位置:首页 > 蛋白库 > P53_HUMAN
ID   P53_HUMAN               Reviewed;         393 AA.
AC   P04637; Q15086; Q15087; Q15088; Q16535; Q16807; Q16808; Q16809; Q16810;
AC   Q16811; Q16848; Q2XN98; Q3LRW1; Q3LRW2; Q3LRW3; Q3LRW4; Q3LRW5; Q86UG1;
AC   Q8J016; Q99659; Q9BTM4; Q9HAQ8; Q9NP68; Q9NPJ2; Q9NZD0; Q9UBI2; Q9UQ61;
DT   13-AUG-1987, integrated into UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot.
DT   24-NOV-2009, sequence version 4.
DT   03-AUG-2022, entry version 296.
DE   RecName: Full=Cellular tumor antigen p53;
DE   AltName: Full=Antigen NY-CO-13;
DE   AltName: Full=Phosphoprotein p53;
DE   AltName: Full=Tumor suppressor p53;
GN   Name=TP53; Synonyms=P53;
OS   Homo sapiens (Human).
OC   Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi; Mammalia;
OC   Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Primates; Haplorrhini; Catarrhini; Hominidae;
OC   Homo.
OX   NCBI_TaxID=9606;
RN   [1]
RX   PubMed=4006916; DOI=10.1002/j.1460-2075.1985.tb03768.x;
RA   Zakut-Houri R., Bienz-Tadmor B., Givol D., Oren M.;
RT   "Human p53 cellular tumor antigen: cDNA sequence and expression in COS
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RN   [2]
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RA   Lamb P., Crawford L.;
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RL   Mol. Cell. Biol. 6:1379-1385(1986).
RN   [3]
RX   PubMed=3894933; DOI=10.1128/mcb.5.7.1601-1610.1985;
RA   Harlow E., Williamson N.M., Ralston R., Helfman D.M., Adams T.E.;
RT   "Molecular cloning and in vitro expression of a cDNA clone for human
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RN   [4]
RX   PubMed=3025664; DOI=10.1128/mcb.6.12.4650-4656.1986;
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RN   [5]
RX   PubMed=2905688; DOI=10.1016/0378-1119(88)90196-5;
RA   Buchman V.L., Chumakov P.M., Ninkina N.N., Samarina O.P., Georgiev G.P.;
RT   "A variation in the structure of the protein-coding region of the human p53
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RL   Gene 70:245-252(1988).
RN   [6]
RX   PubMed=1915267; DOI=10.1002/j.1460-2075.1991.tb07837.x;
RA   Farrell P.J., Allan G., Shanahan F., Vousden K.H., Crook T.;
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RN   [7]
RX   PubMed=8316628; DOI=10.2307/3578196;
RA   Allalunis-Turner M.J., Barron G.M., Day R.S. III, Dobler K.D.,
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RN   [8]
RX   PubMed=11058590; DOI=10.1074/jbc.m007140200;
RA   Chang N.-S., Pratt N., Heath J., Schultz L., Sleve D., Carey G.B.,
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RL   J. Biol. Chem. 276:3361-3370(2001).
RN   [9]
RC   TISSUE=Colon;
RX   PubMed=16131611; DOI=10.1101/gad.1339905;
RA   Bourdon J.C., Fernandes K., Murray-Zmijewski F., Liu G., Diot A.,
RA   Xirodimas D.P., Saville M.K., Lane D.P.;
RT   "p53 isoforms can regulate p53 transcriptional activity.";
RL   Genes Dev. 19:2122-2137(2005).
RN   [10]
RA   Chumakov P.M., Almazov V.P., Jenkins J.R.;
RL   Submitted (JUN-1991) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases.
RN   [11]
RA   Rozemuller E.H., Tilanus M.G.J.;
RT   "P53 genomic sequence. Corrections and polymorphism.";
RL   Submitted (MAR-1997) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases.
RN   [12]
RP   ALA-366.
RG   NIEHS SNPs program;
RL   Submitted (NOV-2004) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases.
RN   [13]
RX   PubMed=11023613; DOI=10.1667/0033-7587(2000)154[0473:htftmg]2.0.co;2;
RA   Anderson C.W., Allalunis-Turner M.J.;
RT   "Human TP53 from the malignant glioma-derived cell lines M059J and M059K
RT   has a cancer-associated mutation in exon 8.";
RL   Radiat. Res. 154:473-476(2000).
RN   [14]
RA   Azuma K., Shichijo S., Itoh K.;
RT   "Identification of a tumor-rejection antigen recognized by HLA-B46
RT   restricted CTL.";
RL   Submitted (MAR-2002) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases.
RN   [15]
RX   PubMed=14702039; DOI=10.1038/ng1285;
RA   Ota T., Suzuki Y., Nishikawa T., Otsuki T., Sugiyama T., Irie R.,
RA   Wakamatsu A., Hayashi K., Sato H., Nagai K., Kimura K., Makita H.,
RA   Sekine M., Obayashi M., Nishi T., Shibahara T., Tanaka T., Ishii S.,
RA   Yamamoto J., Saito K., Kawai Y., Isono Y., Nakamura Y., Nagahari K.,
RA   Murakami K., Yasuda T., Iwayanagi T., Wagatsuma M., Shiratori A., Sudo H.,
RA   Hosoiri T., Kaku Y., Kodaira H., Kondo H., Sugawara M., Takahashi M.,
RA   Kanda K., Yokoi T., Furuya T., Kikkawa E., Omura Y., Abe K., Kamihara K.,
RA   Katsuta N., Sato K., Tanikawa M., Yamazaki M., Ninomiya K., Ishibashi T.,
RA   Yamashita H., Murakawa K., Fujimori K., Tanai H., Kimata M., Watanabe M.,
RA   Hiraoka S., Chiba Y., Ishida S., Ono Y., Takiguchi S., Watanabe S.,
RA   Yosida M., Hotuta T., Kusano J., Kanehori K., Takahashi-Fujii A., Hara H.,
RA   Tanase T.-O., Nomura Y., Togiya S., Komai F., Hara R., Takeuchi K.,
RA   Arita M., Imose N., Musashino K., Yuuki H., Oshima A., Sasaki N.,
RA   Aotsuka S., Yoshikawa Y., Matsunawa H., Ichihara T., Shiohata N., Sano S.,
RA   Moriya S., Momiyama H., Satoh N., Takami S., Terashima Y., Suzuki O.,
RA   Nakagawa S., Senoh A., Mizoguchi H., Goto Y., Shimizu F., Wakebe H.,
RA   Hishigaki H., Watanabe T., Sugiyama A., Takemoto M., Kawakami B.,
RA   Yamazaki M., Watanabe K., Kumagai A., Itakura S., Fukuzumi Y., Fujimori Y.,
RA   Komiyama M., Tashiro H., Tanigami A., Fujiwara T., Ono T., Yamada K.,
RA   Fujii Y., Ozaki K., Hirao M., Ohmori Y., Kawabata A., Hikiji T.,
RA   Kobatake N., Inagaki H., Ikema Y., Okamoto S., Okitani R., Kawakami T.,
RA   Noguchi S., Itoh T., Shigeta K., Senba T., Matsumura K., Nakajima Y.,
RA   Mizuno T., Morinaga M., Sasaki M., Togashi T., Oyama M., Hata H.,
RA   Watanabe M., Komatsu T., Mizushima-Sugano J., Satoh T., Shirai Y.,
RA   Takahashi Y., Nakagawa K., Okumura K., Nagase T., Nomura N., Kikuchi H.,
RA   Masuho Y., Yamashita R., Nakai K., Yada T., Nakamura Y., Ohara O.,
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RL   Nat. Genet. 36:40-45(2004).
RN   [16]
RX   PubMed=16625196; DOI=10.1038/nature04689;
RA   Zody M.C., Garber M., Adams D.J., Sharpe T., Harrow J., Lupski J.R.,
RA   Nicholson C., Searle S.M., Wilming L., Young S.K., Abouelleil A.,
RA   Allen N.R., Bi W., Bloom T., Borowsky M.L., Bugalter B.E., Butler J.,
RA   Chang J.L., Chen C.-K., Cook A., Corum B., Cuomo C.A., de Jong P.J.,
RA   DeCaprio D., Dewar K., FitzGerald M., Gilbert J., Gibson R., Gnerre S.,
RA   Goldstein S., Grafham D.V., Grocock R., Hafez N., Hagopian D.S., Hart E.,
RA   Norman C.H., Humphray S., Jaffe D.B., Jones M., Kamal M., Khodiyar V.K.,
RA   LaButti K., Laird G., Lehoczky J., Liu X., Lokyitsang T., Loveland J.,
RA   Lui A., Macdonald P., Major J.E., Matthews L., Mauceli E., McCarroll S.A.,
RA   Mihalev A.H., Mudge J., Nguyen C., Nicol R., O'Leary S.B., Osoegawa K.,
RA   Schwartz D.C., Shaw-Smith C., Stankiewicz P., Steward C., Swarbreck D.,
RA   Venkataraman V., Whittaker C.A., Yang X., Zimmer A.R., Bradley A.,
RA   Hubbard T., Birren B.W., Rogers J., Lander E.S., Nusbaum C.;
RT   "DNA sequence of human chromosome 17 and analysis of rearrangement in the
RT   human lineage.";
RL   Nature 440:1045-1049(2006).
RN   [17]
RA   Mural R.J., Istrail S., Sutton G.G., Florea L., Halpern A.L., Mobarry C.M.,
RA   Lippert R., Walenz B., Shatkay H., Dew I., Miller J.R., Flanigan M.J.,
RA   Edwards N.J., Bolanos R., Fasulo D., Halldorsson B.V., Hannenhalli S.,
RA   Turner R., Yooseph S., Lu F., Nusskern D.R., Shue B.C., Zheng X.H.,
RA   Zhong F., Delcher A.L., Huson D.H., Kravitz S.A., Mouchard L., Reinert K.,
RA   Remington K.A., Clark A.G., Waterman M.S., Eichler E.E., Adams M.D.,
RA   Hunkapiller M.W., Myers E.W., Venter J.C.;
RL   Submitted (SEP-2005) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases.
RN   [18]
RC   TISSUE=Kidney;
RX   PubMed=15489334; DOI=10.1101/gr.2596504;
RG   The MGC Project Team;
RT   "The status, quality, and expansion of the NIH full-length cDNA project:
RT   the Mammalian Gene Collection (MGC).";
RL   Genome Res. 14:2121-2127(2004).
RN   [19]
RP   PRO-155.
RC   TISSUE=Lung carcinoma;
RX   PubMed=14660794; DOI=10.1073/pnas.2536558100;
RA   Kanashiro C.A., Schally A.V., Groot K., Armatis P., Bernardino A.L.,
RA   Varga J.L.;
RT   "Inhibition of mutant p53 expression and growth of DMS-153 small cell lung
RT   carcinoma by antagonists of growth hormone-releasing hormone and
RT   bombesin.";
RL   Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 100:15836-15841(2003).
RN   [20]
RX   PubMed=6396087; DOI=10.1002/j.1460-2075.1984.tb02287.x;
RA   Matlashewski G., Lamb P., Pim D., Peacock J., Crawford L., Benchimol S.;
RT   "Isolation and characterization of a human p53 cDNA clone: expression of
RT   the human p53 gene.";
RL   EMBO J. 3:3257-3262(1984).
RN   [21]
RA   Pan X.L., Zhang A.H.;
RT   "Study on the effect of tumor suppressor gene p53 in arsenism patients.";
RL   Submitted (SEP-2003) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases.
RN   [22]
RC   TISSUE=Blood;
RA   Nimri L.F., Owais W., Momani E.;
RT   "Detection of P53 gene mutations and serum p53 antibodies associated with
RT   cigarette smoking.";
RL   Submitted (AUG-2003) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases.
RN   [23]
RC   TISSUE=Ovarian adenocarcinoma;
RA   Filippini G., Soldati G.;
RL   Submitted (JUL-1996) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases.
RN   [24]
RC   TISSUE=Glial cell, and Glial tumor;
RA   Thompson-Hehir J., Davies M.P.A., Green J.A., Halliwell N., Joyce K.A.,
RA   Salisbury J., Sibson D.R., Vergote I., Walker C.;
RT   "Mutation detection utilizing a novel PCR approach for amplification of the
RT   p53 gene from microdissected tissue: application to archival tumor
RT   samples.";
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RN   [25]
RA   Yavuz A.S., Farner N.L., Yavuz S., Grammer A.C., Girschick H.J.,
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RT   "Bcl6 and P53 gene mutations in tonsillar B cells.";
RL   Submitted (MAR-2000) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases.
RN   [26]
RX   PubMed=19011621; DOI=10.1038/ncb1802;
RA   Jansson M., Durant S.T., Cho E.C., Sheahan S., Edelmann M., Kessler B.,
RA   La Thangue N.B.;
RT   "Arginine methylation regulates the p53 response.";
RL   Nat. Cell Biol. 10:1431-1439(2008).
RN   [27]
RA   Pinto E.M., Mendonca B.B., Latronico A.C.;
RT   "Allelic variant in intron 9 of TP53 gene.";
RL   Submitted (APR-2003) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases.
RN   [28]
RX   PubMed=2175676; DOI=10.1016/0092-8674(90)90409-8;
RA   Scheffner M., Werness B.A., Huibregtse J.M., Levine A.J., Howley P.M.;
RT   "The E6 oncoprotein encoded by human papillomavirus types 16 and 18
RT   promotes the degradation of p53.";
RL   Cell 63:1129-1136(1990).
RN   [29]
RP   LYS-321.
RX   PubMed=2156209;
RA   Addison C., Jenkins J.R., Sturzbecher H.-W.;
RT   "The p53 nuclear localisation signal is structurally linked to a p34cdc2
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RL   Oncogene 5:423-426(1990).
RN   [30]
RX   PubMed=2141171; DOI=10.1073/pnas.87.12.4766;
RA   Bischoff J.R., Friedman P.N., Marshak D.R., Prives C., Beach D.;
RT   "Human p53 is phosphorylated by p60-cdc2 and cyclin B-cdc2.";
RL   Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 87:4766-4770(1990).
RN   [31]
RX   PubMed=1705009; DOI=10.1128/mcb.11.3.1598-1606.1991;
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RL   Mol. Cell. Biol. 11:1598-1606(1991).
RN   [32]
RX   PubMed=1848668; DOI=10.1128/mcb.11.4.1996-2003.1991;
RA   Scheidtmann K.H., Mumby M.C., Rundell K., Walter G.;
RT   "Dephosphorylation of simian virus 40 large-T antigen and p53 protein by
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RL   Mol. Cell. Biol. 11:1996-2003(1991).
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RX   PubMed=8632903;
RA   Flaman J.-M., Waridel F., Estreicher A., Vannier A., Limacher J.-M.,
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RL   Oncogene 12:813-818(1996).
RN   [34]
RX   PubMed=8632915;
RA   Shaw P., Freeman J., Bovey R., Iggo R.;
RT   "Regulation of specific DNA binding by p53: evidence for a role for O-
RT   glycosylation and charged residues at the carboxy-terminus.";
RL   Oncogene 12:921-930(1996).
RN   [35]
RX   PubMed=9372954; DOI=10.1128/mcb.17.12.7220;
RA   Ko L.J., Shieh S.-Y., Chen X., Jayaraman L., Tamai K., Taya Y., Prives C.,
RA   Pan Z.-Q.;
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RL   Mol. Cell. Biol. 17:7220-7229(1997).
RN   [36]
RX   PubMed=9840937; DOI=10.1038/sj.onc.1202504;
RA   Schneider E., Montenarh M., Wagner P.;
RT   "Regulation of CAK kinase activity by p53.";
RL   Oncogene 17:2733-2741(1998).
RN   [37]
RA   Gostissa M., Hengstermann A., Fogal V., Sandy P., Schwarz S.E.,
RA   Scheffner M., Del Sal G.;
RT   "Activation of p53 by conjugation to the ubiquitin-like protein SUMO-1.";
RL   EMBO J. 18:6462-6471(1999).
RN   [38]
RX   PubMed=10606744; DOI=10.1016/s0014-5793(99)01647-6;
RA   Dumaz N., Milne D.M., Meek D.W.;
RT   "Protein kinase CK1 is a p53-threonine 18 kinase which requires prior
RT   phosphorylation of serine 15.";
RL   FEBS Lett. 463:312-316(1999).
RN   [39]
RP   ASN-305.
RX   PubMed=10551826; DOI=10.1074/jbc.274.46.32699;
RA   Liang S.H., Clarke M.F.;
RT   "A bipartite nuclear localization signal is required for p53 nuclear import
RT   regulated by a carboxyl-terminal domain.";
RL   J. Biol. Chem. 274:32699-32703(1999).
RN   [40]
RX   PubMed=10570149; DOI=10.1073/pnas.96.24.13777;
RA   Chehab N.H., Malikzay A., Stavridi E.S., Halazonetis T.D.;
RT   "Phosphorylation of Ser-20 mediates stabilization of human p53 in response
RT   to DNA damage.";
RL   Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 96:13777-13782(1999).
RN   [41]
RX   PubMed=10722742; DOI=10.1074/jbc.275.12.8945;
RA   Fang S., Jensen J.P., Ludwig R.L., Vousden K.H., Weissman A.M.;
RT   "Mdm2 is a RING finger-dependent ubiquitin protein ligase for itself and
RT   p53.";
RL   J. Biol. Chem. 275:8945-8951(2000).
RN   [42]
RX   PubMed=10656795; DOI=10.1006/jmbi.1999.3415;
RA   Abraham J., Kelly J., Thibault P., Benchimol S.;
RT   "Post-translational modification of p53 protein in response to ionizing
RT   radiation analyzed by mass spectrometry.";
RL   J. Mol. Biol. 295:853-864(2000).
RN   [43]
RP   LEU-383 AND PHE-385.
RX   PubMed=10884347; DOI=10.1006/jmbi.2000.3830;
RA   Luciani M.G., Hutchins J.R.A., Zheleva D., Hupp T.R.;
RT   "The C-terminal regulatory domain of p53 contains a functional docking site
RT   for cyclin A.";
RL   J. Mol. Biol. 300:503-518(2000).
RN   [44]
RX   PubMed=11025664; DOI=10.1038/35036365;
RA   Guo A., Salomoni P., Luo J., Shih A., Zhong S., Gu W., Pandolfi P.P.;
RT   "The function of PML in p53-dependent apoptosis.";
RL   Nat. Cell Biol. 2:730-736(2000).
RN   [45]
RX   PubMed=10644996; DOI=10.1038/sj.onc.1203250;
RA   Sandy P., Gostissa M., Fogal V., Cecco L.D., Szalay K., Rooney R.J.,
RA   Schneider C., Del Sal G.;
RT   "p53 is involved in the p120E4F-mediated growth arrest.";
RL   Oncogene 19:188-199(2000).
RN   [46]
RX   PubMed=10951572; DOI=10.1038/sj.onc.1203709;
RA   Lopez-Borges S., Lazo P.A.;
RT   "The human vaccinia-related kinase 1 (VRK1) phosphorylates threonine-18
RT   within the mdm-2 binding site of the p53 tumour suppressor protein.";
RL   Oncogene 19:3656-3664(2000).
RN   [47]
RX   PubMed=11554448; DOI=10.1089/15230860152542961;
RA   Hainaut P., Mann K.;
RT   "Zinc binding and redox control of p53 structure and function.";
RL   Antioxid. Redox Signal. 3:611-623(2001).
RN   [48]
RX   PubMed=11554766; DOI=10.1006/bbrc.2001.5627;
RA   Imamura K., Ogura T., Kishimoto A., Kaminishi M., Esumi H.;
RT   "Cell cycle regulation via p53 phosphorylation by a 5'-AMP activated
RT   protein kinase activator, 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-1-beta-D-
RT   ribofuranoside, in a human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line.";
RL   Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 287:562-567(2001).
RN   [49]
RX   PubMed=11672523; DOI=10.1016/s0092-8674(01)00527-x;
RA   Vaziri H., Dessain S.K., Ng Eaton E., Imai S., Frye R.A., Pandita T.K.,
RA   Guarente L., Weinberg R.A.;
RT   "hSIR2(SIRT1) functions as an NAD-dependent p53 deacetylase.";
RL   Cell 107:149-159(2001).
RN   [50]
RX   PubMed=11007800; DOI=10.1074/jbc.m008231200;
RA   Hong T.M., Chen J.J., Peck K., Yang P.C., Wu C.W.;
RT   "p53 amino acids 339-346 represent the minimal p53 repression domain.";
RL   J. Biol. Chem. 276:1510-1515(2001).
RN   [51]
RX   PubMed=11447225; DOI=10.1074/jbc.m104157200;
RA   Xie S., Wang Q., Wu H., Cogswell J., Lu L., Jhanwar-Uniyal M., Dai W.;
RT   "Reactive oxygen species-induced phosphorylation of p53 on serine 20 is
RT   mediated in part by polo-like kinase-3.";
RL   J. Biol. Chem. 276:36194-36199(2001).
RN   [52]
RX   PubMed=11551930; DOI=10.1074/jbc.m106050200;
RA   Xie S., Wu H., Wang Q., Cogswell J.P., Husain I., Conn C., Stambrook P.,
RA   Jhanwar-Uniyal M., Dai W.;
RT   "Plk3 functionally links DNA damage to cell cycle arrest and apoptosis at
RT   least in part via the p53 pathway.";
RL   J. Biol. Chem. 276:43305-43312(2001).
RN   [53]
RP   LYS-386; THR-387 AND GLU-388.
RX   PubMed=11124955; DOI=10.1074/jbc.m009476200;
RA   Rodriguez M.S., Dargemont C., Hay R.T.;
RT   "SUMO-1 conjugation in vivo requires both a consensus modification motif
RT   and nuclear targeting.";
RL   J. Biol. Chem. 276:12654-12659(2001).
RN   [54]
RX   PubMed=11546806; DOI=10.1074/jbc.m105669200;
RA   Abe Y., Matsumoto S., Wei S., Nezu K., Miyoshi A., Kito K., Ueda N.,
RA   Shigemoto K., Hitsumoto Y., Nikawa J., Enomoto Y.;
RT   "Cloning and characterization of a p53-related protein kinase expressed in
RT   interleukin-2-activated cytotoxic T-cells, epithelial tumor cell lines, and
RT   the testes.";
RL   J. Biol. Chem. 276:44003-44011(2001).
RN   [55]
RX   PubMed=11239457; DOI=10.1016/s1097-2765(01)00176-9;
RA   Keller D.M., Zeng X., Wang Y., Zhang Q.H., Kapoor M., Shu H., Goodman R.,
RA   Lozano G., Zhao Y., Lu H.;
RT   "A DNA damage-induced p53 serine 392 kinase complex contains CK2, hSpt16,
RT   and SSRP1.";
RL   Mol. Cell 7:283-292(2001).
RN   [56]
RX   PubMed=12507430; DOI=10.1016/s0092-8674(02)01199-6;
RA   Hu M., Li P., Li M., Li W., Yao T., Wu J.-W., Gu W., Cohen R.E., Shi Y.;
RT   "Crystal structure of a UBP-family deubiquitinating enzyme in isolation and
RT   in complex with ubiquitin aldehyde.";
RL   Cell 111:1041-1054(2002).
RN   [57]
RX   PubMed=11706030; DOI=10.1074/jbc.m108535200;
RA   Tsuji K., Mizumoto K., Yamochi T., Nishimoto I., Matsuoka M.;
RT   "Differential effect of ik3-1/cables on p53- and p73-induced cell death.";
RL   J. Biol. Chem. 277:2951-2957(2002).
RN   [58]
RX   PubMed=11925430; DOI=10.1074/jbc.m200153200;
RA   Kim E.-J., Park J.-S., Um S.-J.;
RT   "Identification and characterization of HIPK2 interacting with p73 and
RT   modulating functions of the p53 family in vivo.";
RL   J. Biol. Chem. 277:32020-32028(2002).
RN   [59]
RP   SER-46 AND LYS-382.
RX   PubMed=11740489; DOI=10.1038/ncb715;
RA   Hofmann T.G., Moeller A., Sirma H., Zentgraf H., Taya Y., Droege W.,
RA   Will H., Schmitz M.L.;
RT   "Regulation of p53 activity by its interaction with homeodomain-interacting
RT   protein kinase-2.";
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CC   -!- FUNCTION: Acts as a tumor suppressor in many tumor types; induces
CC       growth arrest or apoptosis depending on the physiological circumstances
CC       and cell type (PubMed:11025664, PubMed:12524540, PubMed:12810724,
CC       PubMed:15186775, PubMed:15340061, PubMed:17317671, PubMed:17349958,
CC       PubMed:19556538, PubMed:20673990, PubMed:20959462, PubMed:22726440,
CC       PubMed:24051492, PubMed:9840937, PubMed:24652652). Involved in cell
CC       cycle regulation as a trans-activator that acts to negatively regulate
CC       cell division by controlling a set of genes required for this process
CC       (PubMed:11025664, PubMed:12524540, PubMed:12810724, PubMed:15186775,
CC       PubMed:15340061, PubMed:17317671, PubMed:17349958, PubMed:19556538,
CC       PubMed:20673990, PubMed:20959462, PubMed:22726440, PubMed:24051492,
CC       PubMed:9840937, PubMed:24652652). One of the activated genes is an
CC       inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinases. Apoptosis induction seems to be
CC       mediated either by stimulation of BAX and FAS antigen expression, or by
CC       repression of Bcl-2 expression. Its pro-apoptotic activity is activated
CC       via its interaction with PPP1R13B/ASPP1 or TP53BP2/ASPP2
CC       (PubMed:12524540). However, this activity is inhibited when the
CC       interaction with PPP1R13B/ASPP1 or TP53BP2/ASPP2 is displaced by
CC       PPP1R13L/iASPP (PubMed:12524540). In cooperation with mitochondrial
CC       PPIF is involved in activating oxidative stress-induced necrosis; the
CC       function is largely independent of transcription. Induces the
CC       transcription of long intergenic non-coding RNA p21 (lincRNA-p21) and
CC       lincRNA-Mkln1. LincRNA-p21 participates in TP53-dependent
CC       transcriptional repression leading to apoptosis and seems to have an
CC       effect on cell-cycle regulation. Implicated in Notch signaling cross-
CC       over. Prevents CDK7 kinase activity when associated to CAK complex in
CC       response to DNA damage, thus stopping cell cycle progression. Isoform 2
CC       enhances the transactivation activity of isoform 1 from some but not
CC       all TP53-inducible promoters. Isoform 4 suppresses transactivation
CC       activity and impairs growth suppression mediated by isoform 1. Isoform
CC       7 inhibits isoform 1-mediated apoptosis. Regulates the circadian clock
CC       by repressing CLOCK-ARNTL/BMAL1-mediated transcriptional activation of
CC       PER2 (PubMed:24051492). {ECO:0000269|PubMed:11025664,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:12524540, ECO:0000269|PubMed:12810724,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:15186775, ECO:0000269|PubMed:15340061,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:17317671, ECO:0000269|PubMed:17349958,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:19556538, ECO:0000269|PubMed:20673990,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:20959462, ECO:0000269|PubMed:22726440,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:24051492, ECO:0000269|PubMed:24652652,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:9840937}.
CC       Name=Zn(2+); Xref=ChEBI:CHEBI:29105;
CC         Evidence={ECO:0000269|PubMed:14534297, ECO:0000269|PubMed:16793544,
CC         ECO:0000269|PubMed:17015838, ECO:0000269|PubMed:18650397,
CC         ECO:0000269|PubMed:19515728, ECO:0000269|PubMed:20142040,
CC         ECO:0000269|PubMed:20364130};
CC       Note=Binds 1 zinc ion per subunit. {ECO:0000269|PubMed:14534297,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:16793544, ECO:0000269|PubMed:17015838,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:18650397, ECO:0000269|PubMed:19515728,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:20142040, ECO:0000269|PubMed:20364130};
CC   -!- SUBUNIT: Forms homodimers and homotetramers (PubMed:19011621). Binds
CC       DNA as a homotetramer. Interacts with AXIN1. Probably part of a complex
CC       consisting of TP53, HIPK2 and AXIN1 (By similarity). Interacts with
CC       histone acetyltransferases EP300 and methyltransferases HRMT1L2 and
CC       CARM1, and recruits them to promoters. Interacts (via C-terminus) with
CC       TAF1; when TAF1 is part of the TFIID complex. Interacts with ING4; this
CC       interaction may be indirect. Found in a complex with CABLES1 and TP73.
CC       Interacts with HIPK1, HIPK2, and TP53INP1. Interacts with WWOX. May
CC       interact with HCV core protein. Interacts with USP7 and SYVN1.
CC       Interacts with HSP90AB1. Interacts with CHD8; leading to recruit
CC       histone H1 and prevent transactivation activity (By similarity).
CC       Interacts with ARMC10, CDKN2AIP, NUAK1, STK11/LKB1, UHRF2 and E4F1.
