位置:首页 > 蛋白库 > MATMI_SCHKA
ID   MATMI_SCHKA             Reviewed;          42 AA.
AC   Q6WRX7;
DT   31-AUG-2004, integrated into UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot.
DT   05-JUL-2004, sequence version 1.
DT   25-MAY-2022, entry version 24.
DE   RecName: Full=Mating-type M-specific polypeptide Mi;
GN   Name=matMi;
OS   Schizosaccharomyces kambucha (Fission yeast).
OC   Eukaryota; Fungi; Dikarya; Ascomycota; Taphrinomycotina;
OC   Schizosaccharomycetes; Schizosaccharomycetales; Schizosaccharomycetaceae;
OC   Schizosaccharomyces.
OX   NCBI_TaxID=204045;
RN   [1]
RX   PubMed=14618565; DOI=10.1002/yea.1042;
RA   Singh G., Klar A.J.S.;
RT   "DNA sequence of the mat2,3 region of Schizosaccharomyces kambucha shares
RT   high homology with the corresponding sequence from Sz. pombe.";
RL   Yeast 20:1273-1278(2003).
CC   -!- FUNCTION: Mating type proteins are sequence specific DNA-binding
CC       proteins that act as master switches in yeast differentiation by
CC       controlling gene expression in a cell type-specific fashion. Required
CC       for meiosis, but plays no role in conjugation (By similarity).
CC       {ECO:0000250}.
CC   -!- SUBCELLULAR LOCATION: Nucleus {ECO:0000305}.
CC   -!- MISCELLANEOUS: There are three genetic loci for mating type genes in
CC       fission yeast, mat1, mat2-P and mat3-M. Cell type is determined by the
CC       alternate allele present in mat1, either P (plus) in a h+ or M (minus)
CC       in a h- cell. Mat2-P and mat3-M serve as donor of information that is
CC       transposed to mat1 during a switch of mating type (By similarity).
CC       {ECO:0000250}.
CC   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CC   Copyrighted by the UniProt Consortium, see https://www.uniprot.org/terms
CC   Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) License
CC   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
DR   EMBL; AY271822; AAQ82721.1; -; Genomic_DNA.
DR   AlphaFoldDB; Q6WRX7; -.
DR   SMR; Q6WRX7; -.
DR   GO; GO:0005634; C:nucleus; IEA:UniProtKB-SubCell.
PE   3: Inferred from homology;
KW   Nucleus.
FT   CHAIN           1..42
FT                   /note="Mating-type M-specific polypeptide Mi"
FT                   /id="PRO_0000096246"
SQ   SEQUENCE   42 AA;  4858 MW;  AAF0575237606622 CRC64;
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