vigne S., Palmer G., Lamacchia C., Martin P., Talabot-Ayer D.,
RA   Rodriguez E., Ronchi F., Sallusto F., Dinh H., Sims J.E., Gabay C.;
RT   "IL-36R ligands are potent regulators of dendritic and T cells.";
RL   Blood 118:5813-5823(2011).
RN   [8]
RX   PubMed=21965679; DOI=10.1074/jbc.m111.267922;
RA   Towne J.E., Renshaw B.R., Douangpanya J., Lipsky B.P., Shen M., Gabel C.A.,
RA   Sims J.E.;
RT   "Interleukin-36 (IL-36) ligands require processing for full agonist (IL-
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RL   J. Biol. Chem. 286:42594-42602(2011).
RN   [9]
RX   PubMed=12974628; DOI=10.1021/bi0341197;
RA   Dunn E.F., Gay N.J., Bristow A.F., Gearing D.P., O'Neill L.A.J., Pei X.Y.;
RT   "High-resolution structure of murine interleukin 1 homologue IL-1F5 reveals
RT   unique loop conformations for receptor binding specificity.";
RL   Biochemistry 42:10938-10944(2003).
CC   -!- FUNCTION: Inhibits the activity of interleukin-36 (IL36A,IL36B and
CC       IL36G) by binding to receptor IL1RL2/IL-36R and preventing its
CC       association with the coreceptor IL1RAP for signaling. Part of the IL-36
CC       signaling system that is thought to be present in epithelial barriers
CC       and to take part in local inflammatory response; similar to the IL-1
CC       system with which it shares the coreceptor. Proposed to play a role in
CC       skin inflammation. May be involved in the innate immune response to
CC       fungal pathogens. May activate an anti-inflammatory signaling pathway
CC       by recruiting SIGIRR. {ECO:0000269|PubMed:17908936,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:18284608, ECO:0000269|PubMed:21860022,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:21965679}.
CC   -!- SUBUNIT: Interacts with cargo receptor TMED10; the interaction mediates
CC       the translocation from the cytoplasm into the ERGIC (endoplasmic
CC       reticulum-Golgi intermediate compartment) and thereby secretion.
CC       {ECO:0000250|UniProtKB:Q9UBH0}.
CC   -!- SUBCELLULAR LOCATION: Cytoplasm {ECO:0000250|UniProtKB:Q9UBH0}.
CC       Secreted {ECO:0000250|UniProtKB:Q9UBH0}. Note=The secretion is
CC       dependent on protein unfolding and facilitated by the cargo receptor
CC       TMED10; it results in protein translocation from the cytoplasm into the
CC       ERGIC (endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi intermediate compartment) followed
CC       by vesicle entry and secretion. {ECO:0000250|UniProtKB:Q9UBH0}.
CC   -!- TISSUE SPECIFICITY: Highly abundant in embryonic tissue and tissues
CC       containing epithelial cells.
CC   -!- PTM: Removal of N-terminal methionine is necessary for full
CC       antagonistic activity. {ECO:0000269|PubMed:21965679}.
CC   -!- DISRUPTION PHENOTYPE: In combination with transgenic IL36A exacerbates
CC       skin abnormalities (acanthosis, hyperkeratosis, presence of a mixed
CC       inflammatory cell infiltrate and increased cytokine and chemokine
CC       expression). {ECO:0000269|PubMed:17908936}.
CC   -!- MISCELLANEOUS: Bioactive (processed) recombinant IL36RN inhibits
CC       effects of IL-36 when used in 100- 1000-fold molar excess.
CC       {ECO:0000269|PubMed:21860022}.
CC   -!- SIMILARITY: Belongs to the IL-1 family. {ECO:0000305}.
CC       Sequence=CAB59831.1; Type=Erroneous initiation; Note=Truncated N-terminus.; Evidence={ECO:0000305};
CC   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CC   Copyrighted by the UniProt Consortium, see https://www.uniprot.org/terms
CC   Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) License
CC   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
DR   EMBL; AJ250429; CAB59831.1; ALT_INIT; mRNA.
DR   EMBL; AF200495; AAF69251.1; -; mRNA.
DR   EMBL; AF230378; AAF91275.1; -; mRNA.
DR   EMBL; AK008977; BAB26002.1; -; mRNA.
DR   EMBL; AK009741; BAB26471.1; -; mRNA.
DR   CCDS; CCDS50519.1; -.
DR   RefSeq; NP_001139559.1; NM_001146087.1.
DR   RefSeq; NP_001139560.1; NM_001146088.1.
DR   RefSeq; NP_062324.2; NM_019451.2.
DR   PDB; 1MD6; X-ray; 1.60 A; A=3-156.
DR   PDBsum; 1MD6; -.
DR   AlphaFoldDB; Q9QYY1; -.
DR   SMR; Q9QYY1; -.
DR   STRING; 10090.ENSMUSP00000028360; -.
DR   PhosphoSitePlus; Q9QYY1; -.
DR   MaxQB; Q9QYY1; -.
DR   PaxDb; Q9QYY1; -.
DR   PRIDE; Q9QYY1; -.
DR   ProteomicsDB; 273302; -.
DR   Antibodypedia; 35211; 289 antibodies from 32 providers.
DR   DNASU; 54450; -.