CC       Interacts with YWHAZ; the interaction enhances TP53 transcriptional
CC       activity. Phosphorylation of YWHAZ on 'Ser-58' inhibits this
CC       interaction. Interacts (via DNA-binding domain) with MAML1 (via N-
CC       terminus). Interacts with MKRN1. Interacts with PML (via C-terminus).
CC       Interacts with MDM2; leading to ubiquitination and proteasomal
CC       degradation of TP53. Directly interacts with FBXO42; leading to
CC       ubiquitination and degradation of TP53. Interacts (phosphorylated at
CC       Ser-15 by ATM) with the phosphatase PP2A-PPP2R5C holoenzyme; regulates
CC       stress-induced TP53-dependent inhibition of cell proliferation.
CC       Interacts with PPP2R2A. Interacts with AURKA, DAXX, BRD7 and TRIM24.
CC       Interacts (when monomethylated at Lys-382) with L3MBTL1. Isoform 1
CC       interacts with isoform 2 and with isoform 4. Interacts with GRK5. Binds
CC       to the CAK complex (CDK7, cyclin H and MAT1) in response to DNA damage.
CC       Interacts with CDK5 in neurons. Interacts with AURKB, SETD2, UHRF2 and
CC       NOC2L. Interacts (via N-terminus) with PTK2/FAK1; this promotes
CC       ubiquitination by MDM2. Interacts with PTK2B/PYK2; this promotes
CC       ubiquitination by MDM2. Interacts with PRKCG. Interacts with PPIF; the
CC       association implicates preferentially tetrameric TP53, is induced by
CC       oxidative stress and is impaired by cyclosporin A (CsA). Interacts with
CC       SNAI1; the interaction induces SNAI1 degradation via MDM2-mediated
CC       ubiquitination and inhibits SNAI1-induced cell invasion. Interacts with
CC       KAT6A. Interacts with UBC9. Interacts with ZNF385B; the interaction is
CC       direct. Interacts (via DNA-binding domain) with ZNF385A; the
CC       interaction is direct and enhances p53/TP53 transactivation functions
CC       on cell-cycle arrest target genes, resulting in growth arrest.
CC       Interacts with ANKRD2. Interacts with RFFL and RNF34; involved in
CC       p53/TP53 ubiquitination. Interacts with MTA1 and COP1. Interacts with
CC       CCAR2 (via N-terminus). Interacts with MORC3 (PubMed:17332504).
CC       Interacts (via C-terminus) with POU4F2 isoform 1 (via C-terminus)
CC       (PubMed:17145718). Interacts (via oligomerization region) with NOP53;
CC       the interaction is direct and may prevent the MDM2-mediated proteasomal
CC       degradation of TP53 (PubMed:22522597). Interacts with AFG1L; mediates
CC       mitochondrial translocation of TP53 (PubMed:27323408). Interacts with
CC       UBD (PubMed:25422469). Interacts with TAF6 isoform 1 and isoform 4
CC       (PubMed:20096117). Interacts with C10orf90/FATS; the interaction
CC       inhibits binding of TP53 and MDM2 (By similarity). Interacts with
CC       NUPR1; interaction is stress-dependent (PubMed:18690848). Forms a
CC       complex with EP300 and NUPR1; this complex binds CDKN1A promoter
CC       leading to transcriptional induction of CDKN1A (PubMed:18690848).
CC       Interacts with PRMT5 in response to DNA damage; the interaction is
CC       TTC5/STRAP dependent (PubMed:19011621). Interacts with PPP1R13L (via
CC       SH3 domain and ANK repeats); the interaction inhibits pro-apoptotic
CC       activity of p53/TP53 (PubMed:12524540). Interacts with PPP1R13B/ASPP1
CC       and TP53BP2/ASPP2; the interactions promotes pro-apoptotic activity
CC       (PubMed:12524540). When phosphorylated at Ser-15, interacts with DDX3X
CC       and gamma-tubulin (PubMed:28842590). Interacts with KAT7/HBO1; leading
CC       to inhibit histone acetyltransferase activity of KAT7/HBO1
CC       (PubMed:17954561). Interacts (via N-terminus) with E3 ubiquitin-protein
CC       ligase MUL1; the interaction results in ubiquitination of cytoplasmic
CC       TP53 at Lys-24 and subsequent proteasomal degradation
CC       (PubMed:21597459). Interacts with S100A4; this interaction promotes
CC       TP53 degradation (PubMed:23752197, PubMed:32442400). Interacts with
CC       BANP (By similarity). Interacts with TTC5/STRAP; the interaction may
CC       result in increased mitochondrial-dependent apoptosis
CC       (PubMed:25168243). Interacts with NQO1; this interaction is NADH-
CC       dependent, stabilizes TP53 in response to oxidative stress and protects
CC       it from ubiquitin-independent degradation by the 20S proteasome.
CC       {ECO:0000250|UniProtKB:P02340, ECO:0000250|UniProtKB:P10361,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:12524540, ECO:0000269|PubMed:12750254,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:12810724, ECO:0000269|PubMed:12851404,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:14534297, ECO:0000269|PubMed:14702041,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:15053879, ECO:0000269|PubMed:15109303,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:15136035, ECO:0000269|PubMed:15186775,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:15687255, ECO:0000269|PubMed:15855171,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:16219768, ECO:0000269|PubMed:16322561,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:16376338, ECO:0000269|PubMed:16377624,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:16402859, ECO:0000269|PubMed:16474402,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:16793544, ECO:0000269|PubMed:16845383,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:17015838, ECO:0000269|PubMed:17108107,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:17121812, ECO:0000269|PubMed:17145718,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:17170702, ECO:0000269|PubMed:17245430,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:17317671, ECO:0000269|PubMed:17332504,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:17591690, ECO:0000269|PubMed:17719541,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:17904127, ECO:0000269|PubMed:17954561,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:17967874, ECO:0000269|PubMed:18585004,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:18650397, ECO:0000269|PubMed:18690848,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:18996393, ECO:0000269|PubMed:19011621,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:19509332, ECO:0000269|PubMed:19515728,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:19536131, ECO:0000269|PubMed:19556538,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:19837670, ECO:0000269|PubMed:19880522,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:20096117, ECO:0000269|PubMed:20124405,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:20142040, ECO:0000269|PubMed:20228809,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:20364130, ECO:0000269|PubMed:20385133,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:20660729, ECO:0000269|PubMed:20870725,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:20959462, ECO:0000269|PubMed:21317932,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:21952639, ECO:0000269|PubMed:22214662,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:22522597, ECO:0000269|PubMed:22726440,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:22945289, ECO:0000269|PubMed:23431171,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:23752197, ECO:0000269|PubMed:25168243,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:25422469, ECO:0000269|PubMed:25732823,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:27323408, ECO:0000269|PubMed:28842590,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:32442400, ECO:0000269|PubMed:8875926,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:8875929, ECO:0000269|PubMed:9840937}.
CC   -!- SUBUNIT: (Microbial infection) Interacts with cancer-associated/HPV E6
CC       viral proteins leading to ubiquitination and degradation of TP53 giving
CC       a possible model for cell growth regulation. This complex formation
CC       requires an additional factor, E6-AP, which stably associates with TP53
CC       in the presence of E6. {ECO:0000269|PubMed:2175676}.
CC   -!- SUBUNIT: (Microbial infection) Interacts with human
CC       cytomegalovirus/HHV-5 protein UL123. {ECO:0000269|PubMed:19776115}.
CC   -!- SUBUNIT: (Microbial infection) Interacts (via N-terminus) with human
CC       adenovirus 5 E1B-55K protein; this interaction leads to the inhibition
CC       of TP53 function and/or its degradation. {ECO:0000269|PubMed:25772236}.
CC   -!- SUBUNIT: (Microbial infection) Interacts with Kaposi's sarcoma-
CC       associated herpesvirus/HHV-8 protein ORF45; this interaction results in
CC       the cytoplasmic localization of TP53 thereby decreasing its
CC       transcriptional activity. {ECO:0000269|PubMed:34523970}.
CC       P04637; Q13155: AIMP2; NbExp=6; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-745226;
CC       P04637; O95376: ARIH2; NbExp=5; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-711158;
CC       P04637; P49407: ARRB1; NbExp=5; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-743313;
CC       P04637; Q9UBL3: ASH2L; NbExp=7; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-540797;
CC       P04637; O95352-2: ATG7; NbExp=4; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-15980880;
CC       P04637; O15169: AXIN1; NbExp=4; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-710484;
CC       P04637; Q8N9N5: BANP; NbExp=3; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-744695;
CC       P04637; P10415: BCL2; NbExp=5; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-77694;
CC       P04637; Q07817-1: BCL2L1; NbExp=26; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-287195;
CC       P04637; O14503: BHLHE40; NbExp=11; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-711810;
CC       P04637; P51587: BRCA2; NbExp=7; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-79792;
CC       P04637; Q9NPI1: BRD7; NbExp=9; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-711221;
CC       P04637; Q9BX70: BTBD2; NbExp=2; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-710091;
CC       P04637; Q9Y297: BTRC; NbExp=2; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-307461;
CC       P04637; P55212: CASP6; NbExp=3; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-718729;
CC       P04637; Q9BWC9: CCDC106; NbExp=3; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-711501;
CC       P04637; P48643: CCT5; NbExp=3; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-355710;
CC       P04637; P17676: CEBPB; NbExp=4; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-969696;
CC       P04637; Q92793: CREBBP; NbExp=17; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-81215;
CC       P04637; P55060: CSE1L; NbExp=5; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-286709;
CC       P04637; Q14999: CUL7; NbExp=6; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-308606;
CC       P04637; Q8IWT3: CUL9; NbExp=5; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-311123;
CC       P04637; Q9P0U4: CXXC1; NbExp=7; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-949911;
CC       P04637; Q9UER7: DAXX; NbExp=12; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-77321;
CC       P04637; Q92841: DDX17; NbExp=3; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-746012;
CC       P04637; P17844: DDX5; NbExp=6; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-351962;
CC       P04637; Q9NRR4: DROSHA; NbExp=5; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-528367;
CC       P04637; Q9BV47: DUSP26; NbExp=9; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-2924519;
CC       P04637; O14641: DVL2; NbExp=6; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-740850;
CC       P04637; Q09472: EP300; NbExp=21; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-447295;
CC       P04637; P15036: ETS2; NbExp=4; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-1646991;
CC       P04637; Q86XK2: FBXO11; NbExp=4; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-1047804;
CC       P04637; P21333-2: FLNA; NbExp=3; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-9641086;
CC       P04637; P51114: FXR1; NbExp=2; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-713291;
CC       P04637; P49841: GSK3B; NbExp=3; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-373586;
CC       P04637; P32780: GTF2H1; NbExp=12; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-715539;
CC       P04637; Q13547: HDAC1; NbExp=7; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-301834;
CC       P04637; Q86Z02: HIPK1; NbExp=2; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-692891;
CC       P04637; P09429: HMGB1; NbExp=9; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-389432;
CC       P04637; P61978: HNRNPK; NbExp=2; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-304185;
CC       P04637; P61978-2: HNRNPK; NbExp=2; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-7060731;
CC       P04637; P38646: HSPA9; NbExp=6; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-354932;
CC       P04637; P04792: HSPB1; NbExp=3; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-352682;
CC       P04637; P42858: HTT; NbExp=19; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-466029;
CC       P04637; Q7Z6Z7: HUWE1; NbExp=3; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-625934;
CC       P04637; Q16666-2: IFI16; NbExp=6; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-6273540;
CC       P04637; O14920: IKBKB; NbExp=2; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-81266;
CC       P04637; Q9UHH9: IP6K2; NbExp=4; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-747509;
CC       P04637; Q6NYC1: JMJD6; NbExp=7; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-8464037;
CC       P04637; Q92993: KAT5; NbExp=3; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-399080;
CC       P04637; Q9H7Z6: KAT8; NbExp=2; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-896414;
CC       P04637; O60341-1: KDM1A; NbExp=6; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-15599570;
CC       P04637; Q8IZD2: KMT2E; NbExp=4; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-2689959;
CC       P04637; P13473-2: LAMP2; NbExp=3; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-21591415;
CC       P04637; P43356: MAGEA2B; NbExp=7; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-5650739;
CC       P04637; Q96M61: MAGEB18; NbExp=3; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-741835;
CC       P04637; Q9UBF1: MAGEC2; NbExp=3; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-5651487;
CC       P04637; P46821: MAP1B; NbExp=6; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-764611;
CC       P04637; Q15759: MAPK11; NbExp=2; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-298304;
CC       P04637; Q8IW41: MAPKAPK5; NbExp=2; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-1201460;
CC       P04637; Q00987: MDM2; NbExp=97; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-389668;
CC       P04637; O15151: MDM4; NbExp=19; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-398437;
CC       P04637; Q9UHC7: MKRN1; NbExp=8; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-373524;
CC       P04637; O75970: MPDZ; NbExp=3; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-821405;
CC       P04637; P04731: MT1A; NbExp=3; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-8045030;
CC       P04637; P19338: NCL; NbExp=2; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-346967;
CC       P04637; Q9Y618: NCOR2; NbExp=7; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-80830;
CC       P04637; P23511: NFYA; NbExp=11; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-389739;
CC       P04637; P25208: NFYB; NbExp=6; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-389728;
CC       P04637; Q9Y3T9: NOC2L; NbExp=8; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-751547;
CC       P04637; O60936: NOL3; NbExp=3; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-740992;
CC       P04637; P06748: NPM1; NbExp=6; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-78579;
CC       P04637; P06748-1: NPM1; NbExp=3; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-354150;
CC       P04637; Q15466: NR0B2; NbExp=3; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-3910729;
CC       P04637; P22736: NR4A1; NbExp=6; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-721550;
CC       P04637; O43847: NRDC; NbExp=6; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-2371631;
CC       P04637; O60285: NUAK1; NbExp=5; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-1046789;
CC       P04637; P49757: NUMB; NbExp=5; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-915016;
CC       P04637; Q96FW1: OTUB1; NbExp=8; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-1058491;
CC       P04637; Q8TEW0: PARD3; NbExp=3; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-81968;
CC       P04637; P09874: PARP1; NbExp=3; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-355676;
CC       P04637; Q96KB5: PBK; NbExp=7; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-536853;
CC       P04637; Q7Z412: PEX26; NbExp=3; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-752057;
CC       P04637; P35232: PHB; NbExp=6; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-354213;
CC       P04637; O75925: PIAS1; NbExp=4; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-629434;
CC       P04637; Q8N2W9: PIAS4; NbExp=2; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-473160;
CC       P04637; Q92569: PIK3R3; NbExp=5; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-79893;
CC       P04637; Q13526: PIN1; NbExp=12; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-714158;
CC       P04637; P53350: PLK1; NbExp=6; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-476768;
CC       P04637; P29590: PML; NbExp=4; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-295890;
CC       P04637; D3DTS7: PMP22; NbExp=3; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-25882629;
CC       P04637; P30405: PPIF; NbExp=4; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-5544229;
CC       P04637; P36873-1: PPP1CC; NbExp=2; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-356289;
CC       P04637; Q8WUF5: PPP1R13L; NbExp=12; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-5550163;
CC       P04637; P30153: PPP2R1A; NbExp=3; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-302388;
CC       P04637; Q13362: PPP2R5C; NbExp=4; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-1266156;
CC       P04637; Q05655: PRKCD; NbExp=4; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-704279;
CC       P04637; P61289: PSME3; NbExp=7; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-355546;
CC       P04637; Q05397: PTK2; NbExp=13; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-702142;
CC       P04637; Q06609: RAD51; NbExp=2; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-297202;
CC       P04637; Q06330: RBPJ; NbExp=5; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-632552;
CC       P04637; Q96PM5: RCHY1; NbExp=13; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-947779;
CC       P04637; Q6PCD5: RFWD3; NbExp=5; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-2129159;
CC       P04637; Q06587: RING1; NbExp=7; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-752313;
CC       P04637; P23396: RPS3; NbExp=4; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-351193;
CC       P04637; Q9Y265: RUVBL1; NbExp=10; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-353675;
CC       P04637; Q8N488: RYBP; NbExp=4; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-752324;
CC       P04637; P23297: S100A1; NbExp=3; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-743686;
CC       P04637; P31949: S100A11; NbExp=2; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-701862;
CC       P04637; P29034: S100A2; NbExp=4; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-752230;
CC       P04637; P33764: S100A3; NbExp=2; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-1044747;
CC       P04637; P26447: S100A4; NbExp=9; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-717058;
CC       P04637; P33763: S100A5; NbExp=2; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-7211732;
CC       P04637; P06703: S100A6; NbExp=3; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-352877;
CC       P04637; P04271: S100B; NbExp=3; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-458391;
CC       P04637; P25815: S100P; NbExp=2; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-743700;
CC       P04637; Q15424: SAFB; NbExp=5; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-348298;
CC       P04637; Q8WTS6: SETD7; NbExp=11; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-1268586;
CC       P04637; P31947: SFN; NbExp=4; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-476295;
CC       P04637; Q96ST3: SIN3A; NbExp=2; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-347218;
CC       P04637; Q96EB6: SIRT1; NbExp=18; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-1802965;
CC       P04637; Q15796: SMAD2; NbExp=7; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-1040141;
CC       P04637; Q9NRG4: SMYD2; NbExp=6; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-1055671;
CC       P04637; O95863: SNAI1; NbExp=2; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-1045459;
CC       P04637; Q06945: SOX4; NbExp=4; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-6672525;
CC       P04637; P08047: SP1; NbExp=3; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-298336;
CC       P04637; Q12772: SREBF2; NbExp=3; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-465059;
CC       P04637; Q96SB4: SRPK1; NbExp=3; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-539478;
CC       P04637; P31948: STIP1; NbExp=4; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-1054052;
CC       P04637; P63165: SUMO1; NbExp=3; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-80140;
CC       P04637; Q86TM6: SYVN1; NbExp=5; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-947849;
CC       P04637; P20226: TBP; NbExp=2; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-355371;
CC       P04637; P15884: TCF4; NbExp=2; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-533224;
CC       P04637; Q96GM8: TOE1; NbExp=3; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-717460;
CC       P04637; P04637: TP53; NbExp=33; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-366083;
CC       P04637; Q12888: TP53BP1; NbExp=6; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-396540;
CC       P04637; Q12888-1: TP53BP1; NbExp=17; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-8022649;
CC       P04637; Q13625: TP53BP2; NbExp=9; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-77642;
CC       P04637; Q9H3D4: TP63; NbExp=5; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-2337775;
CC       P04637; P13693: TPT1; NbExp=7; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-1783169;
CC       P04637; O15164: TRIM24; NbExp=3; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-2130378;
CC       P04637; Q15672: TWIST1; NbExp=10; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-1797287;
CC       P04637; P0CG48: UBC; NbExp=15; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-3390054;
CC       P04637; P63279: UBE2I; NbExp=3; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-80168;
CC       P04637; Q05086: UBE3A; NbExp=6; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-954357;
CC       P04637; P09936: UCHL1; NbExp=3; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-714860;
CC       P04637; Q96PU4: UHRF2; NbExp=3; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-625304;
CC       P04637; Q9H9J4: USP42; NbExp=2; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-2513638;
CC       P04637; Q9H9J4-2: USP42; NbExp=2; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-9118105;
CC       P04637; Q93009: USP7; NbExp=18; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-302474;
CC       P04637; P11473: VDR; NbExp=6; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-286357;
CC       P04637; Q99986: VRK1; NbExp=11; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-1769146;
CC       P04637; Q14191: WRN; NbExp=5; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-368417;
CC       P04637; Q9NZC7: WWOX; NbExp=2; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-4320739;
CC       P04637; O14980: XPO1; NbExp=3; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-355867;
CC       P04637; P12956: XRCC6; NbExp=2; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-353208;
CC       P04637; P61981: YWHAG; NbExp=5; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-359832;
CC       P04637; P63104: YWHAZ; NbExp=2; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-347088;
CC       P04637; Q8TAQ5: ZNF420; NbExp=4; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-3923307;
CC       P04637; Q7L7W2; NbExp=2; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-7210801;
CC       P04637; P29066: Arrb1; Xeno; NbExp=3; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-4303019;
CC       P04637; Q9ESJ1: Cables1; Xeno; NbExp=3; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-604411;
CC       P04637; P45481: Crebbp; Xeno; NbExp=10; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-296306;
CC       P04637; P03126: E6; Xeno; NbExp=5; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-1177242;
CC       P04637; P06463: E6; Xeno; NbExp=3; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-1186926;
CC       P04637; P02829: HSP82; Xeno; NbExp=8; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-8659;
CC       P04637; Q08619: Ifi205b; Xeno; NbExp=2; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-8064290;
CC       P04637; P89055: NSP1; Xeno; NbExp=6; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-9522973;
CC       P04637; Q923E4: Sirt1; Xeno; NbExp=4; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-1802585;
CC       P04637; Q8R5A0: Smyd2; Xeno; NbExp=3; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-15612527;
CC       P04637; P32776: TFB1; Xeno; NbExp=7; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-19146;
CC       P04637; O88898: Tp63; Xeno; NbExp=2; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-2338025;
CC       P04637; P26687: Twist1; Xeno; NbExp=4; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-6123119;
CC       P04637; Q9PST7: znf585b.S; Xeno; NbExp=3; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-1782562;
CC       P04637; P03070; Xeno; NbExp=22; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-617698;
CC       P04637; PRO_0000037536 [P26663]; Xeno; NbExp=9; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-6838571;
CC       P04637; Q8QW27; Xeno; NbExp=2; IntAct=EBI-366083, EBI-6863726;
CC       P04637-1; P17844: DDX5; NbExp=2; IntAct=EBI-3895849, EBI-351962;
CC       P04637-7; P17844: DDX5; NbExp=2; IntAct=EBI-3895873, EBI-351962;
CC   -!- SUBCELLULAR LOCATION: Cytoplasm {ECO:0000269|PubMed:15340061,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:17170702, ECO:0000269|PubMed:19011621,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:21597459, ECO:0000269|PubMed:22726440}. Nucleus
CC       {ECO:0000269|PubMed:15340061, ECO:0000269|PubMed:17170702,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:17591690, ECO:0000269|PubMed:18206965,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:19011621, ECO:0000269|PubMed:21597459}. Nucleus, PML
CC       body {ECO:0000269|PubMed:11025664, ECO:0000269|PubMed:12810724}.
CC       Endoplasmic reticulum {ECO:0000269|PubMed:17170702}. Mitochondrion
CC       matrix {ECO:0000269|PubMed:22726440, ECO:0000269|PubMed:25168243,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:27323408}. Cytoplasm, cytoskeleton, microtubule
CC       organizing center, centrosome {ECO:0000269|PubMed:28842590}.
CC       Note=Recruited into PML bodies together with CHEK2 (PubMed:12810724).
CC       Translocates to mitochondria upon oxidative stress (PubMed:22726440).
CC       Translocates to mitochondria in response to mitomycin C treatment
CC       (PubMed:27323408). {ECO:0000269|PubMed:12810724,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:22726440, ECO:0000269|PubMed:27323408}.
CC   -!- SUBCELLULAR LOCATION: [Isoform 1]: Nucleus
CC       {ECO:0000269|PubMed:23752197}. Cytoplasm. Note=Predominantly nuclear
CC       but localizes to the cytoplasm when expressed with isoform 4.
CC   -!- SUBCELLULAR LOCATION: [Isoform 2]: Nucleus. Cytoplasm. Note=Localized
CC       mainly in the nucleus with minor staining in the cytoplasm.
CC   -!- SUBCELLULAR LOCATION: [Isoform 3]: Nucleus. Cytoplasm. Note=Localized
CC       in the nucleus in most cells but found in the cytoplasm in some cells.
CC   -!- SUBCELLULAR LOCATION: [Isoform 4]: Nucleus. Cytoplasm.
CC       Note=Predominantly nuclear but translocates to the cytoplasm following
CC       cell stress.
CC   -!- SUBCELLULAR LOCATION: [Isoform 7]: Nucleus. Cytoplasm. Note=Localized
CC       mainly in the nucleus with minor staining in the cytoplasm.
CC   -!- SUBCELLULAR LOCATION: [Isoform 8]: Nucleus. Cytoplasm. Note=Localized
CC       in both nucleus and cytoplasm in most cells. In some cells, forms foci
CC       in the nucleus that are different from nucleoli.
CC   -!- SUBCELLULAR LOCATION: [Isoform 9]: Cytoplasm.
CC       Event=Alternative promoter usage, Alternative splicing; Named isoforms=9;
CC       Name=1; Synonyms=p53, p53alpha;
CC         IsoId=P04637-1; Sequence=Displayed;
CC       Name=2; Synonyms=I9RET, p53beta;
CC         IsoId=P04637-2; Sequence=VSP_006535, VSP_006536;
CC       Name=3; Synonyms=p53gamma;
CC         IsoId=P04637-3; Sequence=VSP_040560, VSP_040561;
CC       Name=4; Synonyms=Del40-p53, Del40-p53alpha, p47;
CC         IsoId=P04637-4; Sequence=VSP_040832;
CC       Name=5; Synonyms=Del40-p53beta;
CC         IsoId=P04637-5; Sequence=VSP_040832, VSP_006535, VSP_006536;
CC       Name=6; Synonyms=Del40-p53gamma;
CC         IsoId=P04637-6; Sequence=VSP_040832, VSP_040560, VSP_040561;
CC       Name=7; Synonyms=Del133-p53, Del133-p53alpha;
CC         IsoId=P04637-7; Sequence=VSP_040833;
CC       Name=8; Synonyms=Del133-p53beta;
CC         IsoId=P04637-8; Sequence=VSP_040833, VSP_006535, VSP_006536;
CC       Name=9; Synonyms=Del133-p53gamma;
CC         IsoId=P04637-9; Sequence=VSP_040833, VSP_040560, VSP_040561;
CC   -!- TISSUE SPECIFICITY: Ubiquitous. Isoforms are expressed in a wide range
CC       of normal tissues but in a tissue-dependent manner. Isoform 2 is
CC       expressed in most normal tissues but is not detected in brain, lung,
CC       prostate, muscle, fetal brain, spinal cord and fetal liver. Isoform 3
CC       is expressed in most normal tissues but is not detected in lung,
CC       spleen, testis, fetal brain, spinal cord and fetal liver. Isoform 7 is
CC       expressed in most normal tissues but is not detected in prostate,
CC       uterus, skeletal muscle and breast. Isoform 8 is detected only in
CC       colon, bone marrow, testis, fetal brain and intestine. Isoform 9 is
CC       expressed in most normal tissues but is not detected in brain, heart,
CC       lung, fetal liver, salivary gland, breast or intestine.
CC       {ECO:0000269|PubMed:16131611}.
CC   -!- INDUCTION: Up-regulated in response to DNA damage. Isoform 2 is not
CC       induced in tumor cells in response to stress.
CC       {ECO:0000269|PubMed:10570149, ECO:0000269|PubMed:16131611}.
CC   -!- DOMAIN: The nuclear export signal acts as a transcriptional repression
CC       domain. The TADI and TADII motifs (residues 17 to 25 and 48 to 56)
CC       correspond both to 9aaTAD motifs which are transactivation domains
CC       present in a large number of yeast and animal transcription factors.
CC       {ECO:0000269|PubMed:17467953}.
CC   -!- PTM: Acetylation of Lys-382 by CREBBP enhances transcriptional activity
CC       (PubMed:10656795, PubMed:15448695, PubMed:20228809, PubMed:23431171).
CC       Acetylation of Lys-382 by EP300 (PubMed:10656795, PubMed:15448695,
CC       PubMed:20228809, PubMed:23431171). Deacetylation of Lys-382 by SIRT1
CC       impairs its ability to induce proapoptotic program and modulate cell
CC       senescence (PubMed:10656795, PubMed:15448695, PubMed:20228809,
CC       PubMed:23431171). Deacetylation by SIRT2 impairs its ability to induce
CC       transcription activation in a AKT-dependent manner (PubMed:10656795,
CC       PubMed:15448695, PubMed:20228809, PubMed:23431171). Acetylation at Lys-
CC       381 increases stability (PubMed:29474172). Deacetylation at Lys-381 by
CC       SIRT6 decreases its stability, thereby regulating cell senescence
CC       (PubMed:29474172). {ECO:0000269|PubMed:10656795,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:15448695, ECO:0000269|PubMed:20228809,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:23431171, ECO:0000269|PubMed:29474172}.
CC   -!- PTM: Phosphorylation on Ser residues mediates transcriptional
CC       activation. Phosphorylated by HIPK1 (By similarity). Phosphorylation at
CC       Ser-9 by HIPK4 increases repression activity on BIRC5 promoter.
CC       Phosphorylated on Thr-18 by VRK1. Phosphorylated on Ser-20 by CHEK2 in
CC       response to DNA damage, which prevents ubiquitination by MDM2.
CC       Phosphorylated on Ser-20 by PLK3 in response to reactive oxygen species
CC       (ROS), promoting p53/TP53-mediated apoptosis. Phosphorylated on Thr-55
CC       by TAF1, which promotes MDM2-mediated degradation. Phosphorylated on
CC       Ser-33 by CDK7 in a CAK complex in response to DNA damage.
