位置:首页 > 蛋白库 > MAZE_STAEQ
ID   MAZE_STAEQ              Reviewed;          56 AA.
AC   Q5HME6;
DT   29-APR-2008, integrated into UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot.
DT   15-FEB-2005, sequence version 1.
DT   25-MAY-2022, entry version 70.
DE   RecName: Full=Antitoxin MazE;
GN   Name=mazE; OrderedLocusNames=SERP1682;
OS   Staphylococcus epidermidis (strain ATCC 35984 / RP62A).
OC   Bacteria; Firmicutes; Bacilli; Bacillales; Staphylococcaceae;
OC   Staphylococcus.
OX   NCBI_TaxID=176279;
RN   [1]
RC   STRAIN=ATCC 35984 / RP62A;
RX   PubMed=15774886; DOI=10.1128/jb.187.7.2426-2438.2005;
RA   Gill S.R., Fouts D.E., Archer G.L., Mongodin E.F., DeBoy R.T., Ravel J.,
RA   Paulsen I.T., Kolonay J.F., Brinkac L.M., Beanan M.J., Dodson R.J.,
RA   Daugherty S.C., Madupu R., Angiuoli S.V., Durkin A.S., Haft D.H.,
RA   Vamathevan J.J., Khouri H., Utterback T.R., Lee C., Dimitrov G., Jiang L.,
RA   Qin H., Weidman J., Tran K., Kang K.H., Hance I.R., Nelson K.E.,
RA   Fraser C.M.;
RT   "Insights on evolution of virulence and resistance from the complete genome
RT   analysis of an early methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strain and
RT   a biofilm-producing methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis
RT   strain.";
RL   J. Bacteriol. 187:2426-2438(2005).
CC   -!- FUNCTION: Antitoxin component of a type II toxin-antitoxin (TA) system.
CC       Labile antitoxin that binds to cognate MazF toxin and counteracts its
CC       endoribonuclease activity. {ECO:0000250|UniProtKB:P0C7B4}.
CC   -!- SUBUNIT: Forms a complex with cognate toxin MazF which inhibits the
CC       endoribonuclease activity of MazF. {ECO:0000250|UniProtKB:P0C7B4}.
CC   -!- SIMILARITY: Belongs to the MazE/EndoAI family. {ECO:0000305}.
CC   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CC   Copyrighted by the UniProt Consortium, see https://www.uniprot.org/terms
CC   Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) License
CC   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
DR   EMBL; CP000029; AAW55045.1; -; Genomic_DNA.
DR   RefSeq; WP_001829931.1; NC_002976.3.
DR   AlphaFoldDB; Q5HME6; -.
DR   SMR; Q5HME6; -.
DR   STRING; 176279.SERP1682; -.
DR   EnsemblBacteria; AAW55045; AAW55045; SERP1682.
DR   GeneID; 50018226; -.
DR   KEGG; ser:SERP1682; -.
DR   eggNOG; ENOG50305BV; Bacteria.
DR   HOGENOM; CLU_3012108_0_0_9; -.
DR   OrthoDB; 2014469at2; -.
DR   Proteomes; UP000000531; Chromosome.
DR   GO; GO:0006355; P:regulation of transcription, DNA-templated; IEA:InterPro.
DR   Gene3D; 1.10.1220.10; -; 1.
DR   InterPro; IPR013321; Arc_rbn_hlx_hlx.
PE   3: Inferred from homology;
KW   Reference proteome; Toxin-antitoxin system.
FT   CHAIN           1..56
FT                   /note="Antitoxin MazE"
FT                   /id="PRO_0000330722"
SQ   SEQUENCE   56 AA;  6290 MW;  6EB3005659287A5A CRC64;
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