DR   Ensembl; ENSMUST00000028360; ENSMUSP00000028360; ENSMUSG00000026983.
DR   Ensembl; ENSMUST00000114490; ENSMUSP00000110134; ENSMUSG00000026983.
DR   Ensembl; ENSMUST00000168941; ENSMUSP00000126028; ENSMUSG00000026983.
DR   GeneID; 54450; -.
DR   KEGG; mmu:54450; -.
DR   UCSC; uc008ios.2; mouse.
DR   CTD; 26525; -.
DR   MGI; MGI:1859325; Il1f5.
DR   VEuPathDB; HostDB:ENSMUSG00000026983; -.
DR   eggNOG; ENOG502SRSC; Eukaryota.
DR   GeneTree; ENSGT00950000182943; -.
DR   HOGENOM; CLU_095373_2_1_1; -.
DR   InParanoid; Q9QYY1; -.
DR   OrthoDB; 1410755at2759; -.
DR   PhylomeDB; Q9QYY1; -.
DR   TreeFam; TF300203; -.
DR   Reactome; R-MMU-9014826; Interleukin-36 pathway.
DR   BioGRID-ORCS; 54450; 2 hits in 73 CRISPR screens.
DR   EvolutionaryTrace; Q9QYY1; -.
DR   PRO; PR:Q9QYY1; -.
DR   Proteomes; UP000000589; Chromosome 2.
DR   RNAct; Q9QYY1; protein.
DR   Bgee; ENSMUSG00000026983; Expressed in lip and 37 other tissues.
DR   ExpressionAtlas; Q9QYY1; baseline and differential.
DR   Genevisible; Q9QYY1; MM.
DR   GO; GO:0005737; C:cytoplasm; IEA:UniProtKB-SubCell.
DR   GO; GO:0005615; C:extracellular space; IBA:GO_Central.
DR   GO; GO:0005125; F:cytokine activity; IEA:UniProtKB-KW.
DR   GO; GO:0005152; F:interleukin-1 receptor antagonist activity; IEA:InterPro.
DR   GO; GO:0005149; F:interleukin-1 receptor binding; IEA:InterPro.
DR   GO; GO:0019732; P:antifungal humoral response; ISO:MGI.
DR   GO; GO:0071222; P:cellular response to lipopolysaccharide; IBA:GO_Central.
DR   GO; GO:0006954; P:inflammatory response; IBA:GO_Central.
DR   GO; GO:0002437; P:inflammatory response to antigenic stimulus; IBA:GO_Central.
DR   GO; GO:0045087; P:innate immune response; IEA:UniProtKB-KW.
DR   GO; GO:0001960; P:negative regulation of cytokine-mediated signaling pathway; ISO:MGI.
DR   GO; GO:0032689; P:negative regulation of interferon-gamma production; ISO:MGI.
DR   GO; GO:0032700; P:negative regulation of interleukin-17 production; ISO:MGI.
DR   GO; GO:0032715; P:negative regulation of interleukin-6 production; IGI:MGI.
DR   InterPro; IPR020877; IL-1_CS.
DR   InterPro; IPR000975; IL-1_fam.
DR   InterPro; IPR003297; IL-1RA/IL-36.
DR   InterPro; IPR027171; IL-36RA.
DR   InterPro; IPR008996; IL1/FGF.
DR   PANTHER; PTHR10078; PTHR10078; 1.
DR   PANTHER; PTHR10078:SF32; PTHR10078:SF32; 1.
DR   Pfam; PF00340; IL1; 1.
DR   SUPFAM; SSF50353; SSF50353; 1.
PE   1: Evidence at protein level;
KW   3D-structure; Cytokine; Cytoplasm; Disulfide bond; Immunity;
KW   Innate immunity; Reference proteome; Secreted.
FT   INIT_MET        1
FT                   /note="Removed"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:21965679"
FT   CHAIN           2..156
FT                   /note="Interleukin-36 receptor antagonist protein"
FT                   /id="PRO_0000153643"
FT   DISULFID        9..155
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:12974628"
FT   CONFLICT        2
FT                   /note="Missing (in Ref. 3; AAF69251)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000305"
FT   STRAND          8..14
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:1MD6"
FT   STRAND          19..23
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:1MD6"
FT   STRAND          26..29
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:1MD6"
FT   HELIX           32..35
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:1MD6"
FT   STRAND          43..47
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:1MD6"
FT   HELIX           53..55
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:1MD6"
FT   STRAND          57..62
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:1MD6"
FT   TURN            63..66
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:1MD6"
FT   STRAND          67..70
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:1MD6"
FT   STRAND          73..76
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:1MD6"
FT   STRAND          80..83
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:1MD6"
FT   HELIX           86..91
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:1MD6"
FT   STRAND          92..94
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:1MD6"
FT   HELIX           97..99
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:1MD6"
FT   STRAND          100..105
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:1MD6"
FT   STRAND          110..117
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:1MD6"
FT   STRAND          121..124
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:1MD6"
FT   STRAND          126..131
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:1MD6"
FT   STRAND          133..135
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:1MD6"
FT   STRAND          150..154
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:1MD6"
SQ   SEQUENCE   156 AA;  17136 MW;  A4D1EE2F93CF77A7 CRC64;
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