CC       Phosphorylated on Ser-46 by HIPK2 upon UV irradiation. Phosphorylation
CC       on Ser-46 is required for acetylation by CREBBP. Phosphorylated on Ser-
CC       392 following UV but not gamma irradiation. Phosphorylated by NUAK1 at
CC       Ser-15 and Ser-392; was initially thought to be mediated by STK11/LKB1
CC       but it was later shown that it is indirect and that STK11/LKB1-
CC       dependent phosphorylation is probably mediated by downstream NUAK1
CC       (PubMed:21317932). It is unclear whether AMP directly mediates
CC       phosphorylation at Ser-15. Phosphorylated on Thr-18 by isoform 1 and
CC       isoform 2 of VRK2. Phosphorylation on Thr-18 by isoform 2 of VRK2
CC       results in a reduction in ubiquitination by MDM2 and an increase in
CC       acetylation by EP300. Stabilized by CDK5-mediated phosphorylation in
CC       response to genotoxic and oxidative stresses at Ser-15, Ser-33 and Ser-
CC       46, leading to accumulation of p53/TP53, particularly in the nucleus,
CC       thus inducing the transactivation of p53/TP53 target genes.
CC       Phosphorylated by DYRK2 at Ser-46 in response to genotoxic stress.
CC       Phosphorylated at Ser-315 and Ser-392 by CDK2 in response to DNA-
CC       damage. Phosphorylation at Ser-15 is required for interaction with
CC       DDX3X and gamma-tubulin (PubMed:28842590). {ECO:0000250,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:10570149, ECO:0000269|PubMed:10606744,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:10884347, ECO:0000269|PubMed:10951572,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:11239457, ECO:0000269|PubMed:11447225,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:11546806, ECO:0000269|PubMed:11551930,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:11554766, ECO:0000269|PubMed:11740489,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:11780126, ECO:0000269|PubMed:12810724,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:14702041, ECO:0000269|PubMed:15053879,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:15866171, ECO:0000269|PubMed:16377624,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:16704422, ECO:0000269|PubMed:1705009,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:17108107, ECO:0000269|PubMed:17254968,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:17349958, ECO:0000269|PubMed:17591690,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:17967874, ECO:0000269|PubMed:18022393,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:20041275, ECO:0000269|PubMed:20124405,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:20959462, ECO:0000269|PubMed:21317932,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:2141171, ECO:0000269|PubMed:22214662,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:28842590, ECO:0000269|PubMed:9372954}.
CC   -!- PTM: Dephosphorylated by PP2A-PPP2R5C holoenzyme at Thr-55. SV40 small
CC       T antigen inhibits the dephosphorylation by the AC form of PP2A.
CC   -!- PTM: May be O-glycosylated in the C-terminal basic region. Studied in
CC       EB-1 cell line. {ECO:0000269|PubMed:8632915}.
CC   -!- PTM: Ubiquitinated by MDM2 and SYVN1, which leads to proteasomal
CC       degradation (PubMed:10722742, PubMed:12810724, PubMed:15340061,
CC       PubMed:17170702, PubMed:19880522). Ubiquitinated by RFWD3, which works
CC       in cooperation with MDM2 and may catalyze the formation of short
CC       polyubiquitin chains on p53/TP53 that are not targeted to the
CC       proteasome (PubMed:10722742, PubMed:12810724, PubMed:20173098).
CC       Ubiquitinated by MKRN1 at Lys-291 and Lys-292, which leads to
CC       proteasomal degradation (PubMed:19536131). Deubiquitinated by USP10,
CC       leading to its stabilization (PubMed:20096447). Ubiquitinated by
CC       TRIM24, RFFL, RNF34 and RNF125, which leads to proteasomal degradation
CC       (PubMed:19556538). Ubiquitination by TOPORS induces degradation
CC       (PubMed:19473992). Deubiquitination by USP7, leading to stabilization
CC       (PubMed:15053880). Isoform 4 is monoubiquitinated in an MDM2-
CC       independent manner (PubMed:15340061). Ubiquitinated by COP1, which
CC       leads to proteasomal degradation (PubMed:19837670). Ubiquitination and
CC       subsequent proteasomal degradation is negatively regulated by CCAR2
CC       (PubMed:25732823). Polyubiquitinated by C10orf90/FATS,
CC       polyubiquitination is 'Lys-48'-linkage independent and non-proteolytic,
CC       leading to TP53 stabilization (By similarity). Polyubiquitinated by
CC       MUL1 at Lys-24 which leads to proteasomal degradation
CC       (PubMed:21597459). {ECO:0000250|UniProtKB:P02340,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:10722742, ECO:0000269|PubMed:12810724,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:15053880, ECO:0000269|PubMed:15340061,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:17170702, ECO:0000269|PubMed:18206965,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:19473992, ECO:0000269|PubMed:19536131,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:19556538, ECO:0000269|PubMed:19837670,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:19880522, ECO:0000269|PubMed:20096447,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:20173098, ECO:0000269|PubMed:21597459,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:25591766, ECO:0000269|PubMed:25732823}.
CC   -!- PTM: Monomethylated at Lys-372 by SETD7, leading to stabilization and
CC       increased transcriptional activation (PubMed:15525938,
CC       PubMed:16415881). Monomethylated at Lys-370 by SMYD2, leading to
CC       decreased DNA-binding activity and subsequent transcriptional
CC       regulation activity (PubMed:17108971). Lys-372 monomethylation prevents
CC       interaction with SMYD2 and subsequent monomethylation at Lys-370
CC       (PubMed:17108971). Dimethylated at Lys-373 by EHMT1 and EHMT2
CC       (PubMed:20118233). Monomethylated at Lys-382 by KMT5A, promoting
CC       interaction with L3MBTL1 and leading to repress transcriptional
CC       activity (PubMed:17707234). Dimethylation at Lys-370 and Lys-382
CC       diminishes p53 ubiquitination, through stabilizing association with the
CC       methyl reader PHF20 (PubMed:22864287). Demethylation of dimethylated
CC       Lys-370 by KDM1A prevents interaction with TP53BP1 and represses TP53-
CC       mediated transcriptional activation (PubMed:17805299). Monomethylated
CC       at Arg-333 and dimethylated at Arg-335 and Arg-337 by PRMT5;
CC       methylation is increased after DNA damage and might possibly affect
CC       TP53 target gene specificity (PubMed:19011621).
CC       {ECO:0000269|PubMed:15525938, ECO:0000269|PubMed:16415881,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:17108971, ECO:0000269|PubMed:17707234,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:17805299, ECO:0000269|PubMed:19011621,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:20118233, ECO:0000269|PubMed:22864287}.
CC   -!- PTM: Sumoylated with SUMO1. Sumoylated at Lys-386 by UBC9.
CC       {ECO:0000269|PubMed:11124955, ECO:0000269|PubMed:22214662,
CC       ECO:0000269|Ref.37}.
CC   -!- DISEASE: Note=TP53 is found in increased amounts in a wide variety of
CC       transformed cells. TP53 is frequently mutated or inactivated in about
CC       60% of cancers. TP53 defects are found in Barrett metaplasia a
CC       condition in which the normally stratified squamous epithelium of the
CC       lower esophagus is replaced by a metaplastic columnar epithelium. The
CC       condition develops as a complication in approximately 10% of patients
CC       with chronic gastroesophageal reflux disease and predisposes to the
CC       development of esophageal adenocarcinoma.
CC   -!- DISEASE: Esophageal cancer (ESCR) [MIM:133239]: A malignancy of the
CC       esophagus. The most common types are esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
CC       and adenocarcinoma. Cancer of the esophagus remains a devastating
CC       disease because it is usually not detected until it has progressed to
CC       an advanced incurable stage. Note=The disease is caused by variants
CC       affecting the gene represented in this entry.
CC   -!- DISEASE: Li-Fraumeni syndrome (LFS) [MIM:151623]: An autosomal dominant
CC       familial cancer syndrome that in its classic form is defined by the
CC       existence of a proband affected by a sarcoma before 45 years with a
CC       first degree relative affected by any tumor before 45 years and another
CC       first degree relative with any tumor before 45 years or a sarcoma at
CC       any age. Other clinical definitions for LFS have been proposed and
CC       called Li-Fraumeni like syndrome (LFL). In these families affected
CC       relatives develop a diverse set of malignancies at unusually early
CC       ages. Four types of cancers account for 80% of tumors occurring in TP53
CC       germline mutation carriers: breast cancers, soft tissue and bone
CC       sarcomas, brain tumors (astrocytomas) and adrenocortical carcinomas.
CC       Less frequent tumors include choroid plexus carcinoma or papilloma
CC       before the age of 15, rhabdomyosarcoma before the age of 5, leukemia,
CC       Wilms tumor, malignant phyllodes tumor, colorectal and gastric cancers.
CC       {ECO:0000269|PubMed:10484981, ECO:0000269|PubMed:1565144,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:1737852, ECO:0000269|PubMed:1933902,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:1978757, ECO:0000269|PubMed:2259385,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:7887414, ECO:0000269|PubMed:8825920,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:9452042}. Note=The disease is caused by variants
CC       affecting the gene represented in this entry.
CC   -!- DISEASE: Squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (HNSCC)
CC       [MIM:275355]: A non-melanoma skin cancer affecting the head and neck.
CC       The hallmark of cutaneous SCC is malignant transformation of normal
CC       epidermal keratinocytes. Note=The gene represented in this entry is
CC       involved in disease pathogenesis.
CC   -!- DISEASE: Lung cancer (LNCR) [MIM:211980]: A common malignancy affecting
CC       tissues of the lung. The most common form of lung cancer is non-small
CC       cell lung cancer (NSCLC) that can be divided into 3 major histologic
CC       subtypes: squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, and large cell lung
CC       cancer. NSCLC is often diagnosed at an advanced stage and has a poor
CC       prognosis. Note=The disease is caused by variants affecting the gene
CC       represented in this entry.
CC   -!- DISEASE: Papilloma of choroid plexus (CPP) [MIM:260500]: A benign tumor
CC       of neuroectodermal origin that generally occurs in childhood, but has
CC       also been reported in adults. Although generally found within the
CC       ventricular system, choroid plexus papillomas can arise ectopically in
CC       the brain parenchyma or disseminate throughout the neuraxis. Patients
CC       present with signs and symptoms of increased intracranial pressure
CC       including headache, hydrocephalus, papilledema, nausea, vomiting,
CC       cranial nerve deficits, gait impairment, and seizures.
CC       {ECO:0000269|PubMed:12085209}. Note=The disease is caused by variants
CC       affecting the gene represented in this entry.
CC   -!- DISEASE: Adrenocortical carcinoma (ADCC) [MIM:202300]: A malignant
CC       neoplasm of the adrenal cortex and a rare childhood tumor. It occurs
CC       with increased frequency in patients with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome
CC       and Li-Fraumeni syndrome. {ECO:0000269|PubMed:11481490}. Note=The
CC       disease is caused by variants affecting the gene represented in this
CC       entry.
CC   -!- DISEASE: Basal cell carcinoma 7 (BCC7) [MIM:614740]: A common malignant
CC       skin neoplasm that typically appears on hair-bearing skin, most
CC       commonly on sun-exposed areas. It is slow growing and rarely
CC       metastasizes, but has potentialities for local invasion and
CC       destruction. It usually develops as a flat, firm, pale area that is
CC       small, raised, pink or red, translucent, shiny, and waxy, and the area
CC       may bleed following minor injury. Tumor size can vary from a few
CC       millimeters to several centimeters in diameter.
CC       {ECO:0000269|PubMed:21946351}. Note=Disease susceptibility is
CC       associated with variants affecting the gene represented in this entry.
CC   -!- DISEASE: Bone marrow failure syndrome 5 (BMFS5) [MIM:618165]: A form of
CC       bone marrow failure syndrome, a heterogeneous group of life-threatening
CC       disorders characterized by hematopoietic defects in association with a
CC       range of variable extra-hematopoietic manifestations. BMFS5 is an
CC       autosomal dominant form characterized by infantile onset of severe red
CC       cell anemia requiring transfusion. Additional features include
CC       hypogammaglobulinemia, poor growth with microcephaly, developmental
CC       delay, and seizures. {ECO:0000269|PubMed:30146126}. Note=The disease is
CC       caused by variants affecting the gene represented in this entry.
CC   -!- MISCELLANEOUS: [Isoform 2]: Expressed in quiescent lymphocytes. Seems
CC       to be non-functional. May be produced at very low levels due to a
CC       premature stop codon in the mRNA, leading to nonsense-mediated mRNA
CC       decay. {ECO:0000305}.
CC   -!- MISCELLANEOUS: [Isoform 3]: Expressed in quiescent lymphocytes. Seems
CC       to be non-functional. May be produced at very low levels due to a
CC       premature stop codon in the mRNA, leading to nonsense-mediated mRNA
CC       decay. {ECO:0000305}.
CC   -!- MISCELLANEOUS: [Isoform 7]: Produced by alternative promoter usage.
CC       {ECO:0000305}.
CC   -!- MISCELLANEOUS: [Isoform 8]: Produced by alternative promoter usage and
CC       alternative splicing. {ECO:0000305}.
CC   -!- MISCELLANEOUS: [Isoform 9]: Produced by alternative promoter usage and
CC       alternative splicing. {ECO:0000305}.
CC   -!- SIMILARITY: Belongs to the p53 family. {ECO:0000305}.
CC   -!- CAUTION: Interaction with BANP was reported to enhance phosphorylation
CC       on Ser-15 upon ultraviolet irradiation (PubMed:15701641). However, the
CC       publication has been retracted due to image duplication and
CC       manipulation. Interaction with BANP has been confirmed in mouse studies
CC       (By similarity). Phosphorylation at Ser-15 has been confirmed by other
CC       studies (PubMed:10570149, PubMed:11554766, PubMed:16219768,
CC       PubMed:15866171, PubMed:17317671, PubMed:17954561, PubMed:20959462,
CC       PubMed:25772236). Its nuclear and cytoplasmic localization has been
CC       confirmed by other studies (PubMed:15340061, PubMed:17170702,
CC       PubMed:19011621, PubMed:21597459, PubMed:22726440, PubMed:17591690,
CC       PubMed:18206965). {ECO:0000250|UniProtKB:P02340,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:10570149, ECO:0000269|PubMed:11554766,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:15340061, ECO:0000269|PubMed:15701641,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:15866171, ECO:0000269|PubMed:16219768,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:17170702, ECO:0000269|PubMed:17317671,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:17591690, ECO:0000269|PubMed:17954561,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:18206965, ECO:0000269|PubMed:19011621,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:20959462, ECO:0000269|PubMed:21597459,
CC       ECO:0000269|PubMed:22726440, ECO:0000269|PubMed:25772236,
CC       ECO:0000305|PubMed:32144153}.
CC   -!- WEB RESOURCE: Name=IARC TP53 mutation database; Note=Somatic and
CC       germline TP53 mutations in human cancers;
CC       URL="https://p53.iarc.fr/";
CC   -!- WEB RESOURCE: Name=Atlas of Genetics and Cytogenetics in Oncology and
CC       Haematology;
CC       URL="http://atlasgeneticsoncology.org/Genes/P53ID88.html";
CC       URL="http://egp.gs.washington.edu/data/tp53/";
CC   -!- WEB RESOURCE: Name=Wikipedia; Note=P53 entry;
CC       URL="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P53";
CC   -!- WEB RESOURCE: Name=Protein Spotlight; Note=On the right track - Issue
CC       206 of August 2018;
CC       URL="https://web.expasy.org/spotlight/back_issues/206/";
CC   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CC   Copyrighted by the UniProt Consortium, see https://www.uniprot.org/terms
CC   Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) License
CC   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
DR   EMBL; X02469; CAA26306.1; -; mRNA.
DR   EMBL; M13121; AAA59987.1; -; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; M13112; AAA59987.1; JOINED; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; M13113; AAA59987.1; JOINED; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; M13114; AAA59987.1; JOINED; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; M13115; AAA59987.1; JOINED; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; M13116; AAA59987.1; JOINED; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; M13117; AAA59987.1; JOINED; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; M13118; AAA59987.1; JOINED; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; M13119; AAA59987.1; JOINED; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; M13120; AAA59987.1; JOINED; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; K03199; AAA59989.1; -; mRNA.
DR   EMBL; M14694; AAA61211.1; -; mRNA.
DR   EMBL; M14695; AAA61212.1; -; mRNA.
DR   EMBL; M22898; AAA59988.1; -; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; M22882; AAA59988.1; JOINED; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; M22883; AAA59988.1; JOINED; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; M22884; AAA59988.1; JOINED; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; M22887; AAA59988.1; JOINED; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; M22888; AAA59988.1; JOINED; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; M22894; AAA59988.1; JOINED; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; M22895; AAA59988.1; JOINED; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; M22896; AAA59988.1; JOINED; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; M22897; AAA59988.1; JOINED; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; X01405; CAA25652.1; -; mRNA.
DR   EMBL; X60011; CAA42626.1; -; mRNA.
DR   EMBL; X60012; CAA42627.1; ALT_TERM; mRNA.
DR   EMBL; X60013; CAA42628.1; -; mRNA.
DR   EMBL; X60014; CAA42629.1; -; mRNA.
DR   EMBL; X60015; CAA42630.1; -; mRNA.
DR   EMBL; X60016; CAA42631.1; -; mRNA.
DR   EMBL; X60017; CAA42632.1; -; mRNA.
DR   EMBL; X60018; CAA42633.1; -; mRNA.
DR   EMBL; X60019; CAA42634.1; -; mRNA.
DR   EMBL; X60020; CAA42635.1; -; mRNA.
DR   EMBL; AF307851; AAG28785.1; -; mRNA.
DR   EMBL; DQ186648; ABA29753.1; -; mRNA.
DR   EMBL; DQ186649; ABA29754.1; -; mRNA.
DR   EMBL; DQ186650; ABA29755.1; -; mRNA.
DR   EMBL; DQ186651; ABA29756.1; -; mRNA.
DR   EMBL; DQ186652; ABA29757.1; -; mRNA.
DR   EMBL; DQ191317; ABB80262.1; -; mRNA.
DR   EMBL; DQ286964; ABB80266.1; -; mRNA.
DR   EMBL; X54156; CAA38095.1; -; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; U94788; AAC12971.1; -; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; AY838896; AAV80424.1; -; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; AF135121; AAD28535.1; -; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; AF135120; AAD28535.1; JOINED; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; AF136271; AAD28628.1; -; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; AF136270; AAD28628.1; JOINED; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; AB082923; BAC16799.1; -; mRNA.
DR   EMBL; AK312568; BAG35463.1; -; mRNA.
DR   EMBL; AC007421; -; NOT_ANNOTATED_CDS; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; AC087388; -; NOT_ANNOTATED_CDS; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; CH471108; EAW90143.1; -; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; CH471108; EAW90144.1; -; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; BC003596; AAH03596.1; -; mRNA.
DR   EMBL; AY429684; AAR10356.1; -; mRNA.
DR   EMBL; AY390341; AAQ90158.1; -; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; AY359814; AAR13239.1; -; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; U63714; AAB39322.1; -; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; AF209136; AAF36362.1; -; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; AF209128; AAF36354.1; -; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; AF209129; AAF36355.1; -; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; AF209130; AAF36356.1; -; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; AF209131; AAF36357.1; -; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; AF209132; AAF36358.1; -; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; AF209133; AAF36359.1; -; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; AF209134; AAF36360.1; -; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; AF209135; AAF36361.1; -; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; AF209148; AAF36374.1; -; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; AF209149; AAF36375.1; -; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; AF209150; AAF36376.1; -; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; AF209151; AAF36377.1; -; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; AF209152; AAF36378.1; -; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; AF209153; AAF36379.1; -; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; AF209154; AAF36380.1; -; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; AF209155; AAF36381.1; -; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; AF209156; AAF36382.1; -; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; AF210309; AAF63442.1; -; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; AF210308; AAF63442.1; JOINED; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; AF210310; AAF63443.1; -; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; AF240684; AAK76358.1; -; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; AF240685; AAK76359.1; -; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; AY270155; AAP30003.1; -; Genomic_DNA.
DR   CCDS; CCDS11118.1; -. [P04637-1]
DR   CCDS; CCDS45605.1; -. [P04637-3]
DR   CCDS; CCDS45606.1; -. [P04637-2]
DR   CCDS; CCDS73966.1; -. [P04637-7]
DR   CCDS; CCDS73967.1; -. [P04637-9]
DR   CCDS; CCDS73968.1; -. [P04637-8]
DR   CCDS; CCDS73969.1; -. [P04637-4]
DR   CCDS; CCDS73970.1; -. [P04637-6]
DR   CCDS; CCDS73971.1; -. [P04637-5]
DR   PIR; A25224; DNHU53.
DR   RefSeq; NP_000537.3; NM_000546.5. [P04637-1]
DR   RefSeq; NP_001119584.1; NM_001126112.2. [P04637-1]
DR   RefSeq; NP_001119585.1; NM_001126113.2. [P04637-3]
DR   RefSeq; NP_001119586.1; NM_001126114.2. [P04637-2]
DR   RefSeq; NP_001119587.1; NM_001126115.1. [P04637-7]
DR   RefSeq; NP_001119588.1; NM_001126116.1. [P04637-8]
DR   RefSeq; NP_001119589.1; NM_001126117.1. [P04637-9]
DR   RefSeq; NP_001119590.1; NM_001126118.1. [P04637-4]
DR   RefSeq; NP_001263624.1; NM_001276695.1. [P04637-6]
DR   RefSeq; NP_001263625.1; NM_001276696.1. [P04637-5]
DR   RefSeq; NP_001263626.1; NM_001276697.1.
DR   RefSeq; NP_001263627.1; NM_001276698.1.
DR   RefSeq; NP_001263628.1; NM_001276699.1.
DR   RefSeq; NP_001263689.1; NM_001276760.1. [P04637-4]
DR   RefSeq; NP_001263690.1; NM_001276761.1. [P04637-4]
DR   PDB; 1A1U; NMR; -; A/C=324-358.
DR   PDB; 1AIE; X-ray; 1.50 A; A=326-356.
DR   PDB; 1C26; X-ray; 1.70 A; A=325-356.
DR   PDB; 1DT7; NMR; -; X/Y=367-388.
DR   PDB; 1GZH; X-ray; 2.60 A; A/C=95-292.
DR   PDB; 1H26; X-ray; 2.24 A; E=376-386.
DR   PDB; 1HS5; NMR; -; A/B=324-357.
DR   PDB; 1JSP; NMR; -; A=367-386.
DR   PDB; 1KZY; X-ray; 2.50 A; A/B=95-289.
DR   PDB; 1MA3; X-ray; 2.00 A; B=372-389.
DR   PDB; 1OLG; NMR; -; A/B/C/D=319-360.
DR   PDB; 1OLH; NMR; -; A/B/C/D=319-360.
DR   PDB; 1PES; NMR; -; A/B/C/D=325-355.
DR   PDB; 1PET; NMR; -; A/B/C/D=325-355.
DR   PDB; 1SAE; NMR; -; A/B/C/D=319-360.
DR   PDB; 1SAF; NMR; -; A/B/C/D=319-360.
DR   PDB; 1SAK; NMR; -; A/B/C/D=319-360.
DR   PDB; 1SAL; NMR; -; A/B/C/D=319-360.
DR   PDB; 1TSR; X-ray; 2.20 A; A/B/C=94-312.
DR   PDB; 1TUP; X-ray; 2.20 A; A/B/C=94-312.
DR   PDB; 1UOL; X-ray; 1.90 A; A/B=94-312.
DR   PDB; 1XQH; X-ray; 1.75 A; B/F=369-377.
DR   PDB; 1YC5; X-ray; 1.40 A; B=372-389.
DR   PDB; 1YCQ; X-ray; 2.30 A; B=13-29.
DR   PDB; 1YCR; X-ray; 2.60 A; B=15-29.
DR   PDB; 1YCS; X-ray; 2.20 A; A=94-292.
DR   PDB; 2AC0; X-ray; 1.80 A; A/B/C/D=94-293.
DR   PDB; 2ADY; X-ray; 2.50 A; A/B=94-293.
DR   PDB; 2AHI; X-ray; 1.85 A; A/B/C/D=94-293.
DR   PDB; 2ATA; X-ray; 2.20 A; A/B/C/D=94-293.
DR   PDB; 2B3G; X-ray; 1.60 A; B=33-60.
DR   PDB; 2BIM; X-ray; 1.98 A; A/B=94-312.
DR   PDB; 2BIN; X-ray; 1.90 A; A=94-312.
DR   PDB; 2BIO; X-ray; 1.90 A; A=94-312.
DR   PDB; 2BIP; X-ray; 1.80 A; A=94-312.
DR   PDB; 2BIQ; X-ray; 1.80 A; A=94-312.
DR   PDB; 2F1X; X-ray; 2.30 A; A/B=359-368.
DR   PDB; 2FEJ; NMR; -; A=94-297.
DR   PDB; 2FOJ; X-ray; 1.60 A; B=361-367.
DR   PDB; 2FOO; X-ray; 2.20 A; B=358-363.
DR   PDB; 2GS0; NMR; -; B=20-73.
DR   PDB; 2H1L; X-ray; 3.16 A; M/N/O/P/Q/R/S/T/U/V/W/X=92-292.
DR   PDB; 2H2D; X-ray; 1.70 A; B=372-389.
DR   PDB; 2H2F; X-ray; 2.20 A; B=372-389.
DR   PDB; 2H4F; X-ray; 2.00 A; D=372-389.
DR   PDB; 2H4H; X-ray; 1.99 A; B=372-389.
DR   PDB; 2H4J; X-ray; 2.10 A; D=372-389.
DR   PDB; 2H59; X-ray; 1.90 A; D/E=372-389.
DR   PDB; 2J0Z; NMR; -; A/B/C/D=326-356.
DR   PDB; 2J10; NMR; -; A/B/C/D=326-356.
DR   PDB; 2J11; NMR; -; A/B/C/D=326-356.
DR   PDB; 2J1W; X-ray; 1.80 A; A/B=94-312.
DR   PDB; 2J1X; X-ray; 1.65 A; A/B=94-312.
DR   PDB; 2J1Y; X-ray; 1.69 A; A/B/C/D=94-293.
DR   PDB; 2J1Z; X-ray; 1.80 A; A/B=94-312.
DR   PDB; 2J20; X-ray; 1.80 A; A/B=94-312.
DR   PDB; 2J21; X-ray; 1.60 A; A/B=94-312.
DR   PDB; 2K8F; NMR; -; B=1-39.
DR   PDB; 2L14; NMR; -; B=13-61.
DR   PDB; 2LY4; NMR; -; B=1-93.
DR   PDB; 2MEJ; NMR; -; B=96-312.
DR   PDB; 2MWO; NMR; -; B=363-377.
DR   PDB; 2MWP; NMR; -; B=376-387.
DR   PDB; 2MWY; NMR; -; B=15-29.
DR   PDB; 2MZD; NMR; -; B=35-59.
DR   PDB; 2OCJ; X-ray; 2.05 A; A/B/C/D=94-312.
DR   PDB; 2PCX; X-ray; 1.54 A; A=94-292.
DR   PDB; 2RUK; NMR; -; A=41-62.
DR   PDB; 2VUK; X-ray; 1.50 A; A/B=94-312.
DR   PDB; 2WGX; X-ray; 1.75 A; A/B=94-312.
DR   PDB; 2X0U; X-ray; 1.60 A; A/B=94-312.
DR   PDB; 2X0V; X-ray; 1.80 A; A/B=94-312.
DR   PDB; 2X0W; X-ray; 2.10 A; A/B=94-312.
DR   PDB; 2XWR; X-ray; 1.68 A; A/B=89-293.
DR   PDB; 2YBG; X-ray; 1.90 A; A/B/C/D=94-293.
DR   PDB; 2YDR; X-ray; 2.75 A; P=144-154.
DR   PDB; 2Z5S; X-ray; 2.30 A; P/Q/R=15-29.
DR   PDB; 2Z5T; X-ray; 2.30 A; P/Q/R=15-29.
DR   PDB; 3D05; X-ray; 1.70 A; A=94-293.
DR   PDB; 3D06; X-ray; 1.20 A; A=94-293.
DR   PDB; 3D07; X-ray; 2.20 A; A/B=94-293.
DR   PDB; 3D08; X-ray; 1.40 A; A=94-293.
DR   PDB; 3D09; X-ray; 1.90 A; A=94-293.
DR   PDB; 3D0A; X-ray; 1.80 A; A/B/C/D=94-293.
DR   PDB; 3DAB; X-ray; 1.90 A; B/D/F/H=15-29.
DR   PDB; 3DAC; X-ray; 1.80 A; B/P=17-37.
DR   PDB; 3IGK; X-ray; 1.70 A; A=94-293.
DR   PDB; 3IGL; X-ray; 1.80 A; A=94-293.
DR   PDB; 3KMD; X-ray; 2.15 A; A/B/C/D=92-291.
DR   PDB; 3KZ8; X-ray; 1.91 A; A/B=94-293.
DR   PDB; 3LW1; X-ray; 1.28 A; P=385-393.
DR   PDB; 3OQ5; X-ray; 2.50 A; D/E=377-386.
DR   PDB; 3PDH; X-ray; 1.80 A; D=372-389.
DR   PDB; 3Q01; X-ray; 2.10 A; A/B=94-356.
DR   PDB; 3Q05; X-ray; 2.40 A; A/B/C/D=94-356.
DR   PDB; 3Q06; X-ray; 3.20 A; A/B/C/D=96-354.
DR   PDB; 3SAK; NMR; -; A/B/C/D=319-360.
DR   PDB; 3TG5; X-ray; 2.30 A; B=365-375.
DR   PDB; 3TS8; X-ray; 2.80 A; A/B/C/D=94-356.
DR   PDB; 3ZME; X-ray; 1.35 A; A/B=94-312.
DR   PDB; 4AGL; X-ray; 1.70 A; A/B=94-312.
DR   PDB; 4AGM; X-ray; 1.52 A; A/B=94-312.
DR   PDB; 4AGN; X-ray; 1.60 A; A/B=94-312.
DR   PDB; 4AGO; X-ray; 1.45 A; A/B=94-312.
DR   PDB; 4AGP; X-ray; 1.50 A; A/B=94-312.
DR   PDB; 4AGQ; X-ray; 1.42 A; A/B=94-312.
DR   PDB; 4BUZ; X-ray; 1.90 A; P=379-386.
DR   PDB; 4BV2; X-ray; 3.30 A; E/H=376-388.
DR   PDB; 4HFZ; X-ray; 2.69 A; B/D=15-29.
DR   PDB; 4HJE; X-ray; 1.91 A; A/B/C/D=92-291.
DR   PDB; 4IBQ; X-ray; 1.80 A; A/B/C/D=94-293.
DR   PDB; 4IBS; X-ray; 1.78 A; A/B/C/D=94-293.
DR   PDB; 4IBT; X-ray; 1.70 A; A/B/C/D=94-293.
DR   PDB; 4IBU; X-ray; 1.70 A; A/B/C/D=94-293.
DR   PDB; 4IBV; X-ray; 2.10 A; A=94-293.
DR   PDB; 4IBW; X-ray; 1.79 A; A=94-293.
DR   PDB; 4IBY; X-ray; 1.45 A; A/B=94-293.
DR   PDB; 4IBZ; X-ray; 1.92 A; A/B/C/D=94-293.
DR   PDB; 4IJT; X-ray; 1.78 A; A=94-293.
DR   PDB; 4KVP; X-ray; 1.50 A; A/B/C/D=94-312.
DR   PDB; 4LO9; X-ray; 2.50 A; A/B/C/D=94-312.
DR   PDB; 4LOE; X-ray; 1.85 A; A/B/C/D=94-312.
DR   PDB; 4LOF; X-ray; 2.00 A; A=94-312.
DR   PDB; 4MZI; X-ray; 1.25 A; A=94-292.
DR   PDB; 4MZR; X-ray; 2.90 A; A/B/C/D=94-358.
DR   PDB; 4QO1; X-ray; 1.92 A; B=92-312.
DR   PDB; 4RP6; X-ray; 1.70 A; Z=252-258.
DR   PDB; 4RP7; X-ray; 1.58 A; Z=253-258.
DR   PDB; 4X34; X-ray; 1.80 A; C/D=377-386.
DR   PDB; 4XR8; X-ray; 2.25 A; C/D=94-292.
DR   PDB; 4ZZJ; X-ray; 2.74 A; B=379-383.
DR   PDB; 5A7B; X-ray; 1.40 A; A/B=94-312.
DR   PDB; 5AB9; X-ray; 1.36 A; A/B=94-312.
DR   PDB; 5ABA; X-ray; 1.62 A; A/B=94-312.
DR   PDB; 5AOI; X-ray; 1.78 A; A/B=94-312.
DR   PDB; 5AOJ; X-ray; 1.47 A; A/B=94-312.
DR   PDB; 5AOK; X-ray; 1.35 A; A/B=94-312.
DR   PDB; 5AOL; X-ray; 1.50 A; A/B=94-312.
DR   PDB; 5AOM; X-ray; 1.74 A; A/B=94-312.
DR   PDB; 5BUA; X-ray; 1.81 A; A=94-293.
DR   PDB; 5ECG; X-ray; 3.00 A; A/B=95-312.
DR   PDB; 5G4M; X-ray; 1.38 A; A/B=94-312.
DR   PDB; 5G4N; X-ray; 1.35 A; A/B=94-312.
DR   PDB; 5G4O; X-ray; 1.48 A; A/B=94-312.
DR   PDB; 5HOU; NMR; -; A=1-61.
DR   PDB; 5HP0; NMR; -; A=37-61.
DR   PDB; 5HPD; NMR; -; A=2-61.
DR   PDB; 5LAP; X-ray; 1.42 A; A/B=94-312.
DR   PDB; 5LGY; X-ray; 2.92 A; A/B/C/D=94-291.
DR   PDB; 5MCT; X-ray; 1.45 A; A/B=94-293.
DR   PDB; 5MCU; X-ray; 1.70 A; A/B=94-293.
DR   PDB; 5MCV; X-ray; 1.60 A; A/B=94-293.
DR   PDB; 5MCW; X-ray; 1.90 A; A/B=94-293.
DR   PDB; 5MF7; X-ray; 1.59 A; A/B=94-293.
DR   PDB; 5MG7; X-ray; 1.45 A; A/B=94-293.
DR   PDB; 5MHC; X-ray; 1.20 A; P=382-393.
DR   PDB; 5MOC; X-ray; 1.80 A; P=382-393.
DR   PDB; 5O1A; X-ray; 1.44 A; A/B=94-312.
DR   PDB; 5O1B; X-ray; 1.43 A; A/B=94-312.
DR   PDB; 5O1C; X-ray; 1.32 A; A/B=94-312.
DR   PDB; 5O1D; X-ray; 1.36 A; A/B=94-312.
DR   PDB; 5O1E; X-ray; 1.30 A; A/B=94-312.
DR   PDB; 5O1F; X-ray; 1.38 A; A/B=94-312.
DR   PDB; 5O1G; X-ray; 1.35 A; A/B=94-312.
DR   PDB; 5O1H; X-ray; 1.32 A; A/B=94-312.
DR   PDB; 5O1I; X-ray; 1.40 A; A/B=94-312.
DR   PDB; 5OL0; X-ray; 1.99 A; C/D=372-389.
DR   PDB; 5UN8; X-ray; 2.13 A; E/F/G/H=144-154.
DR   PDB; 5XZC; EM; 10.70 A; B/C/D/E=92-356.
DR   PDB; 6FF9; X-ray; 2.00 A; A/B/C/D=97-289.
DR   PDB; 6FJ5; X-ray; 2.05 A; A/B/C/D=94-293.
DR   PDB; 6GGA; X-ray; 1.55 A; A/B=94-312.
DR   PDB; 6GGB; X-ray; 1.32 A; A/B=94-312.
DR   PDB; 6GGC; X-ray; 1.24 A; A/B=94-312.
DR   PDB; 6GGD; X-ray; 1.40 A; A/B=94-312.
DR   PDB; 6GGE; X-ray; 1.25 A; A/B=94-312.
DR   PDB; 6GGF; X-ray; 1.32 A; A/B=94-312.
DR   PDB; 6LHD; X-ray; 2.50 A; A/B=96-292.
DR   PDB; 6R5L; X-ray; 1.88 A; P=382-393.
DR   PDB; 6RJZ; X-ray; 1.58 A; P=382-393.
DR   PDB; 6RK8; X-ray; 1.60 A; P=382-393.
DR   PDB; 6RKI; X-ray; 1.88 A; P=382-393.
DR   PDB; 6RKK; X-ray; 1.88 A; P=382-393.
DR   PDB; 6RKM; X-ray; 1.88 A; P=382-393.
DR   PDB; 6RL3; X-ray; 1.30 A; P=382-393.
DR   PDB; 6RL4; X-ray; 1.60 A; P=382-393.
DR   PDB; 6RL6; X-ray; 1.60 A; P=382-393.
DR   PDB; 6RM5; X-ray; 1.88 A; P=382-393.
DR   PDB; 6RM7; X-ray; 1.60 A; P=382-393.
DR   PDB; 6RWH; X-ray; 1.68 A; P=382-393.
DR   PDB; 6RWI; X-ray; 1.65 A; P=382-393.
DR   PDB; 6RWS; X-ray; 1.53 A; P=382-393.
DR   PDB; 6RWU; X-ray; 1.46 A; P=382-393.
DR   PDB; 6RX2; X-ray; 1.82 A; P=382-393.
DR   PDB; 6RZ3; X-ray; 4.23 A; A=62-292.
DR   PDB; 6S39; X-ray; 1.88 A; P=382-393.
DR   PDB; 6S3C; X-ray; 2.00 A; P=382-393.
DR   PDB; 6S40; X-ray; 1.90 A; P=382-393.
DR   PDB; 6S9Q; X-ray; 1.69 A; P=382-393.
DR   PDB; 6SHZ; X-ray; 1.24 A; A/B=94-311.
DR   PDB; 6SI0; X-ray; 1.53 A; A/B=94-312.
DR   PDB; 6SI1; X-ray; 1.44 A; A/B=94-312.
DR   PDB; 6SI2; X-ray; 1.50 A; A/B=94-312.
DR   PDB; 6SI3; X-ray; 1.40 A; A/B=94-312.
DR   PDB; 6SI4; X-ray; 1.80 A; A/B=94-312.
DR   PDB; 6SIN; X-ray; 1.64 A; P=382-393.
DR   PDB; 6SIO; X-ray; 1.60 A; P=382-393.
DR   PDB; 6SIP; X-ray; 1.60 A; P=382-393.
DR   PDB; 6SIQ; X-ray; 1.60 A; P=382-393.
DR   PDB; 6SL6; X-ray; 1.67 A; A=89-311.
DR   PDB; 6SLV; X-ray; 1.90 A; P=382-393.
DR   PDB; 6T58; X-ray; 3.10 A; A/B=17-56.
DR   PDB; 6V4F; X-ray; 1.35 A; B=14-29.
DR   PDB; 6V4H; X-ray; 1.53 A; B/D=14-29.
DR   PDB; 6VQO; X-ray; 3.00 A; P/Q=168-176.
DR   PDB; 6VR1; X-ray; 2.37 A; P/Q=168-176.
DR   PDB; 6VR5; X-ray; 2.38 A; P/Q=168-176.
DR   PDB; 6VRM; X-ray; 2.61 A; P=168-176.
DR   PDB; 6VRN; X-ray; 2.46 A; P=168-176.
DR   PDB; 6W51; X-ray; 3.53 A; C/F/I/L=168-176.
DR   PDB; 6XRE; EM; 4.60 A; M=1-393.
DR   PDB; 6ZNC; X-ray; 1.64 A; A=94-293.
DR   PDB; 7B46; X-ray; 2.02 A; A/B/C/D=94-293.
DR   PDB; 7B47; X-ray; 1.80 A; A/B/C/D=94-293.
DR   PDB; 7B48; X-ray; 2.05 A; A/B/C/D=94-293.
DR   PDB; 7B49; X-ray; 1.42 A; A/B=94-293.
DR   PDB; 7B4A; X-ray; 1.90 A; A/B=94-293.
DR   PDB; 7B4B; X-ray; 1.76 A; A/B/C/D=94-293.
DR   PDB; 7B4C; X-ray; 1.71 A; A/B/C/D=94-293.
DR   PDB; 7B4D; X-ray; 1.85 A; A=94-293.
DR   PDB; 7B4E; X-ray; 1.58 A; A=94-293.
DR   PDB; 7B4F; X-ray; 1.78 A; A=94-293.
DR   PDB; 7B4G; X-ray; 1.86 A; A=94-293.
DR   PDB; 7B4H; X-ray; 1.39 A; A=94-293.
DR   PDB; 7B4N; X-ray; 1.32 A; A=94-293.
DR   PDB; 7BWN; X-ray; 2.40 A; B/D/G/I/K/L/N/P=326-356.
DR   PDB; 7DHY; X-ray; 2.15 A; A/B/C/D=94-293.
DR   PDB; 7DHZ; X-ray; 1.74 A; A/B=94-293.
DR   PDB; 7DVD; X-ray; 2.59 A; A/B/C/D=92-290.
DR   PDB; 7EAX; X-ray; 2.55 A; A/B/C/D=96-289.
DR   PDB; 7EL4; X-ray; 2.11 A; A=23-29.
DR   PDB; 7NMI; X-ray; 2.10 A; A=17-56.
DR   PDB; 7RM4; X-ray; 3.33 A; C/H/M/R=168-176.
DR   PDBsum; 1A1U; -.
DR   PDBsum; 1AIE; -.
DR   PDBsum; 1C26; -.
DR   PDBsum; 1DT7; -.
DR   PDBsum; 1GZH; -.
DR   PDBsum; 1H26; -.
DR   PDBsum; 1HS5; -.
DR   PDBsum; 1JSP; -.
DR   PDBsum; 1KZY; -.
DR   PDBsum; 1MA3; -.
DR   PDBsum; 1OLG; -.
DR   PDBsum; 1OLH; -.
DR   PDBsum; 1PES; -.
DR   PDBsum; 1PET; -.
DR   PDBsum; 1SAE; -.
DR   PDBsum; 1SAF; -.
DR   PDBsum; 1SAK; -.
DR   PDBsum; 1SAL; -.
DR   PDBsum; 1TSR; -.
DR   PDBsum; 1TUP; -.
DR   PDBsum; 1UOL; -.
DR   PDBsum; 1XQH; -.
DR   PDBsum; 1YC5; -.
DR   PDBsum; 1YCQ; -.
DR   PDBsum; 1YCR; -.
DR   PDBsum; 1YCS; -.
DR   PDBsum; 2AC0; -.
DR   PDBsum; 2ADY; -.
DR   PDBsum; 2AHI; -.
DR   PDBsum; 2ATA; -.
DR   PDBsum; 2B3G; -.
DR   PDBsum; 2BIM; -.
DR   PDBsum; 2BIN; -.
DR   PDBsum; 2BIO; -.
DR   PDBsum; 2BIP; -.
DR   PDBsum; 2BIQ; -.
DR   PDBsum; 2F1X; -.
DR   PDBsum; 2FEJ; -.
DR   PDBsum; 2FOJ; -.
DR   PDBsum; 2FOO; -.
DR   PDBsum; 2GS0; -.
DR   PDBsum; 2H1L; -.
DR   PDBsum; 2H2D; -.
DR   PDBsum; 2H2F; -.
DR   PDBsum; 2H4F; -.
DR   PDBsum; 2H4H; -.
DR   PDBsum; 2H4J; -.
DR   PDBsum; 2H59; -.
DR   PDBsum; 2J0Z; -.
DR   PDBsum; 2J10; -.
DR   PDBsum; 2J11; -.
DR   PDBsum; 2J1W; -.
DR   PDBsum; 2J1X; -.
DR   PDBsum; 2J1Y; -.
DR   PDBsum; 2J1Z; -.
DR   PDBsum; 2J20; -.
DR   PDBsum; 2J21; -.
DR   PDBsum; 2K8F; -.
DR   PDBsum; 2L14; -.
DR   PDBsum; 2LY4; -.
DR   PDBsum; 2MEJ; -.
DR   PDBsum; 2MWO; -.
DR   PDBsum; 2MWP; -.
DR   PDBsum; 2MWY; -.
DR   PDBsum; 2MZD; -.
DR   PDBsum; 2OCJ; -.
DR   PDBsum; 2PCX; -.
DR   PDBsum; 2RUK; -.
DR   PDBsum; 2VUK; -.
DR   PDBsum; 2WGX; -.
DR   PDBsum; 2X0U; -.
DR   PDBsum; 2X0V; -.
DR   PDBsum; 2X0W; -.
DR   PDBsum; 2XWR; -.
DR   PDBsum; 2YBG; -.
DR   PDBsum; 2YDR; -.
DR   PDBsum; 2Z5S; -.
DR   PDBsum; 2Z5T; -.
DR   PDBsum; 3D05; -.
DR   PDBsum; 3D06; -.
DR   PDBsum; 3D07; -.
DR   PDBsum; 3D08; -.
DR   PDBsum; 3D09; -.
DR   PDBsum; 3D0A; -.
DR   PDBsum; 3DAB; -.
DR   PDBsum; 3DAC; -.
DR   PDBsum; 3IGK; -.
DR   PDBsum; 3IGL; -.
DR   PDBsum; 3KMD; -.
DR   PDBsum; 3KZ8; -.
DR   PDBsum; 3LW1; -.
DR   PDBsum; 3OQ5; -.
DR   PDBsum; 3PDH; -.
DR   PDBsum; 3Q01; -.
DR   PDBsum; 3Q05; -.
DR   PDBsum; 3Q06; -.
DR   PDBsum; 3SAK; -.
DR   PDBsum; 3TG5; -.
DR   PDBsum; 3TS8; -.
DR   PDBsum; 3ZME; -.
DR   PDBsum; 4AGL; -.
DR   PDBsum; 4AGM; -.
DR   PDBsum; 4AGN; -.
DR   PDBsum; 4AGO; -.
DR   PDBsum; 4AGP; -.
DR   PDBsum; 4AGQ; -.
DR   PDBsum; 4BUZ; -.
DR   PDBsum; 4BV2; -.
DR   PDBsum; 4HFZ; -.
DR   PDBsum; 4HJE; -.
DR   PDBsum; 4IBQ; -.
DR   PDBsum; 4IBS; -.
DR   PDBsum; 4IBT; -.
DR   PDBsum; 4IBU; -.
DR   PDBsum; 4IBV; -.
DR   PDBsum; 4IBW; -.
DR   PDBsum; 4IBY; -.
DR   PDBsum; 4IBZ; -.
DR   PDBsum; 4IJT; -.
DR   PDBsum; 4KVP; -.
DR   PDBsum; 4LO9; -.
DR   PDBsum; 4LOE; -.
DR   PDBsum; 4LOF; -.
DR   PDBsum; 4MZI; -.
DR   PDBsum; 4MZR; -.
DR   PDBsum; 4QO1; -.
DR   PDBsum; 4RP6; -.
DR   PDBsum; 4RP7; -.
DR   PDBsum; 4X34; -.
DR   PDBsum; 4XR8; -.
DR   PDBsum; 4ZZJ; -.
DR   PDBsum; 5A7B; -.
DR   PDBsum; 5AB9; -.
DR   PDBsum; 5ABA; -.
DR   PDBsum; 5AOI; -.
DR   PDBsum; 5AOJ; -.
DR   PDBsum; 5AOK; -.
DR   PDBsum; 5AOL; -.
DR   PDBsum; 5AOM; -.
DR   PDBsum; 5BUA; -.
DR   PDBsum; 5ECG; -.
DR   PDBsum; 5G4M; -.
DR   PDBsum; 5G4N; -.
DR   PDBsum; 5G4O; -.
DR   PDBsum; 5HOU; -.
DR   PDBsum; 5HP0; -.
DR   PDBsum; 5HPD; -.
DR   PDBsum; 5LAP; -.
DR   PDBsum; 5LGY; -.
DR   PDBsum; 5MCT; -.
DR   PDBsum; 5MCU; -.
DR   PDBsum; 5MCV; -.
DR   PDBsum; 5MCW; -.
DR   PDBsum; 5MF7; -.
DR   PDBsum; 5MG7; -.
DR   PDBsum; 5MHC; -.
DR   PDBsum; 5MOC; -.
DR   PDBsum; 5O1A; -.
DR   PDBsum; 5O1B; -.
DR   PDBsum; 5O1C; -.
DR   PDBsum; 5O1D; -.
DR   PDBsum; 5O1E; -.
DR   PDBsum; 5O1F; -.
DR   PDBsum; 5O1G; -.
DR   PDBsum; 5O1H; -.
DR   PDBsum; 5O1I; -.
DR   PDBsum; 5OL0; -.
DR   PDBsum; 5UN8; -.
DR   PDBsum; 5XZC; -.
DR   PDBsum; 6FF9; -.
DR   PDBsum; 6FJ5; -.
DR   PDBsum; 6GGA; -.
DR   PDBsum; 6GGB; -.
DR   PDBsum; 6GGC; -.
DR   PDBsum; 6GGD; -.
DR   PDBsum; 6GGE; -.
DR   PDBsum; 6GGF; -.
DR   PDBsum; 6LHD; -.
DR   PDBsum; 6R5L; -.
DR   PDBsum; 6RJZ; -.
DR   PDBsum; 6RK8; -.
DR   PDBsum; 6RKI; -.
DR   PDBsum; 6RKK; -.
DR   PDBsum; 6RKM; -.
DR   PDBsum; 6RL3; -.
DR   PDBsum; 6RL4; -.
DR   PDBsum; 6RL6; -.
DR   PDBsum; 6RM5; -.
DR   PDBsum; 6RM7; -.
DR   PDBsum; 6RWH; -.
DR   PDBsum; 6RWI; -.
DR   PDBsum; 6RWS; -.
DR   PDBsum; 6RWU; -.
DR   PDBsum; 6RX2; -.
DR   PDBsum; 6RZ3; -.
DR   PDBsum; 6S39; -.
DR   PDBsum; 6S3C; -.
DR   PDBsum; 6S40; -.
DR   PDBsum; 6S9Q; -.
DR   PDBsum; 6SHZ; -.
DR   PDBsum; 6SI0; -.
DR   PDBsum; 6SI1; -.
DR   PDBsum; 6SI2; -.
DR   PDBsum; 6SI3; -.
DR   PDBsum; 6SI4; -.
DR   PDBsum; 6SIN; -.
DR   PDBsum; 6SIO; -.
DR   PDBsum; 6SIP; -.
DR   PDBsum; 6SIQ; -.
DR   PDBsum; 6SL6; -.
DR   PDBsum; 6SLV; -.
DR   PDBsum; 6T58; -.
DR   PDBsum; 6V4F; -.
DR   PDBsum; 6V4H; -.
DR   PDBsum; 6VQO; -.
DR   PDBsum; 6VR1; -.
DR   PDBsum; 6VR5; -.
DR   PDBsum; 6VRM; -.
DR   PDBsum; 6VRN; -.
DR   PDBsum; 6W51; -.
DR   PDBsum; 6XRE; -.
DR   PDBsum; 6ZNC; -.
DR   PDBsum; 7B46; -.
DR   PDBsum; 7B47; -.
DR   PDBsum; 7B48; -.
DR   PDBsum; 7B49; -.
DR   PDBsum; 7B4A; -.
DR   PDBsum; 7B4B; -.
DR   PDBsum; 7B4C; -.
DR   PDBsum; 7B4D; -.
DR   PDBsum; 7B4E; -.
DR   PDBsum; 7B4F; -.
DR   PDBsum; 7B4G; -.
DR   PDBsum; 7B4H; -.
DR   PDBsum; 7B4N; -.
DR   PDBsum; 7BWN; -.
DR   PDBsum; 7DHY; -.
DR   PDBsum; 7DHZ; -.
DR   PDBsum; 7DVD; -.
DR   PDBsum; 7EAX; -.
DR   PDBsum; 7EL4; -.
DR   PDBsum; 7NMI; -.
DR   PDBsum; 7RM4; -.
DR   AlphaFoldDB; P04637; -.
DR   BMRB; P04637; -.
DR   SMR; P04637; -.
DR   BioGRID; 113010; 2086.
DR   ComplexPortal; CPX-6093; p53-MDM2-MDM4 transcriptional regulation complex.
DR   ComplexPortal; CPX-663; p53-MDM4 transcriptional regulation complex.
DR   ComplexPortal; CPX-759; p53-MDM2 transcriptional regulation complex.
DR   CORUM; P04637; -.
DR   DIP; DIP-368N; -.
DR   ELM; P04637; -.
DR   IntAct; P04637; 559.
DR   MINT; P04637; -.
DR   STRING; 9606.ENSP00000269305; -.
DR   BindingDB; P04637; -.
DR   ChEMBL; CHEMBL4096; -.
DR   DrugBank; DB08363; 1-(9-ethyl-9H-carbazol-3-yl)-N-methylmethanamine.
DR   DrugBank; DB00945; Acetylsalicylic acid.
DR   DrugBank; DB05404; AZD 3355.
DR   DrugBank; DB03347; Triethyl phosphate.
DR   DrugBank; DB01593; Zinc.
DR   DrugBank; DB14487; Zinc acetate.
DR   DrugBank; DB14533; Zinc chloride.
DR   DrugBank; DB14548; Zinc sulfate, unspecified form.
DR   MoonDB; P04637; Predicted.
DR   TCDB; 1.C.110.1.1; the pore-forming pnc-27 peptide of 32 aas from the p53 tumor suppressor protein (pnc-27) family.
DR   GlyGen; P04637; 1 site, 1 O-linked glycan (1 site).
DR   iPTMnet; P04637; -.
DR   MetOSite; P04637; -.
DR   PhosphoSitePlus; P04637; -.
DR   BioMuta; TP53; -.
DR   DMDM; 269849759; -.
DR   SWISS-2DPAGE; P04637; -.
DR   CPTAC; CPTAC-951; -.
DR   EPD; P04637; -.
DR   jPOST; P04637; -.
DR   MassIVE; P04637; -.
DR   MaxQB; P04637; -.
DR   PaxDb; P04637; -.
DR   PeptideAtlas; P04637; -.
DR   PRIDE; P04637; -.
DR   ProteomicsDB; 51728; -. [P04637-1]
DR   ProteomicsDB; 51729; -. [P04637-2]
DR   ProteomicsDB; 51730; -. [P04637-3]
DR   ProteomicsDB; 51731; -. [P04637-4]
DR   ProteomicsDB; 51732; -. [P04637-5]
DR   ProteomicsDB; 51733; -. [P04637-6]
DR   ProteomicsDB; 51734; -. [P04637-7]
DR   ProteomicsDB; 51735; -. [P04637-8]
DR   ProteomicsDB; 51736; -. [P04637-9]
DR   ABCD; P04637; 67 sequenced antibodies.
DR   Antibodypedia; 3525; 9422 antibodies from 64 providers.
DR   CPTC; P04637; 2 antibodies.
DR   DNASU; 7157; -.
DR   Ensembl; ENST00000269305.9; ENSP00000269305.4; ENSG00000141510.18. [P04637-1]
DR   Ensembl; ENST00000420246.6; ENSP00000391127.2; ENSG00000141510.18. [P04637-2]
DR   Ensembl; ENST00000445888.6; ENSP00000391478.2; ENSG00000141510.18. [P04637-1]
DR   Ensembl; ENST00000455263.6; ENSP00000398846.2; ENSG00000141510.18. [P04637-3]
DR   Ensembl; ENST00000504290.5; ENSP00000484409.1; ENSG00000141510.18. [P04637-9]
DR   Ensembl; ENST00000504937.5; ENSP00000481179.1; ENSG00000141510.18. [P04637-7]
DR   Ensembl; ENST00000510385.5; ENSP00000478499.1; ENSG00000141510.18. [P04637-8]
DR   Ensembl; ENST00000610292.4; ENSP00000478219.1; ENSG00000141510.18. [P04637-4]
DR   Ensembl; ENST00000610538.4; ENSP00000480868.1; ENSG00000141510.18. [P04637-6]
DR   Ensembl; ENST00000619485.4; ENSP00000482537.1; ENSG00000141510.18. [P04637-4]
DR   Ensembl; ENST00000620739.4; ENSP00000481638.1; ENSG00000141510.18. [P04637-4]
DR   Ensembl; ENST00000622645.4; ENSP00000482222.1; ENSG00000141510.18. [P04637-5]
DR   GeneID; 7157; -.
DR   KEGG; hsa:7157; -.
DR   MANE-Select; ENST00000269305.9; ENSP00000269305.4; NM_000546.6; NP_000537.3.
DR   UCSC; uc002gij.4; human. [P04637-1]
DR   CTD; 7157; -.
DR   DisGeNET; 7157; -.
DR   GeneCards; TP53; -.
DR   GeneReviews; TP53; -.
DR   HGNC; HGNC:11998; TP53.
DR   HPA; ENSG00000141510; Low tissue specificity.
DR   MalaCards; TP53; -.
DR   MIM; 133239; phenotype.
DR   MIM; 151623; phenotype.
DR   MIM; 191170; gene+phenotype.
DR   MIM; 202300; phenotype.
DR   MIM; 211980; phenotype.
DR   MIM; 260500; phenotype.
DR   MIM; 275355; phenotype.
DR   MIM; 614740; phenotype.
DR   MIM; 618165; phenotype.
DR   neXtProt; NX_P04637; -.
DR   OpenTargets; ENSG00000141510; -.
DR   Orphanet; 1501; Adrenocortical carcinoma.
DR   Orphanet; 210159; Adult hepatocellular carcinoma.
DR   Orphanet; 67038; B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
DR   Orphanet; 585877; B-lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma with recurrent genetic abnormality.
DR   Orphanet; 251899; Choroid plexus carcinoma.
DR   Orphanet; 3318; Essential thrombocythemia.
DR   Orphanet; 1333; Familial pancreatic carcinoma.
DR   Orphanet; 251579; Giant cell glioblastoma.
DR   Orphanet; 251576; Gliosarcoma.
DR   Orphanet; 145; Hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome.
DR   Orphanet; 524; Li-Fraumeni syndrome.
DR   Orphanet; 668; Osteosarcoma.
DR   Orphanet; 2807; Papilloma of choroid plexus.
DR   Orphanet; 70573; Small cell lung cancer.
DR   PharmGKB; PA36679; -.
DR   VEuPathDB; HostDB:ENSG00000141510; -.
DR   eggNOG; ENOG502QVY3; Eukaryota.
DR   GeneTree; ENSGT00950000183153; -.
DR   InParanoid; P04637; -.
DR   OrthoDB; 233858at2759; -.
DR   PhylomeDB; P04637; -.
DR   TreeFam; TF106101; -.
DR   PathwayCommons; P04637; -.
DR   Reactome; R-HSA-111448; Activation of NOXA and translocation to mitochondria.
DR   Reactome; R-HSA-139915; Activation of PUMA and translocation to mitochondria.
DR   Reactome; R-HSA-1912408; Pre-NOTCH Transcription and Translation.
DR   Reactome; R-HSA-2559580; Oxidative Stress Induced Senescence.
DR   Reactome; R-HSA-2559584; Formation of Senescence-Associated Heterochromatin Foci (SAHF).
DR   Reactome; R-HSA-2559585; Oncogene Induced Senescence.
DR   Reactome; R-HSA-2559586; DNA Damage/Telomere Stress Induced Senescence.
DR   Reactome; R-HSA-3232118; SUMOylation of transcription factors.
DR   Reactome; R-HSA-349425; Autodegradation of the E3 ubiquitin ligase COP1.
DR   Reactome; R-HSA-390471; Association of TriC/CCT with target proteins during biosynthesis.
DR   Reactome; R-HSA-5620971; Pyroptosis.
DR   Reactome; R-HSA-5628897; TP53 Regulates Metabolic Genes.
DR   Reactome; R-HSA-5689880; Ub-specific processing proteases.
DR   Reactome; R-HSA-5689896; Ovarian tumor domain proteases.
DR   Reactome; R-HSA-5693565; Recruitment and ATM-mediated phosphorylation of repair and signaling proteins at DNA double strand breaks.
DR   Reactome; R-HSA-6785807; Interleukin-4 and Interleukin-13 signaling.
DR   Reactome; R-HSA-6796648; TP53 Regulates Transcription of DNA Repair Genes.
DR   Reactome; R-HSA-6803204; TP53 Regulates Transcription of Genes Involved in Cytochrome C Release.
DR   Reactome; R-HSA-6803205; TP53 regulates transcription of several additional cell death genes whose specific roles in p53-dependent apoptosis remain uncertain.
DR   Reactome; R-HSA-6803207; TP53 Regulates Transcription of Caspase Activators and Caspases.
DR   Reactome; R-HSA-6803211; TP53 Regulates Transcription of Death Receptors and Ligands.
DR   Reactome; R-HSA-6804114; TP53 Regulates Transcription of Genes Involved in G2 Cell Cycle Arrest.
DR   Reactome; R-HSA-6804115; TP53 regulates transcription of additional cell cycle genes whose exact role in the p53 pathway remain uncertain.
DR   Reactome; R-HSA-6804116; TP53 Regulates Transcription of Genes Involved in G1 Cell Cycle Arrest.
DR   Reactome; R-HSA-6804754; Regulation of TP53 Expression.
DR   Reactome; R-HSA-6804756; Regulation of TP53 Activity through Phosphorylation.
DR   Reactome; R-HSA-6804757; Regulation of TP53 Degradation.
DR   Reactome; R-HSA-6804758; Regulation of TP53 Activity through Acetylation.
DR   Reactome; R-HSA-6804759; Regulation of TP53 Activity through Association with Co-factors.
DR   Reactome; R-HSA-6804760; Regulation of TP53 Activity through Methylation.
DR   Reactome; R-HSA-6811555; PI5P Regulates TP53 Acetylation.
DR   Reactome; R-HSA-69473; G2/M DNA damage checkpoint.
DR   Reactome; R-HSA-69481; G2/M Checkpoints.
DR   Reactome; R-HSA-69541; Stabilization of p53.
DR   Reactome; R-HSA-69895; Transcriptional activation of cell cycle inhibitor p21.
DR   Reactome; R-HSA-8852276; The role of GTSE1 in G2/M progression after G2 checkpoint.
DR   Reactome; R-HSA-8853884; Transcriptional Regulation by VENTX.
DR   Reactome; R-HSA-8941855; RUNX3 regulates CDKN1A transcription.
DR   Reactome; R-HSA-8943724; Regulation of PTEN gene transcription.
DR   Reactome; R-HSA-9723905; Loss of function of TP53 in cancer due to loss of tetramerization ability.
DR   Reactome; R-HSA-983231; Factors involved in megakaryocyte development and platelet production.
DR   SABIO-RK; P04637; -.
DR   SignaLink; P04637; -.
DR   SIGNOR; P04637; -.
DR   BioGRID-ORCS; 7157; 56 hits in 1122 CRISPR screens.
DR   ChiTaRS; TP53; human.
DR   EvolutionaryTrace; P04637; -.
DR   GeneWiki; P53; -.
DR   GenomeRNAi; 7157; -.
DR   Pharos; P04637; Tchem.
DR   PRO; PR:P04637; -.
DR   Proteomes; UP000005640; Chromosome 17.
DR   RNAct; P04637; protein.
DR   Bgee; ENSG00000141510; Expressed in ventricular zone and 142 other tissues.
DR   ExpressionAtlas; P04637; baseline and differential.
DR   Genevisible; P04637; HS.
DR   GO; GO:0005813; C:centrosome; IDA:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0000785; C:chromatin; IDA:BHF-UCL.
DR   GO; GO:0005737; C:cytoplasm; IDA:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0005829; C:cytosol; IDA:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0005783; C:endoplasmic reticulum; IEA:UniProtKB-SubCell.
DR   GO; GO:0043073; C:germ cell nucleus; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:0005759; C:mitochondrial matrix; IEA:UniProtKB-SubCell.
DR   GO; GO:0005739; C:mitochondrion; IDA:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0016363; C:nuclear matrix; IDA:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0005730; C:nucleolus; IDA:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0005654; C:nucleoplasm; IDA:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0005634; C:nucleus; IDA:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0016605; C:PML body; IDA:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0032991; C:protein-containing complex; IDA:CAFA.
DR   GO; GO:0005657; C:replication fork; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:0035861; C:site of double-strand break; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:0005667; C:transcription regulator complex; IGI:ARUK-UCL.
DR   GO; GO:0017053; C:transcription repressor complex; IPI:ComplexPortal.
DR   GO; GO:0036310; F:ATP-dependent DNA/DNA annealing activity; IDA:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0051087; F:chaperone binding; IPI:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0003682; F:chromatin binding; IDA:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0000987; F:cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding; IDA:ARUK-UCL.
DR   GO; GO:0005507; F:copper ion binding; IDA:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0001046; F:core promoter sequence-specific DNA binding; IDA:CAFA.
DR   GO; GO:0097718; F:disordered domain specific binding; IPI:CAFA.
DR   GO; GO:0003677; F:DNA binding; IDA:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0001228; F:DNA-binding transcription activator activity, RNA polymerase II-specific; IDA:GO_Central.
DR   GO; GO:0003700; F:DNA-binding transcription factor activity; IDA:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0000981; F:DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific; IDA:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0001227; F:DNA-binding transcription repressor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific; IDA:ARUK-UCL.
DR   GO; GO:0019899; F:enzyme binding; IPI:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0140296; F:general transcription initiation factor binding; IPI:BHF-UCL.
DR   GO; GO:0035035; F:histone acetyltransferase binding; IPI:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0042826; F:histone deacetylase binding; IPI:CAFA.
DR   GO; GO:0035033; F:histone deacetylase regulator activity; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:0042802; F:identical protein binding; IPI:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0097371; F:MDM2/MDM4 family protein binding; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:0003730; F:mRNA 3'-UTR binding; IDA:CAFA.
DR   GO; GO:0002039; F:p53 binding; IPI:CAFA.
DR   GO; GO:1990841; F:promoter-specific chromatin binding; IDA:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0002020; F:protease binding; IPI:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0046982; F:protein heterodimerization activity; IPI:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0019901; F:protein kinase binding; IPI:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0047485; F:protein N-terminus binding; IPI:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0051721; F:protein phosphatase 2A binding; IPI:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0019903; F:protein phosphatase binding; IPI:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0043621; F:protein self-association; IPI:AgBase.
DR   GO; GO:0030971; F:receptor tyrosine kinase binding; IPI:BHF-UCL.
DR   GO; GO:0000978; F:RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding; IDA:ARUK-UCL.
DR   GO; GO:0061629; F:RNA polymerase II-specific DNA-binding transcription factor binding; IPI:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0001094; F:TFIID-class transcription factor complex binding; IPI:ParkinsonsUK-UCL.
DR   GO; GO:0000976; F:transcription cis-regulatory region binding; IDA:BHF-UCL.
DR   GO; GO:0031625; F:ubiquitin protein ligase binding; IPI:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0008270; F:zinc ion binding; TAS:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0006914; P:autophagy; IMP:CAFA.
DR   GO; GO:0002326; P:B cell lineage commitment; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:0048539; P:bone marrow development; IMP:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0010659; P:cardiac muscle cell apoptotic process; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:0060411; P:cardiac septum morphogenesis; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:0072717; P:cellular response to actinomycin D; IDA:CAFA.
DR   GO; GO:0006974; P:cellular response to DNA damage stimulus; IDA:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0071480; P:cellular response to gamma radiation; IDA:CAFA.
DR   GO; GO:0042149; P:cellular response to glucose starvation; IDA:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0071456; P:cellular response to hypoxia; IEP:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0071479; P:cellular response to ionizing radiation; IMP:BHF-UCL.
DR   GO; GO:0034644; P:cellular response to UV; IDA:CAFA.
DR   GO; GO:0071494; P:cellular response to UV-C; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:0071466; P:cellular response to xenobiotic stimulus; IEP:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0090398; P:cellular senescence; IMP:GO_Central.
DR   GO; GO:0021549; P:cerebellum development; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:0031497; P:chromatin assembly; IDA:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0048512; P:circadian behavior; ISS:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0008340; P:determination of adult lifespan; ISS:BHF-UCL.
DR   GO; GO:0030330; P:DNA damage response, signal transduction by p53 class mediator; IDA:BHF-UCL.
DR   GO; GO:0006977; P:DNA damage response, signal transduction by p53 class mediator resulting in cell cycle arrest; IMP:CAFA.
DR   GO; GO:0006978; P:DNA damage response, signal transduction by p53 class mediator resulting in transcription of p21 class mediator; IDA:CAFA.
DR   GO; GO:0006302; P:double-strand break repair; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:0048568; P:embryonic organ development; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:0043153; P:entrainment of circadian clock by photoperiod; ISS:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0006983; P:ER overload response; IDA:MGI.
DR   GO; GO:0048144; P:fibroblast proliferation; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:0007369; P:gastrulation; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:0014009; P:glial cell proliferation; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:0019661; P:glucose catabolic process to lactate via pyruvate; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:0002244; P:hematopoietic progenitor cell differentiation; IMP:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0060218; P:hematopoietic stem cell differentiation; IMP:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0001701; P:in utero embryonic development; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:0060333; P:interferon-gamma-mediated signaling pathway; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:0097193; P:intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway; TAS:HGNC-UCL.
DR   GO; GO:0072332; P:intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway by p53 class mediator; IMP:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0042771; P:intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in response to DNA damage by p53 class mediator; IDA:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0070059; P:intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in response to endoplasmic reticulum stress; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:1990144; P:intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in response to hypoxia; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:0043504; P:mitochondrial DNA repair; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:0000423; P:mitophagy; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:0031571; P:mitotic G1 DNA damage checkpoint signaling; IMP:BHF-UCL.
DR   GO; GO:0009299; P:mRNA transcription; IMP:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0035264; P:multicellular organism growth; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:0070266; P:necroptotic process; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:0043066; P:negative regulation of apoptotic process; IDA:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0030308; P:negative regulation of cell growth; IMP:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0008285; P:negative regulation of cell population proliferation; IDA:CACAO.
DR   GO; GO:0008156; P:negative regulation of DNA replication; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:0048147; P:negative regulation of fibroblast proliferation; IMP:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:1903451; P:negative regulation of G1 to G0 transition; IDA:CAFA.
DR   GO; GO:0060253; P:negative regulation of glial cell proliferation; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:1904024; P:negative regulation of glucose catabolic process to lactate via pyruvate; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:0051097; P:negative regulation of helicase activity; TAS:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:1903799; P:negative regulation of miRNA maturation; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:1901525; P:negative regulation of mitophagy; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:0007406; P:negative regulation of neuroblast proliferation; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:1905856; P:negative regulation of pentose-phosphate shunt; IMP:CACAO.
DR   GO; GO:0045861; P:negative regulation of proteolysis; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:2000378; P:negative regulation of reactive oxygen species metabolic process; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:2000647; P:negative regulation of stem cell proliferation; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:0051974; P:negative regulation of telomerase activity; IDA:BHF-UCL.
DR   GO; GO:0000122; P:negative regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II; IDA:ARUK-UCL.
DR   GO; GO:0045892; P:negative regulation of transcription, DNA-templated; IDA:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0030512; P:negative regulation of transforming growth factor beta receptor signaling pathway; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:0007405; P:neuroblast proliferation; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:0051402; P:neuron apoptotic process; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:0006289; P:nucleotide-excision repair; IMP:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0097252; P:oligodendrocyte apoptotic process; IDA:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0090403; P:oxidative stress-induced premature senescence; IMP:BHF-UCL.
DR   GO; GO:0043065; P:positive regulation of apoptotic process; IDA:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0010666; P:positive regulation of cardiac muscle cell apoptotic process; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:2000774; P:positive regulation of cellular senescence; ISS:BHF-UCL.
DR   GO; GO:1900119; P:positive regulation of execution phase of apoptosis; IMP:AgBase.
DR   GO; GO:0010628; P:positive regulation of gene expression; IDA:CAFA.
DR   GO; GO:0031065; P:positive regulation of histone deacetylation; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:2001244; P:positive regulation of intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway; IMP:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:1903800; P:positive regulation of miRNA maturation; IDA:BHF-UCL.
DR   GO; GO:1902895; P:positive regulation of miRNA transcription; IDA:BHF-UCL.
DR   GO; GO:0035794; P:positive regulation of mitochondrial membrane permeability; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:0043525; P:positive regulation of neuron apoptotic process; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:0050731; P:positive regulation of peptidyl-tyrosine phosphorylation; ISS:BHF-UCL.
DR   GO; GO:0062100; P:positive regulation of programmed necrotic cell death; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:2000379; P:positive regulation of reactive oxygen species metabolic process; IMP:BHF-UCL.
DR   GO; GO:0090200; P:positive regulation of release of cytochrome c from mitochondria; IDA:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0045899; P:positive regulation of RNA polymerase II transcription preinitiation complex assembly; IDA:BHF-UCL.
DR   GO; GO:0070245; P:positive regulation of thymocyte apoptotic process; ISS:BHF-UCL.
DR   GO; GO:0045944; P:positive regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II; IDA:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:1990440; P:positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter in response to endoplasmic reticulum stress; ISS:ParkinsonsUK-UCL.
DR   GO; GO:0061419; P:positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter in response to hypoxia; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:0036003; P:positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter in response to stress; IDA:ARUK-UCL.
DR   GO; GO:0045893; P:positive regulation of transcription, DNA-templated; IDA:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0006606; P:protein import into nucleus; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:0008104; P:protein localization; IDA:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0050821; P:protein stabilization; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:0051262; P:protein tetramerization; IEA:InterPro.
DR   GO; GO:0065003; P:protein-containing complex assembly; IDA:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0007265; P:Ras protein signal transduction; IEP:BHF-UCL.
DR   GO; GO:0072593; P:reactive oxygen species metabolic process; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:0042981; P:regulation of apoptotic process; IDA:MGI.
DR   GO; GO:0051726; P:regulation of cell cycle; IDA:BHF-UCL.
DR   GO; GO:1902749; P:regulation of cell cycle G2/M phase transition; IMP:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0043516; P:regulation of DNA damage response, signal transduction by p53 class mediator; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:2000269; P:regulation of fibroblast apoptotic process; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:1902253; P:regulation of intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway by p53 class mediator; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:1902108; P:regulation of mitochondrial membrane permeability involved in apoptotic process; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:0034103; P:regulation of tissue remodeling; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:0006357; P:regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II; IBA:GO_Central.
DR   GO; GO:1990248; P:regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter in response to DNA damage; IDA:ARUK-UCL.
DR   GO; GO:0006355; P:regulation of transcription, DNA-templated; IDA:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0001836; P:release of cytochrome c from mitochondria; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:0090399; P:replicative senescence; IMP:BHF-UCL.
DR   GO; GO:0046677; P:response to antibiotic; IEP:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0010332; P:response to gamma radiation; IMP:BHF-UCL.
DR   GO; GO:0002931; P:response to ischemia; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:0009651; P:response to salt stress; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:0010165; P:response to X-ray; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:0009303; P:rRNA transcription; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:0072331; P:signal transduction by p53 class mediator; IDA:CAFA.
DR   GO; GO:0001756; P:somitogenesis; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:0072089; P:stem cell proliferation; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:0033077; P:T cell differentiation in thymus; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:0002360; P:T cell lineage commitment; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:0002309; P:T cell proliferation involved in immune response; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:0070242; P:thymocyte apoptotic process; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:0007179; P:transforming growth factor beta receptor signaling pathway; IEA:Ensembl.
DR   GO; GO:0033209; P:tumor necrosis factor-mediated signaling pathway; IGI:BHF-UCL.
DR   GO; GO:0016032; P:viral process; IMP:CACAO.
DR   CDD; cd08367; P53; 1.
DR   DisProt; DP00086; -.
DR   Gene3D;; -; 1.
DR   Gene3D;; -; 1.
DR   IDEAL; IID00015; -.
DR   InterPro; IPR008967; p53-like_TF_DNA-bd.
DR   InterPro; IPR012346; p53/RUNT-type_TF_DNA-bd_sf.
DR   InterPro; IPR011615; p53_DNA-bd.
DR   InterPro; IPR040926; p53_TAD2.
DR   InterPro; IPR036674; p53_tetramer_sf.
DR   InterPro; IPR010991; p53_tetrameristn.
DR   InterPro; IPR013872; p53_transactivation_domain.
DR   InterPro; IPR002117; p53_tumour_suppressor.
DR   PANTHER; PTHR11447; PTHR11447; 1.
DR   Pfam; PF00870; P53; 1.
DR   Pfam; PF08563; P53_TAD; 1.
DR   Pfam; PF07710; P53_tetramer; 1.
DR   Pfam; PF18521; TAD2; 1.
DR   SUPFAM; SSF47719; SSF47719; 1.
DR   SUPFAM; SSF49417; SSF49417; 1.
DR   PROSITE; PS00348; P53; 1.
PE   1: Evidence at protein level;
KW   3D-structure; Acetylation; Activator; Alternative promoter usage;
KW   Alternative splicing; Apoptosis; Biological rhythms; Cell cycle; Cytoplasm;
KW   Cytoskeleton; Direct protein sequencing; Disease variant; DNA-binding;
KW   Endoplasmic reticulum; Glycoprotein; Host-virus interaction;
KW   Isopeptide bond; Li-Fraumeni syndrome; Metal-binding; Methylation;
KW   Mitochondrion; Necrosis; Nucleus; Phosphoprotein; Reference proteome;
KW   Repressor; Transcription; Transcription regulation; Tumor suppressor;
KW   Ubl conjugation; Zinc.
FT   CHAIN           1..393
FT                   /note="Cellular tumor antigen p53"
FT                   /id="PRO_0000185703"
FT   DNA_BIND        102..292
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:16793544,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:18996393, ECO:0000269|PubMed:20364130"
FT   REGION          1..320
FT                   /note="Interaction with CCAR2"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:25732823"
FT   REGION          1..83
FT                   /note="Interaction with HRMT1L2"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:15186775"
FT   REGION          1..44
FT                   /note="Transcription activation (acidic)"
FT   REGION          50..96
FT                   /note="Disordered"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000256|SAM:MobiDB-lite"
FT   REGION          66..110
FT                   /note="Interaction with WWOX"
FT   REGION          100..370
FT                   /note="Interaction with HIPK1"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000250"
FT   REGION          100..300
FT                   /note="Required for interaction with ZNF385A"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:17719541"
FT   REGION          113..236
FT                   /note="Required for interaction with FBXO42"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:19509332"
FT   REGION          116..292
FT                   /note="Interaction with AXIN1"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000250"
FT   REGION          241..248
FT                   /note="Interaction with the 53BP2 SH3 domain"
FT   REGION          256..294
FT                   /note="Interaction with E4F1"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:10644996"
FT   REGION          273..280
FT                   /note="Interaction with DNA"
FT   REGION          282..325
FT                   /note="Disordered"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000256|SAM:MobiDB-lite"
FT   REGION          300..393
FT                   /note="Interaction with CARM1"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:15186775"
FT   REGION          319..360
FT                   /note="Interaction with HIPK2"
FT   REGION          325..356
FT                   /note="Oligomerization"
FT   REGION          351..393
FT                   /note="Disordered"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000256|SAM:MobiDB-lite"
FT   REGION          359..363
FT                   /note="Interaction with USP7"
FT   REGION          368..387
FT                   /note="Basic (repression of DNA-binding)"
FT   MOTIF           17..25
FT                   /note="TADI"
FT   MOTIF           48..56
FT                   /note="TADII"
FT   MOTIF           305..321
FT                   /note="Bipartite nuclear localization signal"
FT   MOTIF           339..350
FT                   /note="Nuclear export signal"
FT   MOTIF           370..372
FT                   /note="[KR]-[STA]-K motif"
FT   COMPBIAS        64..92
FT                   /note="Pro residues"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000256|SAM:MobiDB-lite"
FT   COMPBIAS        282..301
FT                   /note="Basic and acidic residues"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000256|SAM:MobiDB-lite"
FT   COMPBIAS        305..319
FT                   /note="Polar residues"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000256|SAM:MobiDB-lite"
FT   COMPBIAS        366..380
FT                   /note="Basic residues"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000256|SAM:MobiDB-lite"
FT   BINDING         176
FT                   /ligand="Zn(2+)"
FT                   /ligand_id="ChEBI:CHEBI:29105"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:14534297,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:16793544, ECO:0000269|PubMed:17015838,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:18650397, ECO:0000269|PubMed:19515728,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:20142040, ECO:0000269|PubMed:20364130"
FT   BINDING         179
FT                   /ligand="Zn(2+)"
FT                   /ligand_id="ChEBI:CHEBI:29105"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:14534297,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:16793544, ECO:0000269|PubMed:17015838,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:18650397, ECO:0000269|PubMed:19515728,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:20142040, ECO:0000269|PubMed:20364130"
FT   BINDING         238
FT                   /ligand="Zn(2+)"
FT                   /ligand_id="ChEBI:CHEBI:29105"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:14534297,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:16793544, ECO:0000269|PubMed:17015838,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:18650397, ECO:0000269|PubMed:19515728,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:20142040, ECO:0000269|PubMed:20364130"
FT   BINDING         242
FT                   /ligand="Zn(2+)"
FT                   /ligand_id="ChEBI:CHEBI:29105"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:14534297,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:16793544, ECO:0000269|PubMed:17015838,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:18650397, ECO:0000269|PubMed:19515728,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:20142040, ECO:0000269|PubMed:20364130"
FT   SITE            120
FT                   /note="Interaction with DNA"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:16793544,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:18996393, ECO:0000269|PubMed:20364130"
FT   MOD_RES         9
FT                   /note="Phosphoserine; by HIPK4"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:18022393"
FT   MOD_RES         15
FT                   /note="Phosphoserine; by CDK5, PRPK, AMPK, NUAK1 and ATM"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:10570149,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:11554766, ECO:0000269|PubMed:15866171,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:17108107, ECO:0000269|PubMed:17591690,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:17967874, ECO:0000269|PubMed:21317932,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:28842590"
FT   MOD_RES         18
FT                   /note="Phosphothreonine; by CK1, VRK1 and VRK2"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:10606744,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:10951572, ECO:0000269|PubMed:16704422"
FT   MOD_RES         20
FT                   /note="Phosphoserine; by CHEK2, CK1 and PLK3"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:10570149,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:11447225, ECO:0000269|PubMed:11551930,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:12810724, ECO:0000269|PubMed:20041275"
FT   MOD_RES         33
FT                   /note="Phosphoserine; by CDK5 and CDK7"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:17591690,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:9372954"
FT   MOD_RES         37
FT                   /note="Phosphoserine; by MAPKAPK5"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:17254968"
FT   MOD_RES         46
FT                   /note="Phosphoserine; by CDK5, DYRK2, HIPK2 and PKC/PRKCG"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:11740489,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:11780126, ECO:0000269|PubMed:16377624,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:17349958, ECO:0000269|PubMed:17591690"
FT   MOD_RES         55
FT                   /note="Phosphothreonine; by TAF1 and GRK5"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:15053879,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:20124405"
FT   MOD_RES         120
FT                   /note="N6-acetyllysine; by KAT6A"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:23431171"
FT   MOD_RES         183
FT                   /note="Phosphoserine; by AURKB"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:20959462"
FT   MOD_RES         269
FT                   /note="Phosphoserine; by AURKB"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:20959462"
FT   MOD_RES         284
FT                   /note="Phosphothreonine; by AURKB"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:20959462"
FT   MOD_RES         305
FT                   /note="N6-acetyllysine"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:12724314"
FT   MOD_RES         315
FT                   /note="Phosphoserine; by AURKA, CDK1 and CDK2"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:10884347,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:14702041"
FT   MOD_RES         321
FT                   /note="N6-acetyllysine"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000250|UniProtKB:P02340"
FT   MOD_RES         333
FT                   /note="Omega-N-methylarginine; by PRMT5"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:19011621"
FT   MOD_RES         335
FT                   /note="Symmetric dimethylarginine; by PRMT5"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:19011621"
FT   MOD_RES         337
FT                   /note="Symmetric dimethylarginine; by PRMT5"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:19011621"
FT   MOD_RES         370
FT                   /note="N6,N6-dimethyllysine; alternate"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:17108971,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:22864287"
FT   MOD_RES         370
FT                   /note="N6-methyllysine; by SMYD2; alternate"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:17108971,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:22864287"
FT   MOD_RES         372
FT                   /note="N6-methyllysine; by SETD7"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:15525938,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:16415881"
FT   MOD_RES         373
FT                   /note="N6,N6-dimethyllysine; by EHMT1 and EHMT2; alternate"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:20118233"
FT   MOD_RES         373
FT                   /note="N6-acetyllysine; alternate"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:10656795"
FT   MOD_RES         381
FT                   /note="N6-acetyllysine"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:29474172,
FT                   ECO:0007744|PubMed:19608861"
FT   MOD_RES         382
FT                   /note="N6,N6-dimethyllysine; alternate"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:17707234,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:20870725, ECO:0000269|PubMed:22864287"
FT   MOD_RES         382
FT                   /note="N6-acetyllysine; by KAT6A; alternate"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:10656795,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:15448695, ECO:0000269|PubMed:20228809,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:23431171, ECO:0007744|PubMed:19608861"
FT   MOD_RES         382
FT                   /note="N6-methyllysine; by KMT5A; alternate"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:17707234,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:20870725, ECO:0000269|PubMed:22864287"
FT   MOD_RES         392
FT                   /note="Phosphoserine; by CK2, CDK2 and NUAK1"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:10884347,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:11239457, ECO:0000269|PubMed:17108107,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:21317932, ECO:0000269|PubMed:22214662"
FT   CROSSLNK        24
FT                   /note="Glycyl lysine isopeptide (Lys-Gly) (interchain with
FT                   G-Cter in ubiquitin)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:21597459"
FT   CROSSLNK        291
FT                   /note="Glycyl lysine isopeptide (Lys-Gly) (interchain with
FT                   G-Cter in ubiquitin)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:19536131"
FT   CROSSLNK        292
FT                   /note="Glycyl lysine isopeptide (Lys-Gly) (interchain with
FT                   G-Cter in ubiquitin)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:19536131"
FT   CROSSLNK        386
FT                   /note="Glycyl lysine isopeptide (Lys-Gly) (interchain with
FT                   G-Cter in SUMO)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:11124955,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:22214662, ECO:0000269|Ref.37"
FT   VAR_SEQ         1..132
FT                   /note="Missing (in isoform 7, isoform 8 and isoform 9)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000303|PubMed:16131611"
FT                   /id="VSP_040833"
FT   VAR_SEQ         1..39
FT                   /note="Missing (in isoform 4, isoform 5 and isoform 6)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000305"
FT                   /id="VSP_040832"
FT   VAR_SEQ         332..346
FT                   /note="IRGRERFEMFRELNE -> MLLDLRWCYFLINSS (in isoform 3,
FT                   isoform 6 and isoform 9)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000303|PubMed:16131611"
FT                   /id="VSP_040560"
FT   VAR_SEQ         332..341
FT                   /note="IRGRERFEMF -> DQTSFQKENC (in isoform 2, isoform 5
FT                   and isoform 8)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000303|PubMed:16131611"
FT                   /id="VSP_006535"
FT   VAR_SEQ         342..393
FT                   /note="Missing (in isoform 2, isoform 5 and isoform 8)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000303|PubMed:16131611"
FT                   /id="VSP_006536"
FT   VAR_SEQ         347..393
FT                   /note="Missing (in isoform 3, isoform 6 and isoform 9)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000303|PubMed:16131611"
FT                   /id="VSP_040561"
FT   VARIANT         5
FT                   /note="Q -> H (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   abolishes strongly phosphorylation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044543"
FT   VARIANT         6
FT                   /note="S -> L (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   reduces interaction with ZNF385A)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044544"
FT   VARIANT         7
FT                   /note="D -> H (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587782646)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005851"
FT   VARIANT         8
FT                   /note="P -> S (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044545"
FT   VARIANT         10
FT                   /note="V -> I (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs535274413)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044546"
FT   VARIANT         11
FT                   /note="E -> K (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs201382018)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044547"
FT   VARIANT         11
FT                   /note="E -> Q (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs201382018)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044548"
FT   VARIANT         15
FT                   /note="S -> R (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044549"
FT   VARIANT         16
FT                   /note="Q -> L (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044550"
FT   VARIANT         17
FT                   /note="E -> D (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044551"
FT   VARIANT         24
FT                   /note="K -> N (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044552"
FT   VARIANT         28
FT                   /note="E -> A (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044553"
FT   VARIANT         29..30
FT                   /note="NN -> KD (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047158"
FT   VARIANT         31
FT                   /note="V -> I (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs201753350)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044554"
FT   VARIANT         33
FT                   /note="S -> T (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044555"
FT   VARIANT         34
FT                   /note="P -> L (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044556"
FT   VARIANT         35
FT                   /note="L -> F (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs121912661)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005852"
FT   VARIANT         36
FT                   /note="P -> L (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587781866)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044557"
FT   VARIANT         37
FT                   /note="S -> P (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044558"
FT   VARIANT         37
FT                   /note="S -> T (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044559"
FT   VARIANT         39
FT                   /note="A -> P (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044560"
FT   VARIANT         39
FT                   /note="A -> V (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1353016807)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044561"
FT   VARIANT         42
FT                   /note="D -> Y (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044562"
FT   VARIANT         43
FT                   /note="L -> S (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005853"
FT   VARIANT         44
FT                   /note="M -> I (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1060501190)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044563"
FT   VARIANT         44
FT                   /note="M -> T (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044564"
FT   VARIANT         44
FT                   /note="M -> V (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044565"
FT   VARIANT         45
FT                   /note="L -> M (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044566"
FT   VARIANT         46
FT                   /note="S -> F (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044567"
FT   VARIANT         46
FT                   /note="S -> P (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs876659630)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044568"
FT   VARIANT         47
FT                   /note="P -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044569"
FT   VARIANT         47
FT                   /note="P -> S (in dbSNP:rs1800371)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|Ref.12"
FT                   /id="VAR_014632"
FT   VARIANT         48
FT                   /note="D -> G (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044570"
FT   VARIANT         49
FT                   /note="D -> H (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587780728)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044571"
FT   VARIANT         49
FT                   /note="D -> N (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587780728)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044572"
FT   VARIANT         49
FT                   /note="D -> Y (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044573"
FT   VARIANT         52
FT                   /note="Q -> H (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044574"
FT   VARIANT         53
FT                   /note="W -> C (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005854"
FT   VARIANT         53
FT                   /note="W -> G (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044575"
FT   VARIANT         54
FT                   /note="F -> L (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1555526742)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044576"
FT   VARIANT         54
FT                   /note="F -> Y (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044577"
FT   VARIANT         56
FT                   /note="E -> K (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044578"
FT   VARIANT         56
FT                   /note="E -> V (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044579"
FT   VARIANT         58
FT                   /note="P -> Q (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044580"
FT   VARIANT         58
FT                   /note="P -> T (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044581"
FT   VARIANT         59
FT                   /note="G -> C (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1237722021)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044582"
FT   VARIANT         59
FT                   /note="G -> D (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044583"
FT   VARIANT         59
FT                   /note="G -> N (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045783"
FT   VARIANT         60
FT                   /note="P -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044584"
FT   VARIANT         60
FT                   /note="P -> Q (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044585"
FT   VARIANT         60
FT                   /note="P -> S (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005855"
FT   VARIANT         61
FT                   /note="D -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1460793472)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044586"
FT   VARIANT         61
FT                   /note="D -> N (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044587"
FT   VARIANT         62
FT                   /note="E -> D (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044588"
FT   VARIANT         63
FT                   /note="A -> T (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs876658902)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044589"
FT   VARIANT         63
FT                   /note="A -> V (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs372201428)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044590"
FT   VARIANT         65
FT                   /note="R -> T (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1060501210)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044591"
FT   VARIANT         66
FT                   /note="M -> I (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1555526711)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044592"
FT   VARIANT         66
FT                   /note="M -> R (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044593"
FT   VARIANT         67
FT                   /note="P -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044594"
FT   VARIANT         67
FT                   /note="P -> R (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044595"
FT   VARIANT         67
FT                   /note="P -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044596"
FT   VARIANT         68
FT                   /note="E -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044597"
FT   VARIANT         68
FT                   /note="E -> Q (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044598"
FT   VARIANT         69
FT                   /note="A -> D (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044599"
FT   VARIANT         69
FT                   /note="A -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs756233241)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044600"
FT   VARIANT         69
FT                   /note="A -> T (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044601"
FT   VARIANT         69
FT                   /note="A -> V (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs756233241)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044602"
FT   VARIANT         70
FT                   /note="A -> T (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044603"
FT   VARIANT         71
FT                   /note="P -> T (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044604"
FT   VARIANT         72
FT                   /note="P -> C (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions; dbSNP:rs730882014)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045784"
FT   VARIANT         72
FT                   /note="P -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045785"
FT   VARIANT         72
FT                   /note="P -> H (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1042522)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045786"
FT   VARIANT         72
FT                   /note="P -> L (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045787"
FT   VARIANT         72
FT                   /note="P -> R (in dbSNP:rs1042522)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:14702039,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:16131611, ECO:0000269|PubMed:1999338,
FT                   ECO:0000269|Ref.17"
FT                   /id="VAR_005856"
FT   VARIANT         73
FT                   /note="V -> E (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044605"
FT   VARIANT         73
FT                   /note="V -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044606"
FT   VARIANT         73
FT                   /note="V -> M (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587782423)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044607"
FT   VARIANT         74
FT                   /note="A -> T (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044608"
FT   VARIANT         75
FT                   /note="P -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044609"
FT   VARIANT         75
FT                   /note="P -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044610"
FT   VARIANT         75
FT                   /note="P -> S (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044611"
FT   VARIANT         76
FT                   /note="A -> G (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:2946935"
FT                   /id="VAR_044612"
FT   VARIANT         76
FT                   /note="A -> T (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044613"
FT   VARIANT         77
FT                   /note="P -> A (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044614"
FT   VARIANT         78
FT                   /note="A -> V (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044615"
FT   VARIANT         79
FT                   /note="A -> G (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044616"
FT   VARIANT         79
FT                   /note="A -> T (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005857"
FT   VARIANT         79
FT                   /note="A -> V (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044617"
FT   VARIANT         80
FT                   /note="P -> L (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044618"
FT   VARIANT         80
FT                   /note="P -> S (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1060501204)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044619"
FT   VARIANT         81
FT                   /note="T -> I (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044620"
FT   VARIANT         82
FT                   /note="P -> L (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs534447939)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044621"
FT   VARIANT         82
FT                   /note="P -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044622"
FT   VARIANT         83
FT                   /note="A -> E (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs201717599)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044623"
FT   VARIANT         83
FT                   /note="A -> V (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs201717599)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044624"
FT   VARIANT         84
FT                   /note="A -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044625"
FT   VARIANT         84
FT                   /note="A -> V (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044626"
FT   VARIANT         85
FT                   /note="P -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044627"
FT   VARIANT         85
FT                   /note="P -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044628"
FT   VARIANT         86
FT                   /note="A -> V (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044629"
FT   VARIANT         87
FT                   /note="P -> Q (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005858"
FT   VARIANT         88
FT                   /note="A -> T (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044630"
FT   VARIANT         88
FT                   /note="A -> V (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1555526631)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044631"
FT   VARIANT         89
FT                   /note="P -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs730881994)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044632"
FT   VARIANT         89
FT                   /note="P -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044633"
FT   VARIANT         90
FT                   /note="S -> F (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1555526625)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044634"
FT   VARIANT         90
FT                   /note="S -> Y (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044635"
FT   VARIANT         91
FT                   /note="W -> C (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044636"
FT   VARIANT         92
FT                   /note="P -> A (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044637"
FT   VARIANT         92
FT                   /note="P -> L (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1210700121)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044638"
FT   VARIANT         92
FT                   /note="P -> S (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044639"
FT   VARIANT         93
FT                   /note="L -> M (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044640"
FT   VARIANT         93
FT                   /note="L -> P (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044641"
FT   VARIANT         94
FT                   /note="S -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044642"
FT   VARIANT         94
FT                   /note="S -> T (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005859"
FT   VARIANT         95
FT                   /note="S -> F (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044643"
FT   VARIANT         95
FT                   /note="S -> T (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044644"
FT   VARIANT         96
FT                   /note="S -> C (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044645"
FT   VARIANT         96
FT                   /note="S -> F (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044646"
FT   VARIANT         96
FT                   /note="S -> P (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044647"
FT   VARIANT         97
FT                   /note="V -> A (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044648"
FT   VARIANT         97
FT                   /note="V -> F (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044649"
FT   VARIANT         97
FT                   /note="V -> I (in familial cancer not matching LFS;
FT                   germline mutation and in a sporadic cancer; somatic
FT                   mutation; dbSNP:rs730882023)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044650"
FT   VARIANT         98
FT                   /note="P -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1245723119)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044651"
FT   VARIANT         98
FT                   /note="P -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044652"
FT   VARIANT         99
FT                   /note="S -> F (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044653"
FT   VARIANT         99
FT                   /note="S -> P (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044654"
FT   VARIANT         100
FT                   /note="Q -> R (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044655"
FT   VARIANT         101
FT                   /note="K -> N (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs878854069)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044656"
FT   VARIANT         101
FT                   /note="K -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044657"
FT   VARIANT         102
FT                   /note="T -> I (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs786202717)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044658"
FT   VARIANT         104
FT                   /note="Q -> H (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044659"
FT   VARIANT         104
FT                   /note="Q -> L (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044660"
FT   VARIANT         105
FT                   /note="G -> C (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044661"
FT   VARIANT         105
FT                   /note="G -> D (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587781504)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044662"
FT   VARIANT         105
FT                   /note="G -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1060501195)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044663"
FT   VARIANT         105
FT                   /note="G -> S (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1060501195)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044664"
FT   VARIANT         105
FT                   /note="G -> V (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044665"
FT   VARIANT         106
FT                   /note="S -> G (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044666"
FT   VARIANT         106
FT                   /note="S -> R (in a familial cancer not matching LFS;
FT                   germline mutation and in sporadic cancers; somatic
FT                   mutation; dbSNP:rs1555526581)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044667"
FT   VARIANT         107
FT                   /note="Y -> C (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587782447)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044668"
FT   VARIANT         107
FT                   /note="Y -> D (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044669"
FT   VARIANT         107
FT                   /note="Y -> H (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs368771578)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044670"
FT   VARIANT         108
FT                   /note="G -> D (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044671"
FT   VARIANT         108
FT                   /note="G -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587782461)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044672"
FT   VARIANT         109
FT                   /note="F -> C (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044673"
FT   VARIANT         109
FT                   /note="F -> L (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044674"
FT   VARIANT         109
FT                   /note="F -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1064796722)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044675"
FT   VARIANT         110
FT                   /note="R -> C (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587781371)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005860"
FT   VARIANT         110
FT                   /note="R -> G (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044676"
FT   VARIANT         110
FT                   /note="R -> H (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs11540654)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044677"
FT   VARIANT         110
FT                   /note="R -> L (in a familial cancer not matching LFS;
FT                   germline mutation and in sporadic cancers; somatic
FT                   mutation; does not induce SNAI1 degradation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs11540654)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:20385133"
FT                   /id="VAR_005861"
FT   VARIANT         110
FT                   /note="R -> P (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs11540654)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:17224074"
FT                   /id="VAR_005862"
FT   VARIANT         110
FT                   /note="R -> S (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587781371)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044678"
FT   VARIANT         111
FT                   /note="L -> M (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044679"
FT   VARIANT         111
FT                   /note="L -> P (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057519997)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044680"
FT   VARIANT         111
FT                   /note="L -> Q (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057519997)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044681"
FT   VARIANT         111
FT                   /note="L -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057519997)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044682"
FT   VARIANT         112
FT                   /note="G -> D (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044683"
FT   VARIANT         112
FT                   /note="G -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1423803759)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044684"
FT   VARIANT         113
FT                   /note="F -> C (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005863"
FT   VARIANT         113
FT                   /note="F -> G (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045788"
FT   VARIANT         113
FT                   /note="F -> I (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044685"
FT   VARIANT         113
FT                   /note="F -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044686"
FT   VARIANT         113
FT                   /note="F -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044687"
FT   VARIANT         113
FT                   /note="F -> V (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587781642)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:17224074"
FT                   /id="VAR_033033"
FT   VARIANT         115
FT                   /note="H -> Y (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044688"
FT   VARIANT         116
FT                   /note="S -> C (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044689"
FT   VARIANT         116
FT                   /note="S -> F (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044690"
FT   VARIANT         116
FT                   /note="S -> P (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044691"
FT   VARIANT         117
FT                   /note="G -> E (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs755238756)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044692"
FT   VARIANT         117
FT                   /note="G -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1555526518)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044693"
FT   VARIANT         118
FT                   /note="T -> A (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044694"
FT   VARIANT         118
FT                   /note="T -> I (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1064794141)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044695"
FT   VARIANT         118
FT                   /note="T -> R (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044696"
FT   VARIANT         119
FT                   /note="A -> D (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044697"
FT   VARIANT         119
FT                   /note="A -> T (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044698"
FT   VARIANT         120
FT                   /note="K -> E (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs121912658)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044699"
FT   VARIANT         120
FT                   /note="K -> M (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044700"
FT   VARIANT         120
FT                   /note="K -> Q (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs121912658)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044701"
FT   VARIANT         120
FT                   /note="K -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044702"
FT   VARIANT         121
FT                   /note="S -> F (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044703"
FT   VARIANT         122
FT                   /note="V -> L (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044704"
FT   VARIANT         123
FT                   /note="T -> I (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1555526486)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044705"
FT   VARIANT         123
FT                   /note="T -> N (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044706"
FT   VARIANT         124
FT                   /note="C -> G (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs730881997)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044707"
FT   VARIANT         124
FT                   /note="C -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044708"
FT   VARIANT         124
FT                   /note="C -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs730881997)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044709"
FT   VARIANT         124
FT                   /note="C -> W (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044710"
FT   VARIANT         124
FT                   /note="C -> Y (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044711"
FT   VARIANT         125
FT                   /note="T -> A (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044712"
FT   VARIANT         125
FT                   /note="T -> K (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs786201057)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044713"
FT   VARIANT         125
FT                   /note="T -> M (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs786201057)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005864"
FT   VARIANT         125
FT                   /note="T -> P (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057520003)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044714"
FT   VARIANT         125
FT                   /note="T -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs786201057)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044715"
FT   VARIANT         126
FT                   /note="Y -> C (in a familial cancer not matching LFS;
FT                   germline mutation and in sporadic cancers; somatic
FT                   mutation; dbSNP:rs1555526335)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044716"
FT   VARIANT         126
FT                   /note="Y -> D (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs886039483)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005865"
FT   VARIANT         126
FT                   /note="Y -> F (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044717"
FT   VARIANT         126
FT                   /note="Y -> G (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045789"
FT   VARIANT         126
FT                   /note="Y -> H (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044718"
FT   VARIANT         126
FT                   /note="Y -> N (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs886039483)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005866"
FT   VARIANT         126
FT                   /note="Y -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044719"
FT   VARIANT         127
FT                   /note="S -> C (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs730881999)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044720"
FT   VARIANT         127
FT                   /note="S -> F (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs730881999)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005867"
FT   VARIANT         127
FT                   /note="S -> P (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044721"
FT   VARIANT         127
FT                   /note="S -> T (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044722"
FT   VARIANT         127
FT                   /note="S -> Y (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044723"
FT   VARIANT         128
FT                   /note="P -> A (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044724"
FT   VARIANT         128
FT                   /note="P -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044725"
FT   VARIANT         128
FT                   /note="P -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044726"
FT   VARIANT         128
FT                   /note="P -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005868"
FT   VARIANT         129
FT                   /note="A -> D (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005869"
FT   VARIANT         129
FT                   /note="A -> G (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044727"
FT   VARIANT         129
FT                   /note="A -> T (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1438095083)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044728"
FT   VARIANT         129
FT                   /note="A -> V (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs137852792)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044729"
FT   VARIANT         130
FT                   /note="L -> F (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs863224683)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044730"
FT   VARIANT         130
FT                   /note="L -> H (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044731"
FT   VARIANT         130
FT                   /note="L -> I (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044732"
FT   VARIANT         130
FT                   /note="L -> P (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1131691013)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044733"
FT   VARIANT         130
FT                   /note="L -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005870"
FT   VARIANT         130
FT                   /note="L -> V (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs863224683)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044734"
FT   VARIANT         131
FT                   /note="N -> D (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044735"
FT   VARIANT         131
FT                   /note="N -> H (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044736"
FT   VARIANT         131
FT                   /note="N -> I (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1131691037)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044737"
FT   VARIANT         131
FT                   /note="N -> K (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs769270327)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005872"
FT   VARIANT         131
FT                   /note="N -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005871"
FT   VARIANT         131
FT                   /note="N -> T (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044738"
FT   VARIANT         131
FT                   /note="N -> Y (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587782160)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044739"
FT   VARIANT         132..133
FT                   /note="KM -> NL (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047159"
FT   VARIANT         132
FT                   /note="K -> E (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs747342068)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044740"
FT   VARIANT         132
FT                   /note="K -> L (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045790"
FT   VARIANT         132
FT                   /note="K -> M (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057519996)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005873"
FT   VARIANT         132
FT                   /note="K -> N (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs866775781)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044741"
FT   VARIANT         132
FT                   /note="K -> Q (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs747342068)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:1694291"
FT                   /id="VAR_005874"
FT   VARIANT         132
FT                   /note="K -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057519996)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044742"
FT   VARIANT         132
FT                   /note="K -> T (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057519996)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044743"
FT   VARIANT         132
FT                   /note="K -> W (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045791"
FT   VARIANT         133
FT                   /note="M -> I (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1064795139)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044744"
FT   VARIANT         133
FT                   /note="M -> K (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044745"
FT   VARIANT         133
FT                   /note="M -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044746"
FT   VARIANT         133
FT                   /note="M -> R (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044747"
FT   VARIANT         133
FT                   /note="M -> T (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs28934873)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:1933902"
FT                   /id="VAR_005875"
FT   VARIANT         133
FT                   /note="M -> V (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057280220)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044748"
FT   VARIANT         134
FT                   /note="F -> C (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs780442292)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044749"
FT   VARIANT         134
FT                   /note="F -> I (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044750"
FT   VARIANT         134
FT                   /note="F -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs267605077)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:16959974"
FT                   /id="VAR_036504"
FT   VARIANT         134
FT                   /note="F -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044751"
FT   VARIANT         134
FT                   /note="F -> V (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044752"
FT   VARIANT         135
FT                   /note="C -> F (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587781991)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005877"
FT   VARIANT         135
FT                   /note="C -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057519975)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044753"
FT   VARIANT         135
FT                   /note="C -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057519975)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044754"
FT   VARIANT         135
FT                   /note="C -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057519975)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005876"
FT   VARIANT         135
FT                   /note="C -> T (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045792"
FT   VARIANT         135
FT                   /note="C -> W (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057519976)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044755"
FT   VARIANT         135
FT                   /note="C -> Y (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   decreased E6-mediated binding to E6-AP; dbSNP:rs587781991)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044756"
FT   VARIANT         136
FT                   /note="Q -> E (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1555526268)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005878"
FT   VARIANT         136
FT                   /note="Q -> H (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs758781593)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044757"
FT   VARIANT         136
FT                   /note="Q -> K (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005879"
FT   VARIANT         136
FT                   /note="Q -> P (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044758"
FT   VARIANT         136
FT                   /note="Q -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044759"
FT   VARIANT         137
FT                   /note="L -> M (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044760"
FT   VARIANT         137
FT                   /note="L -> P (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044761"
FT   VARIANT         137
FT                   /note="L -> Q (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005880"
FT   VARIANT         137
FT                   /note="L -> V (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044762"
FT   VARIANT         138
FT                   /note="A -> D (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044763"
FT   VARIANT         138
FT                   /note="A -> P (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs28934875)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005881"
FT   VARIANT         138
FT                   /note="A -> S (in LFS; germline mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044764"
FT   VARIANT         138
FT                   /note="A -> T (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044765"
FT   VARIANT         138
FT                   /note="A -> V (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation; no
FT                   effect on susceptibility to calpain; dbSNP:rs750600586)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:17224074,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:27657329"
FT                   /id="VAR_033034"
FT   VARIANT         139
FT                   /note="K -> E (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1212996409)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044766"
FT   VARIANT         139
FT                   /note="K -> N (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:14660794"
FT                   /id="VAR_005882"
FT   VARIANT         139
FT                   /note="K -> Q (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044767"
FT   VARIANT         139
FT                   /note="K -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044768"
FT   VARIANT         139
FT                   /note="K -> T (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044769"
FT   VARIANT         140
FT                   /note="T -> A (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044770"
FT   VARIANT         140
FT                   /note="T -> I (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044771"
FT   VARIANT         140
FT                   /note="T -> N (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs786202561)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044772"
FT   VARIANT         140
FT                   /note="T -> P (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044773"
FT   VARIANT         140
FT                   /note="T -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044774"
FT   VARIANT         141
FT                   /note="C -> A (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045793"
FT   VARIANT         141
FT                   /note="C -> F (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587781288)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005885"
FT   VARIANT         141
FT                   /note="C -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057519978)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005884"
FT   VARIANT         141
FT                   /note="C -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057519978)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044775"
FT   VARIANT         141
FT                   /note="C -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057519978)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044776"
FT   VARIANT         141
FT                   /note="C -> W (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057519977)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044777"
FT   VARIANT         141
FT                   /note="C -> Y (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs587781288)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005886"
FT   VARIANT         142
FT                   /note="P -> A (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044778"
FT   VARIANT         142
FT                   /note="P -> F (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045794"
FT   VARIANT         142
FT                   /note="P -> H (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044779"
FT   VARIANT         142
FT                   /note="P -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs779196500)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044780"
FT   VARIANT         142
FT                   /note="P -> R (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044781"
FT   VARIANT         142
FT                   /note="P -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044782"
FT   VARIANT         142
FT                   /note="P -> T (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044783"
FT   VARIANT         143
FT                   /note="V -> A (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   strong DNA binding ability at 32.5 degrees Celsius; strong
FT                   reduction of transcriptional activity at 37.5 degrees
FT                   Celsius; severely represses interaction with ZNF385A)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:17719541,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:8013454"
FT                   /id="VAR_005887"
FT   VARIANT         143
FT                   /note="V -> E (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044784"
FT   VARIANT         143
FT                   /note="V -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1555526241)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044785"
FT   VARIANT         143
FT                   /note="V -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587782620)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044786"
FT   VARIANT         143
FT                   /note="V -> M (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587782620)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044787"
FT   VARIANT         144
FT                   /note="Q -> H (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs786201419)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044788"
FT   VARIANT         144
FT                   /note="Q -> K (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044789"
FT   VARIANT         144
FT                   /note="Q -> L (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs786203071)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044790"
FT   VARIANT         144
FT                   /note="Q -> P (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs786203071)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005888"
FT   VARIANT         144
FT                   /note="Q -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044791"
FT   VARIANT         145
FT                   /note="L -> M (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044792"
FT   VARIANT         145
FT                   /note="L -> P (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587782197)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005889"
FT   VARIANT         145
FT                   /note="L -> Q (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005890"
FT   VARIANT         145
FT                   /note="L -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044793"
FT   VARIANT         145
FT                   /note="L -> V (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044794"
FT   VARIANT         146
FT                   /note="W -> C (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044795"
FT   VARIANT         146
FT                   /note="W -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs786203064)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044796"
FT   VARIANT         146
FT                   /note="W -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044797"
FT   VARIANT         146
FT                   /note="W -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044798"
FT   VARIANT         146
FT                   /note="W -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044799"
FT   VARIANT         147
FT                   /note="V -> A (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044800"
FT   VARIANT         147
FT                   /note="V -> D (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005891"
FT   VARIANT         147
FT                   /note="V -> E (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044801"
FT   VARIANT         147
FT                   /note="V -> F (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044802"
FT   VARIANT         147
FT                   /note="V -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1453167097)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005892"
FT   VARIANT         147
FT                   /note="V -> I (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1555526226)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044803"
FT   VARIANT         148
FT                   /note="D -> A (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1046611742)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044804"
FT   VARIANT         148
FT                   /note="D -> E (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044805"
FT   VARIANT         148
FT                   /note="D -> G (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044806"
FT   VARIANT         148
FT                   /note="D -> N (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044807"
FT   VARIANT         148
FT                   /note="D -> V (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044808"
FT   VARIANT         148
FT                   /note="D -> Y (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1131691007)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044809"
FT   VARIANT         149
FT                   /note="S -> F (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1555526214)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044810"
FT   VARIANT         149
FT                   /note="S -> P (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005893"
FT   VARIANT         149
FT                   /note="S -> T (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044811"
FT   VARIANT         150
FT                   /note="T -> A (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044812"
FT   VARIANT         150
FT                   /note="T -> I (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044813"
FT   VARIANT         150
FT                   /note="T -> K (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044814"
FT   VARIANT         150
FT                   /note="T -> N (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044815"
FT   VARIANT         150
FT                   /note="T -> P (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044816"
FT   VARIANT         150
FT                   /note="T -> R (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044817"
FT   VARIANT         151
FT                   /note="P -> A (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs28934874)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005894"
FT   VARIANT         151
FT                   /note="P -> H (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057520000)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044818"
FT   VARIANT         151
FT                   /note="P -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044819"
FT   VARIANT         151
FT                   /note="P -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057520000)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044820"
FT   VARIANT         151
FT                   /note="P -> S (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs28934874)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:7682763"
FT                   /id="VAR_005895"
FT   VARIANT         151
FT                   /note="P -> T (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs28934874)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005896"
FT   VARIANT         152
FT                   /note="P -> A (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044821"
FT   VARIANT         152
FT                   /note="P -> L (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs587782705)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:1868473"
FT                   /id="VAR_005897"
FT   VARIANT         152
FT                   /note="P -> Q (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044822"
FT   VARIANT         152
FT                   /note="P -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044823"
FT   VARIANT         152
FT                   /note="P -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs767328513)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:9450901"
FT                   /id="VAR_005898"
FT   VARIANT         152
FT                   /note="P -> T (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044824"
FT   VARIANT         153
FT                   /note="P -> A (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044825"
FT   VARIANT         153
FT                   /note="P -> F (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045795"
FT   VARIANT         153
FT                   /note="P -> H (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044826"
FT   VARIANT         153
FT                   /note="P -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044827"
FT   VARIANT         153
FT                   /note="P -> R (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044828"
FT   VARIANT         153
FT                   /note="P -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1064795860)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044829"
FT   VARIANT         153
FT                   /note="P -> T (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005899"
FT   VARIANT         154
FT                   /note="G -> A (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044830"
FT   VARIANT         154
FT                   /note="G -> C (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044831"
FT   VARIANT         154
FT                   /note="G -> D (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs762846821)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044832"
FT   VARIANT         154
FT                   /note="G -> I (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045796"
FT   VARIANT         154
FT                   /note="G -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs137852789)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044833"
FT   VARIANT         154
FT                   /note="G -> V (in a brain tumor with no family history;
FT                   germline mutation and in sporadic cancers; somatic
FT                   mutation; dbSNP:rs762846821)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:2263646"
FT                   /id="VAR_005900"
FT   VARIANT         155
FT                   /note="T -> A (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs772683278)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:1868473"
FT                   /id="VAR_005901"
FT   VARIANT         155
FT                   /note="T -> I (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044834"
FT   VARIANT         155
FT                   /note="T -> M (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044835"
FT   VARIANT         155
FT                   /note="T -> N (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs786202752)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044836"
FT   VARIANT         155
FT                   /note="T -> P (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation; does
FT                   not induce SNAI1 degradation)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:14660794,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:20385133"
FT                   /id="VAR_044837"
FT   VARIANT         155
FT                   /note="T -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs786202752)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044838"
FT   VARIANT         156
FT                   /note="R -> C (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs563378859)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044839"
FT   VARIANT         156
FT                   /note="R -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044840"
FT   VARIANT         156
FT                   /note="R -> H (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs371524413)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044841"
FT   VARIANT         156
FT                   /note="R -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044842"
FT   VARIANT         156
FT                   /note="R -> P (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:7682763"
FT                   /id="VAR_005902"
FT   VARIANT         156
FT                   /note="R -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044843"
FT   VARIANT         157
FT                   /note="V -> A (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1131691023)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044844"
FT   VARIANT         157
FT                   /note="V -> D (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005903"
FT   VARIANT         157
FT                   /note="V -> F (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs121912654)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:16959974"
FT                   /id="VAR_005904"
FT   VARIANT         157
FT                   /note="V -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044845"
FT   VARIANT         157
FT                   /note="V -> I (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs121912654)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:9419979"
FT                   /id="VAR_012977"
FT   VARIANT         157
FT                   /note="V -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044846"
FT   VARIANT         158
FT                   /note="R -> C (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587780068)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005905"
FT   VARIANT         158
FT                   /note="R -> F (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045797"
FT   VARIANT         158
FT                   /note="R -> G (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005906"
FT   VARIANT         158
FT                   /note="R -> H (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs587782144)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005907"
FT   VARIANT         158
FT                   /note="R -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044847"
FT   VARIANT         158
FT                   /note="R -> P (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587782144)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044848"
FT   VARIANT         158
FT                   /note="R -> Q (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044849"
FT   VARIANT         158
FT                   /note="R -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044850"
FT   VARIANT         158
FT                   /note="R -> Y (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045798"
FT   VARIANT         159
FT                   /note="A -> D (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044851"
FT   VARIANT         159
FT                   /note="A -> F (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions; dbSNP:rs730882022)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045799"
FT   VARIANT         159
FT                   /note="A -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044852"
FT   VARIANT         159
FT                   /note="A -> P (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs730882000)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044853"
FT   VARIANT         159
FT                   /note="A -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044854"
FT   VARIANT         159
FT                   /note="A -> T (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs730882000)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044855"
FT   VARIANT         159
FT                   /note="A -> V (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1555526131)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044856"
FT   VARIANT         160..161
FT                   /note="MA -> IP (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047160"
FT   VARIANT         160..161
FT                   /note="MA -> IS (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047161"
FT   VARIANT         160..161
FT                   /note="MA -> IT (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047162"
FT   VARIANT         160
FT                   /note="M -> I (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs772354334)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005908"
FT   VARIANT         160
FT                   /note="M -> K (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044857"
FT   VARIANT         160
FT                   /note="M -> T (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044858"
FT   VARIANT         160
FT                   /note="M -> V (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs377274728)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044859"
FT   VARIANT         161
FT                   /note="A -> D (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1064795691)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044860"
FT   VARIANT         161
FT                   /note="A -> F (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045800"
FT   VARIANT         161
FT                   /note="A -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044861"
FT   VARIANT         161
FT                   /note="A -> P (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044862"
FT   VARIANT         161
FT                   /note="A -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005909"
FT   VARIANT         161
FT                   /note="A -> T (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs193920817)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044863"
FT   VARIANT         161
FT                   /note="A -> V (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044864"
FT   VARIANT         162
FT                   /note="I -> F (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044865"
FT   VARIANT         162
FT                   /note="I -> M (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044866"
FT   VARIANT         162
FT                   /note="I -> N (in a breast cancer with no family history;
FT                   germline mutation and in sporadic cancers; somatic
FT                   mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044867"
FT   VARIANT         162
FT                   /note="I -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587780069)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005910"
FT   VARIANT         162
FT                   /note="I -> T (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044868"
FT   VARIANT         162
FT                   /note="I -> V (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005911"
FT   VARIANT         163
FT                   /note="Y -> C (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs148924904)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:16959974,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:17224074"
FT                   /id="VAR_033035"
FT   VARIANT         163
FT                   /note="Y -> D (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs786203436)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044869"
FT   VARIANT         163
FT                   /note="Y -> F (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044870"
FT   VARIANT         163
FT                   /note="Y -> H (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs786203436)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:17224074"
FT                   /id="VAR_005912"
FT   VARIANT         163
FT                   /note="Y -> N (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs786203436)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044871"
FT   VARIANT         163
FT                   /note="Y -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044872"
FT   VARIANT         164
FT                   /note="K -> E (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs879254249)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044873"
FT   VARIANT         164
FT                   /note="K -> M (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044874"
FT   VARIANT         164
FT                   /note="K -> N (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1131691034)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005913"
FT   VARIANT         164
FT                   /note="K -> Q (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005914"
FT   VARIANT         164
FT                   /note="K -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044875"
FT   VARIANT         164
FT                   /note="K -> T (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044876"
FT   VARIANT         165
FT                   /note="Q -> E (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044877"
FT   VARIANT         165
FT                   /note="Q -> H (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044878"
FT   VARIANT         165
FT                   /note="Q -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005915"
FT   VARIANT         165
FT                   /note="Q -> P (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044879"
FT   VARIANT         165
FT                   /note="Q -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005916"
FT   VARIANT         166
FT                   /note="S -> A (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044880"
FT   VARIANT         166
FT                   /note="S -> G (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044881"
FT   VARIANT         166
FT                   /note="S -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1555526101)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005917"
FT   VARIANT         166
FT                   /note="S -> P (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044882"
FT   VARIANT         166
FT                   /note="S -> T (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044883"
FT   VARIANT         167..168
FT                   /note="QH -> HD (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047163"
FT   VARIANT         167..168
FT                   /note="QH -> YL (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047164"
FT   VARIANT         167
FT                   /note="Q -> H (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044884"
FT   VARIANT         167
FT                   /note="Q -> K (in LFS; germline mutation and in a sporadic
FT                   cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044885"
FT   VARIANT         167
FT                   /note="Q -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044886"
FT   VARIANT         167
FT                   /note="Q -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044887"
FT   VARIANT         168..169
FT                   /note="HM -> LI (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047165"
FT   VARIANT         168
FT                   /note="H -> D (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044888"
FT   VARIANT         168
FT                   /note="H -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044889"
FT   VARIANT         168
FT                   /note="H -> N (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044890"
FT   VARIANT         168
FT                   /note="H -> P (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044891"
FT   VARIANT         168
FT                   /note="H -> Q (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044892"
FT   VARIANT         168
FT                   /note="H -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs867114783)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005918"
FT   VARIANT         168
FT                   /note="H -> V (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045801"
FT   VARIANT         168
FT                   /note="H -> Y (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044893"
FT   VARIANT         169..170
FT                   /note="MT -> IS (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047166"
FT   VARIANT         169
FT                   /note="M -> I (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:9450901"
FT                   /id="VAR_005919"
FT   VARIANT         169
FT                   /note="M -> K (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044894"
FT   VARIANT         169
FT                   /note="M -> T (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005920"
FT   VARIANT         169
FT                   /note="M -> V (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044895"
FT   VARIANT         170
FT                   /note="T -> A (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587780729)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044896"
FT   VARIANT         170
FT                   /note="T -> K (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044897"
FT   VARIANT         170
FT                   /note="T -> M (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs779000871)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005921"
FT   VARIANT         170
FT                   /note="T -> P (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044898"
FT   VARIANT         170
FT                   /note="T -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005922"
FT   VARIANT         171
FT                   /note="E -> A (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044899"
FT   VARIANT         171
FT                   /note="E -> D (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044900"
FT   VARIANT         171
FT                   /note="E -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044901"
FT   VARIANT         171
FT                   /note="E -> K (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587781845)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044902"
FT   VARIANT         171
FT                   /note="E -> Q (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044903"
FT   VARIANT         171
FT                   /note="E -> V (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044904"
FT   VARIANT         172
FT                   /note="V -> A (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005923"
FT   VARIANT         172
FT                   /note="V -> D (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044905"
FT   VARIANT         172
FT                   /note="V -> F (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs1131691043)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044906"
FT   VARIANT         172
FT                   /note="V -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1131691021)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044907"
FT   VARIANT         172
FT                   /note="V -> I (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044908"
FT   VARIANT         173
FT                   /note="V -> A (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057519747)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044909"
FT   VARIANT         173
FT                   /note="V -> E (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057519747)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005924"
FT   VARIANT         173
FT                   /note="V -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057519747)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044910"
FT   VARIANT         173
FT                   /note="V -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs876660754)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005925"
FT   VARIANT         173
FT                   /note="V -> M (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs876660754)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005926"
FT   VARIANT         173
FT                   /note="V -> W (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045802"
FT   VARIANT         174
FT                   /note="R -> G (in LFS; germline mutation and in a sporadic
FT                   cancer; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs864622115)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044911"
FT   VARIANT         174
FT                   /note="R -> K (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1064796681)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:7682763"
FT                   /id="VAR_005927"
FT   VARIANT         174
FT                   /note="R -> M (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044912"
FT   VARIANT         174
FT                   /note="R -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044913"
FT   VARIANT         174
FT                   /note="R -> T (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044914"
FT   VARIANT         174
FT                   /note="R -> W (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044915"
FT   VARIANT         175
FT                   /note="R -> C (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs138729528)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005928"
FT   VARIANT         175
FT                   /note="R -> G (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs138729528)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005929"
FT   VARIANT         175
FT                   /note="R -> H (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; does not induce SNAI1
FT                   degradation; reduces interaction with ZNF385A; loss of
FT                   susceptibility to calpain; dbSNP:rs28934578)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:16959974,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:17719541, ECO:0000269|PubMed:1868473,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:20385133, ECO:0000269|PubMed:27657329,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:7887414, ECO:0000269|PubMed:8825920"
FT                   /id="VAR_005932"
FT   VARIANT         175
FT                   /note="R -> L (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs28934578)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005930"
FT   VARIANT         175
FT                   /note="R -> P (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:17719541"
FT                   /id="VAR_005931"
FT   VARIANT         175
FT                   /note="R -> Q (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044916"
FT   VARIANT         175
FT                   /note="R -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044917"
FT   VARIANT         176..177
FT                   /note="CP -> FS (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047167"
FT   VARIANT         176
FT                   /note="C -> F (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs786202962)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:1394225,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:1868473, ECO:0000269|PubMed:8829627,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:9450901"
FT                   /id="VAR_005933"
FT   VARIANT         176
FT                   /note="C -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044918"
FT   VARIANT         176
FT                   /note="C -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044919"
FT   VARIANT         176
FT                   /note="C -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs967461896)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044920"
FT   VARIANT         176
FT                   /note="C -> W (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057519980)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005934"
FT   VARIANT         176
FT                   /note="C -> Y (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs786202962)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044921"
FT   VARIANT         177
FT                   /note="P -> A (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044922"
FT   VARIANT         177
FT                   /note="P -> F (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045803"
FT   VARIANT         177
FT                   /note="P -> H (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044923"
FT   VARIANT         177
FT                   /note="P -> I (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045804"
FT   VARIANT         177
FT                   /note="P -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs751477326)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005935"
FT   VARIANT         177
FT                   /note="P -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs751477326)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:16959974"
FT                   /id="VAR_036505"
FT   VARIANT         177
FT                   /note="P -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs147002414)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044924"
FT   VARIANT         177
FT                   /note="P -> T (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044925"
FT   VARIANT         178..179
FT                   /note="HH -> QS (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047168"
FT   VARIANT         178
FT                   /note="H -> D (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044926"
FT   VARIANT         178
FT                   /note="H -> HPHP (in a Burkitt lymphoma)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:1303181"
FT                   /id="VAR_005936"
FT   VARIANT         178
FT                   /note="H -> L (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044927"
FT   VARIANT         178
FT                   /note="H -> N (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1064795203)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044928"
FT   VARIANT         178
FT                   /note="H -> P (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1555526004)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044929"
FT   VARIANT         178
FT                   /note="H -> Q (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044930"
FT   VARIANT         178
FT                   /note="H -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044931"
FT   VARIANT         178
FT                   /note="H -> Y (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044932"
FT   VARIANT         179
FT                   /note="H -> D (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587780070)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044933"
FT   VARIANT         179
FT                   /note="H -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057519991)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044934"
FT   VARIANT         179
FT                   /note="H -> N (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587780070)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044935"
FT   VARIANT         179
FT                   /note="H -> P (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057519991)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044936"
FT   VARIANT         179
FT                   /note="H -> Q (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs876660821)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044937"
FT   VARIANT         179
FT                   /note="H -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057519991)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044938"
FT   VARIANT         179
FT                   /note="H -> Y (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs587780070)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044939"
FT   VARIANT         180
FT                   /note="E -> A (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044940"
FT   VARIANT         180
FT                   /note="E -> D (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044941"
FT   VARIANT         180
FT                   /note="E -> G (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044942"
FT   VARIANT         180
FT                   /note="E -> K (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs879253911)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044943"
FT   VARIANT         180
FT                   /note="E -> Q (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044944"
FT   VARIANT         180
FT                   /note="E -> V (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044945"
FT   VARIANT         181
FT                   /note="R -> C (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs587782596)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044946"
FT   VARIANT         181
FT                   /note="R -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044947"
FT   VARIANT         181
FT                   /note="R -> H (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs397514495)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044948"
FT   VARIANT         181
FT                   /note="R -> L (in a familial cancer not matching LFS;
FT                   germline mutation and in sporadic cancers; somatic
FT                   mutation; dbSNP:rs397514495)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005937"
FT   VARIANT         181
FT                   /note="R -> P (in a familial cancer not matching LFS;
FT                   germline mutation and in sporadic cancers; somatic
FT                   mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044949"
FT   VARIANT         181
FT                   /note="R -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587782596)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044950"
FT   VARIANT         182
FT                   /note="C -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044951"
FT   VARIANT         182
FT                   /note="C -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005938"
FT   VARIANT         182
FT                   /note="C -> Y (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044952"
FT   VARIANT         183
FT                   /note="S -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1555525970)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044953"
FT   VARIANT         183
FT                   /note="S -> P (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044954"
FT   VARIANT         184
FT                   /note="D -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1060501209)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044955"
FT   VARIANT         184
FT                   /note="D -> H (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044956"
FT   VARIANT         184
FT                   /note="D -> N (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs72661117)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047169"
FT   VARIANT         184
FT                   /note="D -> V (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044957"
FT   VARIANT         184
FT                   /note="D -> Y (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005939"
FT   VARIANT         185
FT                   /note="S -> C (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044958"
FT   VARIANT         185
FT                   /note="S -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044959"
FT   VARIANT         185
FT                   /note="S -> I (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044960"
FT   VARIANT         185
FT                   /note="S -> N (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs150607408)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044961"
FT   VARIANT         185
FT                   /note="S -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044962"
FT   VARIANT         185
FT                   /note="S -> T (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044963"
FT   VARIANT         186
FT                   /note="D -> E (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs375275361)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044964"
FT   VARIANT         186
FT                   /note="D -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044965"
FT   VARIANT         186
FT                   /note="D -> H (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044966"
FT   VARIANT         186
FT                   /note="D -> N (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1060501206)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044967"
FT   VARIANT         186
FT                   /note="D -> V (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044968"
FT   VARIANT         186
FT                   /note="D -> Y (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005940"
FT   VARIANT         187
FT                   /note="G -> C (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005941"
FT   VARIANT         187
FT                   /note="G -> D (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044969"
FT   VARIANT         187
FT                   /note="G -> N (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045805"
FT   VARIANT         187
FT                   /note="G -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044970"
FT   VARIANT         187
FT                   /note="G -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs776167460)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005942"
FT   VARIANT         187
FT                   /note="G -> V (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044971"
FT   VARIANT         188
FT                   /note="L -> P (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1199893366)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044972"
FT   VARIANT         188
FT                   /note="L -> V (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044973"
FT   VARIANT         189
FT                   /note="A -> D (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044974"
FT   VARIANT         189
FT                   /note="A -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044975"
FT   VARIANT         189
FT                   /note="A -> P (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005943"
FT   VARIANT         189
FT                   /note="A -> S (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1555525921)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044976"
FT   VARIANT         189
FT                   /note="A -> T (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044977"
FT   VARIANT         189
FT                   /note="A -> V (in a familial cancer not matching LFS;
FT                   germline mutation and in sporadic cancers; somatic
FT                   mutation; dbSNP:rs121912665)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044978"
FT   VARIANT         190
FT                   /note="P -> A (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044979"
FT   VARIANT         190
FT                   /note="P -> H (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044980"
FT   VARIANT         190
FT                   /note="P -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs876660825)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005944"
FT   VARIANT         190
FT                   /note="P -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs876660825)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044981"
FT   VARIANT         190
FT                   /note="P -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044982"
FT   VARIANT         190
FT                   /note="P -> T (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs876660254)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044983"
FT   VARIANT         191
FT                   /note="P -> H (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587778718)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044984"
FT   VARIANT         191
FT                   /note="P -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587778718)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044985"
FT   VARIANT         191
FT                   /note="P -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587778718)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044986"
FT   VARIANT         191
FT                   /note="P -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs868590738)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044987"
FT   VARIANT         191
FT                   /note="P -> T (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005945"
FT   VARIANT         192..193
FT                   /note="QH -> HN (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047170"
FT   VARIANT         192..193
FT                   /note="QH -> HY (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047171"
FT   VARIANT         192
FT                   /note="Q -> H (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044988"
FT   VARIANT         192
FT                   /note="Q -> K (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044989"
FT   VARIANT         192
FT                   /note="Q -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044990"
FT   VARIANT         192
FT                   /note="Q -> P (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044991"
FT   VARIANT         192
FT                   /note="Q -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs730882002)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005946"
FT   VARIANT         193
FT                   /note="H -> D (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs876658468)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005947"
FT   VARIANT         193
FT                   /note="H -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs786201838)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044992"
FT   VARIANT         193
FT                   /note="H -> N (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs876658468)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044993"
FT   VARIANT         193
FT                   /note="H -> P (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs786201838)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044994"
FT   VARIANT         193
FT                   /note="H -> Q (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044995"
FT   VARIANT         193
FT                   /note="H -> R (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs786201838)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:16959974,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:7887414"
FT                   /id="VAR_005948"
FT   VARIANT         193
FT                   /note="H -> Y (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs876658468)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044996"
FT   VARIANT         194
FT                   /note="L -> F (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587780071)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044997"
FT   VARIANT         194
FT                   /note="L -> H (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057519998)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044998"
FT   VARIANT         194
FT                   /note="L -> I (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044999"
FT   VARIANT         194
FT                   /note="L -> P (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057519998)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005949"
FT   VARIANT         194
FT                   /note="L -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057519998)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:7682763"
FT                   /id="VAR_005950"
FT   VARIANT         194
FT                   /note="L -> V (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045000"
FT   VARIANT         195
FT                   /note="I -> F (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs942158624)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045001"
FT   VARIANT         195
FT                   /note="I -> L (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047172"
FT   VARIANT         195
FT                   /note="I -> N (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs760043106)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045002"
FT   VARIANT         195
FT                   /note="I -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs760043106)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045003"
FT   VARIANT         195
FT                   /note="I -> T (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs760043106)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:17224074,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:9450901"
FT                   /id="VAR_005951"
FT   VARIANT         195
FT                   /note="I -> V (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045004"
FT   VARIANT         195
FT                   /note="I -> Y (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045806"
FT   VARIANT         196
FT                   /note="R -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs397516435)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045005"
FT   VARIANT         196
FT                   /note="R -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs483352697)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045006"
FT   VARIANT         196
FT                   /note="R -> P (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs483352697)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045007"
FT   VARIANT         196
FT                   /note="R -> Q (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs483352697)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045008"
FT   VARIANT         196
FT                   /note="R -> S (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045009"
FT   VARIANT         197
FT                   /note="V -> E (in a familial cancer not matching LFS;
FT                   germline mutation and in sporadic cancers; somatic
FT                   mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045010"
FT   VARIANT         197
FT                   /note="V -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045011"
FT   VARIANT         197
FT                   /note="V -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs786204041)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045012"
FT   VARIANT         197
FT                   /note="V -> M (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs786204041)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045013"
FT   VARIANT         198
FT                   /note="E -> D (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045014"
FT   VARIANT         198
FT                   /note="E -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045015"
FT   VARIANT         198
FT                   /note="E -> K (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005952"
FT   VARIANT         198
FT                   /note="E -> Q (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045016"
FT   VARIANT         198
FT                   /note="E -> V (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045017"
FT   VARIANT         199
FT                   /note="G -> A (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045018"
FT   VARIANT         199
FT                   /note="G -> E (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045019"
FT   VARIANT         199
FT                   /note="G -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045020"
FT   VARIANT         199
FT                   /note="G -> V (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1555525857)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045021"
FT   VARIANT         200
FT                   /note="N -> D (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045022"
FT   VARIANT         200
FT                   /note="N -> I (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045023"
FT   VARIANT         200
FT                   /note="N -> K (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045024"
FT   VARIANT         200
FT                   /note="N -> P (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045807"
FT   VARIANT         200
FT                   /note="N -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045025"
FT   VARIANT         200
FT                   /note="N -> T (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045026"
FT   VARIANT         201..202
FT                   /note="LR -> FC (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047173"
FT   VARIANT         201
FT                   /note="L -> F (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs730882024)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045027"
FT   VARIANT         201
FT                   /note="L -> P (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045028"
FT   VARIANT         201
FT                   /note="L -> S (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045029"
FT   VARIANT         202
FT                   /note="R -> C (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587780072)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045030"
FT   VARIANT         202
FT                   /note="R -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587780072)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045031"
FT   VARIANT         202
FT                   /note="R -> H (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587778719)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045032"
FT   VARIANT         202
FT                   /note="R -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587778719)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045033"
FT   VARIANT         202
FT                   /note="R -> P (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045034"
FT   VARIANT         202
FT                   /note="R -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045035"
FT   VARIANT         203..204
FT                   /note="VE -> LV (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047174"
FT   VARIANT         203
FT                   /note="V -> A (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045036"
FT   VARIANT         203
FT                   /note="V -> E (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045037"
FT   VARIANT         203
FT                   /note="V -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045038"
FT   VARIANT         203
FT                   /note="V -> M (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs730882003)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045039"
FT   VARIANT         203
FT                   /note="V -> W (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045808"
FT   VARIANT         204
FT                   /note="E -> A (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045040"
FT   VARIANT         204
FT                   /note="E -> D (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045041"
FT   VARIANT         204
FT                   /note="E -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1260903787)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045042"
FT   VARIANT         204
FT                   /note="E -> K (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045043"
FT   VARIANT         204
FT                   /note="E -> Q (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045044"
FT   VARIANT         204
FT                   /note="E -> V (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045045"
FT   VARIANT         205
FT                   /note="Y -> C (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057520007)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:1459726"
FT                   /id="VAR_005953"
FT   VARIANT         205
FT                   /note="Y -> D (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057520008)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005954"
FT   VARIANT         205
FT                   /note="Y -> F (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057520007)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047175"
FT   VARIANT         205
FT                   /note="Y -> H (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057520008)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045046"
FT   VARIANT         205
FT                   /note="Y -> N (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057520008)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045047"
FT   VARIANT         205
FT                   /note="Y -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057520007)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045048"
FT   VARIANT         206
FT                   /note="L -> F (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045049"
FT   VARIANT         206
FT                   /note="L -> M (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045050"
FT   VARIANT         207..208
FT                   /note="DD -> EY (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047176"
FT   VARIANT         207
FT                   /note="D -> E (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045051"
FT   VARIANT         207
FT                   /note="D -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045052"
FT   VARIANT         207
FT                   /note="D -> H (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045053"
FT   VARIANT         207
FT                   /note="D -> N (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs923100890)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045054"
FT   VARIANT         207
FT                   /note="D -> V (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045055"
FT   VARIANT         207
FT                   /note="D -> Y (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045056"
FT   VARIANT         208
FT                   /note="D -> E (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045057"
FT   VARIANT         208
FT                   /note="D -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045058"
FT   VARIANT         208
FT                   /note="D -> H (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045059"
FT   VARIANT         208
FT                   /note="D -> I (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045809"
FT   VARIANT         208
FT                   /note="D -> N (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045060"
FT   VARIANT         208
FT                   /note="D -> V (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1464727668)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045061"
FT   VARIANT         208
FT                   /note="D -> Y (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045062"
FT   VARIANT         209
FT                   /note="R -> I (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045063"
FT   VARIANT         209
FT                   /note="R -> K (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045064"
FT   VARIANT         209
FT                   /note="R -> S (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045065"
FT   VARIANT         209
FT                   /note="R -> T (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045066"
FT   VARIANT         210
FT                   /note="N -> D (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045067"
FT   VARIANT         210
FT                   /note="N -> H (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045068"
FT   VARIANT         210
FT                   /note="N -> I (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045069"
FT   VARIANT         210
FT                   /note="N -> K (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045070"
FT   VARIANT         210
FT                   /note="N -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045071"
FT   VARIANT         210
FT                   /note="N -> T (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045072"
FT   VARIANT         210
FT                   /note="N -> Y (in a familial cancer not matching LFS;
FT                   germline mutation; dbSNP:rs1060501200)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045073"
FT   VARIANT         211
FT                   /note="T -> A (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1060501198)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045074"
FT   VARIANT         211
FT                   /note="T -> I (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045075"
FT   VARIANT         211
FT                   /note="T -> N (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045076"
FT   VARIANT         211
FT                   /note="T -> P (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045077"
FT   VARIANT         211
FT                   /note="T -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045078"
FT   VARIANT         212
FT                   /note="F -> I (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1064795766)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045079"
FT   VARIANT         212
FT                   /note="F -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045080"
FT   VARIANT         212
FT                   /note="F -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045081"
FT   VARIANT         212
FT                   /note="F -> V (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045082"
FT   VARIANT         212
FT                   /note="F -> Y (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045083"
FT   VARIANT         213
FT                   /note="R -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs397516436)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045084"
FT   VARIANT         213
FT                   /note="R -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587778720)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045085"
FT   VARIANT         213
FT                   /note="R -> P (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs587778720)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:16959974"
FT                   /id="VAR_036506"
FT   VARIANT         213
FT                   /note="R -> Q (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs587778720)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005955"
FT   VARIANT         213
FT                   /note="R -> W (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045086"
FT   VARIANT         214
FT                   /note="H -> D (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045087"
FT   VARIANT         214
FT                   /note="H -> P (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057519992)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045088"
FT   VARIANT         214
FT                   /note="H -> Q (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587781386)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047177"
FT   VARIANT         214
FT                   /note="H -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057519992)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045089"
FT   VARIANT         214
FT                   /note="H -> Y (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045090"
FT   VARIANT         215
FT                   /note="S -> C (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045091"
FT   VARIANT         215
FT                   /note="S -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs886039484)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045092"
FT   VARIANT         215
FT                   /note="S -> I (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587782177)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045093"
FT   VARIANT         215
FT                   /note="S -> K (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045810"
FT   VARIANT         215
FT                   /note="S -> N (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587782177)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045094"
FT   VARIANT         215
FT                   /note="S -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057520001)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045095"
FT   VARIANT         215
FT                   /note="S -> T (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587782177)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045096"
FT   VARIANT         216
FT                   /note="V -> A (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045097"
FT   VARIANT         216
FT                   /note="V -> E (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057520004)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045098"
FT   VARIANT         216
FT                   /note="V -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057520004)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045099"
FT   VARIANT         216
FT                   /note="V -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs730882025)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045100"
FT   VARIANT         216
FT                   /note="V -> M (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs730882025)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:17224074"
FT                   /id="VAR_005956"
FT   VARIANT         216
FT                   /note="V -> W (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045811"
FT   VARIANT         217
FT                   /note="V -> A (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045101"
FT   VARIANT         217
FT                   /note="V -> E (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045102"
FT   VARIANT         217
FT                   /note="V -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045103"
FT   VARIANT         217
FT                   /note="V -> I (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045104"
FT   VARIANT         217
FT                   /note="V -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045105"
FT   VARIANT         217
FT                   /note="V -> M (in dbSNP:rs35163653)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047178"
FT   VARIANT         218
FT                   /note="V -> A (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045106"
FT   VARIANT         218
FT                   /note="V -> E (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045107"
FT   VARIANT         218
FT                   /note="V -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1555525743)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045108"
FT   VARIANT         218
FT                   /note="V -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045109"
FT   VARIANT         218
FT                   /note="V -> M (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs878854072)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045110"
FT   VARIANT         219
FT                   /note="P -> C (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045812"
FT   VARIANT         219
FT                   /note="P -> H (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045111"
FT   VARIANT         219
FT                   /note="P -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1420675064)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045112"
FT   VARIANT         219
FT                   /note="P -> R (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045113"
FT   VARIANT         219
FT                   /note="P -> S (in a familial cancer not matching LFS;
FT                   germline mutation and in sporadic cancers; somatic
FT                   mutation; dbSNP:rs879253894)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045114"
FT   VARIANT         219
FT                   /note="P -> T (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045115"
FT   VARIANT         220
FT                   /note="Y -> C (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs121912666)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:7682763,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:9450901"
FT                   /id="VAR_005957"
FT   VARIANT         220
FT                   /note="Y -> D (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs530941076)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045116"
FT   VARIANT         220
FT                   /note="Y -> F (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045117"
FT   VARIANT         220
FT                   /note="Y -> H (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs530941076)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005958"
FT   VARIANT         220
FT                   /note="Y -> N (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs530941076)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045118"
FT   VARIANT         220
FT                   /note="Y -> S (in a brain tumor with no family history;
FT                   germline mutation and in sporadic cancers; somatic
FT                   mutation; dbSNP:rs121912666)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005959"
FT   VARIANT         221
FT                   /note="E -> A (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045119"
FT   VARIANT         221
FT                   /note="E -> D (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045120"
FT   VARIANT         221
FT                   /note="E -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045121"
FT   VARIANT         221
FT                   /note="E -> K (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs786201592)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045122"
FT   VARIANT         221
FT                   /note="E -> Q (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045123"
FT   VARIANT         222
FT                   /note="P -> A (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045124"
FT   VARIANT         222
FT                   /note="P -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs146340390)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045125"
FT   VARIANT         222
FT                   /note="P -> Q (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045126"
FT   VARIANT         222
FT                   /note="P -> R (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045127"
FT   VARIANT         222
FT                   /note="P -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1060501203)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045128"
FT   VARIANT         222
FT                   /note="P -> T (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045129"
FT   VARIANT         223
FT                   /note="P -> A (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047179"
FT   VARIANT         223
FT                   /note="P -> H (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs138983188)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045130"
FT   VARIANT         223
FT                   /note="P -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs138983188)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045131"
FT   VARIANT         223
FT                   /note="P -> R (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045132"
FT   VARIANT         223
FT                   /note="P -> S (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045133"
FT   VARIANT         223
FT                   /note="P -> T (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045134"
FT   VARIANT         224
FT                   /note="E -> D (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs267605076)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045135"
FT   VARIANT         224
FT                   /note="E -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045136"
FT   VARIANT         224
FT                   /note="E -> K (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1555525707)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045137"
FT   VARIANT         224
FT                   /note="E -> V (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045138"
FT   VARIANT         225
FT                   /note="V -> A (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045139"
FT   VARIANT         225
FT                   /note="V -> D (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045140"
FT   VARIANT         225
FT                   /note="V -> F (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045141"
FT   VARIANT         225
FT                   /note="V -> G (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045142"
FT   VARIANT         225
FT                   /note="V -> I (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045143"
FT   VARIANT         225
FT                   /note="V -> L (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs746504075)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045144"
FT   VARIANT         226
FT                   /note="G -> A (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045145"
FT   VARIANT         226
FT                   /note="G -> D (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047180"
FT   VARIANT         226
FT                   /note="G -> N (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045844"
FT   VARIANT         226
FT                   /note="G -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045146"
FT   VARIANT         226
FT                   /note="G -> V (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs970212462)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045147"
FT   VARIANT         227
FT                   /note="S -> C (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045148"
FT   VARIANT         227
FT                   /note="S -> F (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045149"
FT   VARIANT         227
FT                   /note="S -> P (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045150"
FT   VARIANT         227
FT                   /note="S -> T (in LFS; germline mutation and in a sporadic
FT                   cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045151"
FT   VARIANT         228
FT                   /note="D -> A (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045152"
FT   VARIANT         228
FT                   /note="D -> E (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005960"
FT   VARIANT         228
FT                   /note="D -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045153"
FT   VARIANT         228
FT                   /note="D -> H (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045154"
FT   VARIANT         228
FT                   /note="D -> N (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045155"
FT   VARIANT         228
FT                   /note="D -> P (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045845"
FT   VARIANT         228
FT                   /note="D -> V (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045156"
FT   VARIANT         228
FT                   /note="D -> Y (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045157"
FT   VARIANT         229
FT                   /note="C -> G (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045158"
FT   VARIANT         229
FT                   /note="C -> N (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045846"
FT   VARIANT         229
FT                   /note="C -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1064794312)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045159"
FT   VARIANT         229
FT                   /note="C -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045160"
FT   VARIANT         229
FT                   /note="C -> Y (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1064793603)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045161"
FT   VARIANT         230
FT                   /note="T -> A (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045162"
FT   VARIANT         230
FT                   /note="T -> I (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:9450901"
FT                   /id="VAR_005961"
FT   VARIANT         230
FT                   /note="T -> N (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045163"
FT   VARIANT         230
FT                   /note="T -> P (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045164"
FT   VARIANT         230
FT                   /note="T -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045165"
FT   VARIANT         231
FT                   /note="T -> A (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045166"
FT   VARIANT         231
FT                   /note="T -> I (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1555525564)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045167"
FT   VARIANT         231
FT                   /note="T -> N (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045168"
FT   VARIANT         231
FT                   /note="T -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045169"
FT   VARIANT         232
FT                   /note="I -> F (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045170"
FT   VARIANT         232
FT                   /note="I -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1555525562)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045171"
FT   VARIANT         232
FT                   /note="I -> N (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045172"
FT   VARIANT         232
FT                   /note="I -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation; does
FT                   not induce SNAI1 degradation)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:20385133"
FT                   /id="VAR_045173"
FT   VARIANT         232
FT                   /note="I -> T (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587781589)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005962"
FT   VARIANT         232
FT                   /note="I -> V (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045174"
FT   VARIANT         233
FT                   /note="H -> D (in LFS; germline mutation and in a sporadic
FT                   cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045175"
FT   VARIANT         233
FT                   /note="H -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045176"
FT   VARIANT         233
FT                   /note="H -> P (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045177"
FT   VARIANT         233
FT                   /note="H -> Q (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045178"
FT   VARIANT         233
FT                   /note="H -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs879254233)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047181"
FT   VARIANT         233
FT                   /note="H -> Y (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045179"
FT   VARIANT         234
FT                   /note="Y -> C (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs587780073)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005963"
FT   VARIANT         234
FT                   /note="Y -> D (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs864622237)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045180"
FT   VARIANT         234
FT                   /note="Y -> F (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045181"
FT   VARIANT         234
FT                   /note="Y -> H (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs864622237)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005964"
FT   VARIANT         234
FT                   /note="Y -> K (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045847"
FT   VARIANT         234
FT                   /note="Y -> N (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs864622237)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045182"
FT   VARIANT         234
FT                   /note="Y -> Q (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045848"
FT   VARIANT         234
FT                   /note="Y -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587780073)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045183"
FT   VARIANT         235
FT                   /note="N -> D (in an adrenocortical carcinoma with no
FT                   family history; germline mutation and in sporadic cancers;
FT                   somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047182"
FT   VARIANT         235
FT                   /note="N -> H (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045184"
FT   VARIANT         235
FT                   /note="N -> I (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs144340710)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045185"
FT   VARIANT         235
FT                   /note="N -> M (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045849"
FT   VARIANT         235
FT                   /note="N -> S (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs144340710)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045186"
FT   VARIANT         235
FT                   /note="N -> T (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045187"
FT   VARIANT         235
FT                   /note="N -> Y (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs786204145)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045188"
FT   VARIANT         236
FT                   /note="Y -> C (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs730882026)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045189"
FT   VARIANT         236
FT                   /note="Y -> D (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587782289)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045190"
FT   VARIANT         236
FT                   /note="Y -> F (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045191"
FT   VARIANT         236
FT                   /note="Y -> H (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587782289)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045192"
FT   VARIANT         236
FT                   /note="Y -> N (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587782289)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045193"
FT   VARIANT         236
FT                   /note="Y -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs730882026)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045194"
FT   VARIANT         237
FT                   /note="M -> I (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; no effect on susceptibility to
FT                   calpain; dbSNP:rs587782664)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:27657329"
FT                   /id="VAR_005965"
FT   VARIANT         237
FT                   /note="M -> K (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs765848205)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045195"
FT   VARIANT         237
FT                   /note="M -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045196"
FT   VARIANT         237
FT                   /note="M -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs765848205)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045197"
FT   VARIANT         237
FT                   /note="M -> T (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045198"
FT   VARIANT         237
FT                   /note="M -> V (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs730882004)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045199"
FT   VARIANT         238
FT                   /note="C -> F (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs730882005)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005966"
FT   VARIANT         238
FT                   /note="C -> G (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs1057519981)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045200"
FT   VARIANT         238
FT                   /note="C -> H (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045850"
FT   VARIANT         238
FT                   /note="C -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057519981)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045201"
FT   VARIANT         238
FT                   /note="C -> S (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs730882005)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045202"
FT   VARIANT         238
FT                   /note="C -> W (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs193920789)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045203"
FT   VARIANT         238
FT                   /note="C -> Y (in a familial cancer not matching LFS;
FT                   germline mutation and in sporadic cancers; somatic
FT                   mutation; dbSNP:rs730882005)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005967"
FT   VARIANT         239
FT                   /note="N -> D (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs876660807)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045204"
FT   VARIANT         239
FT                   /note="N -> H (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045205"
FT   VARIANT         239
FT                   /note="N -> I (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045206"
FT   VARIANT         239
FT                   /note="N -> K (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057522275)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045207"
FT   VARIANT         239
FT                   /note="N -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057519999)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045208"
FT   VARIANT         239
FT                   /note="N -> T (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057519999)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045209"
FT   VARIANT         239
FT                   /note="N -> Y (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045210"
FT   VARIANT         240
FT                   /note="S -> C (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045211"
FT   VARIANT         240
FT                   /note="S -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045212"
FT   VARIANT         240
FT                   /note="S -> I (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005968"
FT   VARIANT         240
FT                   /note="S -> N (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045213"
FT   VARIANT         240
FT                   /note="S -> P (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045214"
FT   VARIANT         240
FT                   /note="S -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045215"
FT   VARIANT         240
FT                   /note="S -> T (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045216"
FT   VARIANT         241
FT                   /note="S -> A (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057520002)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:17224074"
FT                   /id="VAR_033036"
FT   VARIANT         241
FT                   /note="S -> C (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs28934573)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045217"
FT   VARIANT         241
FT                   /note="S -> F (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs28934573)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:16959974,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:1699228"
FT                   /id="VAR_005969"
FT   VARIANT         241
FT                   /note="S -> P (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057520002)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045218"
FT   VARIANT         241
FT                   /note="S -> T (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047183"
FT   VARIANT         241
FT                   /note="S -> Y (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs28934573)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045219"
FT   VARIANT         242
FT                   /note="C -> F (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs121912655)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:1394225,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:16959974"
FT                   /id="VAR_005970"
FT   VARIANT         242
FT                   /note="C -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057519982)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045220"
FT   VARIANT         242
FT                   /note="C -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045221"
FT   VARIANT         242
FT                   /note="C -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs121912655)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045222"
FT   VARIANT         242
FT                   /note="C -> W (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs375874539)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045223"
FT   VARIANT         242
FT                   /note="C -> Y (in a familial cancer not matching LFS;
FT                   germline mutation and in sporadic cancers; somatic
FT                   mutation; dbSNP:rs121912655)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045224"
FT   VARIANT         243..244
FT                   /note="MG -> IC (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047184"
FT   VARIANT         243..244
FT                   /note="MG -> IS (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047185"
FT   VARIANT         243
FT                   /note="M -> I (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045225"
FT   VARIANT         243
FT                   /note="M -> K (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045226"
FT   VARIANT         243
FT                   /note="M -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs786203117)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045227"
FT   VARIANT         243
FT                   /note="M -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045228"
FT   VARIANT         243
FT                   /note="M -> T (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs730882006)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045229"
FT   VARIANT         243
FT                   /note="M -> V (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs786203117)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045230"
FT   VARIANT         244
FT                   /note="G -> A (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs985033810)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047186"
FT   VARIANT         244
FT                   /note="G -> C (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057519989)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045231"
FT   VARIANT         244
FT                   /note="G -> D (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs1057517983)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045232"
FT   VARIANT         244
FT                   /note="G -> E (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045233"
FT   VARIANT         244
FT                   /note="G -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057519989)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045234"
FT   VARIANT         244
FT                   /note="G -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057519989)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045235"
FT   VARIANT         244
FT                   /note="G -> V (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs985033810)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045236"
FT   VARIANT         245
FT                   /note="G -> A (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs121912656)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005971"
FT   VARIANT         245
FT                   /note="G -> C (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs28934575)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:1394225,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:1978757"
FT                   /id="VAR_005972"
FT   VARIANT         245
FT                   /note="G -> D (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs121912656)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:2259385"
FT                   /id="VAR_005973"
FT   VARIANT         245
FT                   /note="G -> E (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045237"
FT   VARIANT         245
FT                   /note="G -> F (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045851"
FT   VARIANT         245
FT                   /note="G -> H (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045852"
FT   VARIANT         245
FT                   /note="G -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045853"
FT   VARIANT         245
FT                   /note="G -> N (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045854"
FT   VARIANT         245
FT                   /note="G -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs28934575)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045238"
FT   VARIANT         245
FT                   /note="G -> S (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs28934575)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:8829627"
FT                   /id="VAR_005974"
FT   VARIANT         245
FT                   /note="G -> V (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs121912656)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:2263646"
FT                   /id="VAR_005975"
FT   VARIANT         246
FT                   /note="M -> I (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1019340046)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045239"
FT   VARIANT         246
FT                   /note="M -> K (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045240"
FT   VARIANT         246
FT                   /note="M -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs483352695)"
FT                   /id="VAR_044020"
FT   VARIANT         246
FT                   /note="M -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587780074)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005976"
FT   VARIANT         246
FT                   /note="M -> T (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587780074)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005977"
FT   VARIANT         246
FT                   /note="M -> V (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs483352695)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005978"
FT   VARIANT         247..248
FT                   /note="NR -> IP (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047187"
FT   VARIANT         247..248
FT                   /note="NR -> KW (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047188"
FT   VARIANT         247
FT                   /note="N -> D (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1452189221)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045241"
FT   VARIANT         247
FT                   /note="N -> F (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045855"
FT   VARIANT         247
FT                   /note="N -> I (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs786201762)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005980"
FT   VARIANT         247
FT                   /note="N -> K (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045242"
FT   VARIANT         247
FT                   /note="N -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs786201762)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045243"
FT   VARIANT         247
FT                   /note="N -> T (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047189"
FT   VARIANT         247
FT                   /note="N -> Y (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045244"
FT   VARIANT         248
FT                   /note="R -> C (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045245"
FT   VARIANT         248
FT                   /note="R -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs121912651)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005981"
FT   VARIANT         248
FT                   /note="R -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs11540652)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:1394225,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:7682763"
FT                   /id="VAR_005982"
FT   VARIANT         248
FT                   /note="R -> P (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs11540652)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045246"
FT   VARIANT         248
FT                   /note="R -> Q (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs11540652)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:16959974,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:2263646, ECO:0000269|PubMed:7682763,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:7887414"
FT                   /id="VAR_005983"
FT   VARIANT         248
FT                   /note="R -> W (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; no effect on susceptibility to
FT                   calpain; dbSNP:rs121912651)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:16959974,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:1978757, ECO:0000269|PubMed:27657329,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:8829627"
FT                   /id="VAR_005984"
FT   VARIANT         249..250
FT                   /note="RP -> SA (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047190"
FT   VARIANT         249..250
FT                   /note="RP -> SS (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047191"
FT   VARIANT         249
FT                   /note="R -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587782082)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005985"
FT   VARIANT         249
FT                   /note="R -> I (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045247"
FT   VARIANT         249
FT                   /note="R -> K (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587782329)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045248"
FT   VARIANT         249
FT                   /note="R -> M (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587782329)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:17224074"
FT                   /id="VAR_033037"
FT   VARIANT         249
FT                   /note="R -> N (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045856"
FT   VARIANT         249
FT                   /note="R -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation; does
FT                   not induce SNAI1 degradation; dbSNP:rs28934571)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:1694291,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:16959974, ECO:0000269|PubMed:20385133"
FT                   /id="VAR_005986"
FT   VARIANT         249
FT                   /note="R -> T (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587782329)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045249"
FT   VARIANT         249
FT                   /note="R -> W (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587782082)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045250"
FT   VARIANT         250
FT                   /note="P -> A (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045251"
FT   VARIANT         250
FT                   /note="P -> F (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045857"
FT   VARIANT         250
FT                   /note="P -> H (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045252"
FT   VARIANT         250
FT                   /note="P -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1064794311)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047192"
FT   VARIANT         250
FT                   /note="P -> N (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045858"
FT   VARIANT         250
FT                   /note="P -> Q (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045253"
FT   VARIANT         250
FT                   /note="P -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045254"
FT   VARIANT         250
FT                   /note="P -> T (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045255"
FT   VARIANT         251
FT                   /note="I -> F (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045256"
FT   VARIANT         251
FT                   /note="I -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs730882007)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045257"
FT   VARIANT         251
FT                   /note="I -> M (in LFS; germline mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs878854074)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045258"
FT   VARIANT         251
FT                   /note="I -> N (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005987"
FT   VARIANT         251
FT                   /note="I -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs730882027)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:17224074"
FT                   /id="VAR_033038"
FT   VARIANT         251
FT                   /note="I -> T (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045259"
FT   VARIANT         251
FT                   /note="I -> V (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045260"
FT   VARIANT         252
FT                   /note="L -> F (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045261"
FT   VARIANT         252
FT                   /note="L -> H (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045262"
FT   VARIANT         252
FT                   /note="L -> I (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045263"
FT   VARIANT         252
FT                   /note="L -> P (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs121912653)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:1978757"
FT                   /id="VAR_005988"
FT   VARIANT         252
FT                   /note="L -> V (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045264"
FT   VARIANT         253
FT                   /note="T -> A (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045265"
FT   VARIANT         253
FT                   /note="T -> I (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045266"
FT   VARIANT         253
FT                   /note="T -> N (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1555525465)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045267"
FT   VARIANT         253
FT                   /note="T -> P (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047193"
FT   VARIANT         253
FT                   /note="T -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045268"
FT   VARIANT         254
FT                   /note="I -> D (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045859"
FT   VARIANT         254
FT                   /note="I -> F (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045269"
FT   VARIANT         254
FT                   /note="I -> L (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045270"
FT   VARIANT         254
FT                   /note="I -> M (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045271"
FT   VARIANT         254
FT                   /note="I -> N (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_017908"
FT   VARIANT         254
FT                   /note="I -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1330865474)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045272"
FT   VARIANT         254
FT                   /note="I -> T (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_017909"
FT   VARIANT         254
FT                   /note="I -> V (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs746601313)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045273"
FT   VARIANT         255
FT                   /note="I -> F (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057519995)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045274"
FT   VARIANT         255
FT                   /note="I -> M (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045275"
FT   VARIANT         255
FT                   /note="I -> N (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs876659675)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045276"
FT   VARIANT         255
FT                   /note="I -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs876659675)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045277"
FT   VARIANT         255
FT                   /note="I -> T (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs876659675)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045278"
FT   VARIANT         255
FT                   /note="I -> V (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045279"
FT   VARIANT         256
FT                   /note="T -> I (in a brain tumor with no family history;
FT                   germline mutation and in sporadic cancers; somatic
FT                   mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045280"
FT   VARIANT         256
FT                   /note="T -> K (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045281"
FT   VARIANT         256
FT                   /note="T -> P (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045282"
FT   VARIANT         256
FT                   /note="T -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045283"
FT   VARIANT         257
FT                   /note="L -> P (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005989"
FT   VARIANT         257
FT                   /note="L -> Q (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs28934577)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045284"
FT   VARIANT         257
FT                   /note="L -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs28934577)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045285"
FT   VARIANT         257
FT                   /note="L -> V (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045286"
FT   VARIANT         258
FT                   /note="E -> A (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045287"
FT   VARIANT         258
FT                   /note="E -> D (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005990"
FT   VARIANT         258
FT                   /note="E -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1060501201)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045288"
FT   VARIANT         258
FT                   /note="E -> K (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs121912652)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:1978757"
FT                   /id="VAR_005991"
FT   VARIANT         258
FT                   /note="E -> L (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045860"
FT   VARIANT         258
FT                   /note="E -> Q (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045289"
FT   VARIANT         258
FT                   /note="E -> V (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045290"
FT   VARIANT         259
FT                   /note="D -> A (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047194"
FT   VARIANT         259
FT                   /note="D -> E (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045291"
FT   VARIANT         259
FT                   /note="D -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs745425759)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045292"
FT   VARIANT         259
FT                   /note="D -> H (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045293"
FT   VARIANT         259
FT                   /note="D -> N (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045294"
FT   VARIANT         259
FT                   /note="D -> P (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045861"
FT   VARIANT         259
FT                   /note="D -> S (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045862"
FT   VARIANT         259
FT                   /note="D -> V (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045295"
FT   VARIANT         259
FT                   /note="D -> Y (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:17224074"
FT                   /id="VAR_033039"
FT   VARIANT         260
FT                   /note="S -> A (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045296"
FT   VARIANT         260
FT                   /note="S -> C (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045297"
FT   VARIANT         260
FT                   /note="S -> F (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045298"
FT   VARIANT         260
FT                   /note="S -> P (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045299"
FT   VARIANT         260
FT                   /note="S -> T (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045300"
FT   VARIANT         260
FT                   /note="S -> Y (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs876658916)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045301"
FT   VARIANT         261
FT                   /note="S -> C (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045302"
FT   VARIANT         261
FT                   /note="S -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045303"
FT   VARIANT         261
FT                   /note="S -> I (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045304"
FT   VARIANT         261
FT                   /note="S -> N (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045305"
FT   VARIANT         261
FT                   /note="S -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045306"
FT   VARIANT         262..263
FT                   /note="GN -> PD (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047195"
FT   VARIANT         262
FT                   /note="G -> C (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs200579969)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045307"
FT   VARIANT         262
FT                   /note="G -> D (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047196"
FT   VARIANT         262
FT                   /note="G -> H (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045863"
FT   VARIANT         262
FT                   /note="G -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs200579969)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045308"
FT   VARIANT         262
FT                   /note="G -> V (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1131691025)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|Ref.23"
FT                   /id="VAR_045309"
FT   VARIANT         263
FT                   /note="N -> D (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs72661119)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045310"
FT   VARIANT         263
FT                   /note="N -> H (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045311"
FT   VARIANT         263
FT                   /note="N -> I (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045312"
FT   VARIANT         263
FT                   /note="N -> K (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045313"
FT   VARIANT         263
FT                   /note="N -> S (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045314"
FT   VARIANT         264
FT                   /note="L -> I (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045315"
FT   VARIANT         264
FT                   /note="L -> P (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1555525353)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045316"
FT   VARIANT         264
FT                   /note="L -> Q (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045317"
FT   VARIANT         264
FT                   /note="L -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045318"
FT   VARIANT         264
FT                   /note="L -> V (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045319"
FT   VARIANT         265
FT                   /note="L -> M (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045320"
FT   VARIANT         265
FT                   /note="L -> P (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs879253942)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045321"
FT   VARIANT         265
FT                   /note="L -> Q (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045322"
FT   VARIANT         265
FT                   /note="L -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047197"
FT   VARIANT         266
FT                   /note="G -> A (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045323"
FT   VARIANT         266
FT                   /note="G -> E (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs193920774)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045324"
FT   VARIANT         266
FT                   /note="G -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057519990)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045325"
FT   VARIANT         266
FT                   /note="G -> V (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs193920774)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045326"
FT   VARIANT         267
FT                   /note="R -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045327"
FT   VARIANT         267
FT                   /note="R -> H (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045328"
FT   VARIANT         267
FT                   /note="R -> P (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587780075)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045329"
FT   VARIANT         267
FT                   /note="R -> Q (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs587780075)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045330"
FT   VARIANT         267
FT                   /note="R -> W (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs55832599)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:16959974"
FT                   /id="VAR_036507"
FT   VARIANT         268
FT                   /note="N -> F (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045864"
FT   VARIANT         268
FT                   /note="N -> H (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045331"
FT   VARIANT         268
FT                   /note="N -> I (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045332"
FT   VARIANT         268
FT                   /note="N -> K (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045333"
FT   VARIANT         268
FT                   /note="N -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045334"
FT   VARIANT         268
FT                   /note="N -> Y (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045335"
FT   VARIANT         269
FT                   /note="S -> C (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045336"
FT   VARIANT         269
FT                   /note="S -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045337"
FT   VARIANT         269
FT                   /note="S -> I (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047198"
FT   VARIANT         269
FT                   /note="S -> N (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045338"
FT   VARIANT         269
FT                   /note="S -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045339"
FT   VARIANT         269
FT                   /note="S -> T (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045340"
FT   VARIANT         270
FT                   /note="F -> C (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057519986)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045341"
FT   VARIANT         270
FT                   /note="F -> I (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057519988)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045342"
FT   VARIANT         270
FT                   /note="F -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057519987)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045343"
FT   VARIANT         270
FT                   /note="F -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057519986)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045344"
FT   VARIANT         270
FT                   /note="F -> V (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057519988)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045345"
FT   VARIANT         270
FT                   /note="F -> Y (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045346"
FT   VARIANT         271
FT                   /note="E -> A (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045347"
FT   VARIANT         271
FT                   /note="E -> D (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045348"
FT   VARIANT         271
FT                   /note="E -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045349"
FT   VARIANT         271
FT                   /note="E -> K (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1060501191)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:16959974"
FT                   /id="VAR_036508"
FT   VARIANT         271
FT                   /note="E -> P (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045865"
FT   VARIANT         271
FT                   /note="E -> Q (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045350"
FT   VARIANT         271
FT                   /note="E -> R (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045866"
FT   VARIANT         271
FT                   /note="E -> V (in an osteosarcoma with no family history;
FT                   germline mutation and in sporadic cancers; somatic
FT                   mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047199"
FT   VARIANT         272
FT                   /note="V -> A (in a familial cancer not matching LFS;
FT                   germline mutation and in sporadic cancers; somatic
FT                   mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045351"
FT   VARIANT         272
FT                   /note="V -> E (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs876660333)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045352"
FT   VARIANT         272
FT                   /note="V -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs876660333)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045353"
FT   VARIANT         272
FT                   /note="V -> L (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs121912657)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:1737852"
FT                   /id="VAR_005992"
FT   VARIANT         272
FT                   /note="V -> M (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs121912657)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045354"
FT   VARIANT         273
FT                   /note="R -> C (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs121913343)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:16959974,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:17224074, ECO:0000269|PubMed:7887414,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:9450901"
FT                   /id="VAR_005993"
FT   VARIANT         273
FT                   /note="R -> G (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005994"
FT   VARIANT         273
FT                   /note="R -> H (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; abolishes sequence-specific DNA
FT                   binding; does not induce SNAI1 degradation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs28934576)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:10570149,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:1394225, ECO:0000269|PubMed:1565144,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:16959974, ECO:0000269|PubMed:1699228,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:1868473, ECO:0000269|PubMed:20385133,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:7682763, ECO:0000269|Ref.14"
FT                   /id="VAR_005995"
FT   VARIANT         273
FT                   /note="R -> L (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs28934576)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:16959974"
FT                   /id="VAR_036509"
FT   VARIANT         273
FT                   /note="R -> N (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045867"
FT   VARIANT         273
FT                   /note="R -> P (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation; no
FT                   effect on susceptibility to calpain; dbSNP:rs28934576)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:27657329"
FT                   /id="VAR_045355"
FT   VARIANT         273
FT                   /note="R -> Q (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045356"
FT   VARIANT         273
FT                   /note="R -> S (in a familial cancer not matching LFS;
FT                   germline mutation and in sporadic cancers; somatic
FT                   mutation; dbSNP:rs121913343)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045357"
FT   VARIANT         273
FT                   /note="R -> Y (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045868"
FT   VARIANT         274
FT                   /note="V -> A (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057520006)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045358"
FT   VARIANT         274
FT                   /note="V -> D (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057520006)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045359"
FT   VARIANT         274
FT                   /note="V -> F (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057520005)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005997"
FT   VARIANT         274
FT                   /note="V -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057520006)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047200"
FT   VARIANT         274
FT                   /note="V -> I (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045360"
FT   VARIANT         274
FT                   /note="V -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057520005)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045361"
FT   VARIANT         275
FT                   /note="C -> F (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs863224451)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045362"
FT   VARIANT         275
FT                   /note="C -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045363"
FT   VARIANT         275
FT                   /note="C -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057519983)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045364"
FT   VARIANT         275
FT                   /note="C -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs863224451)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045365"
FT   VARIANT         275
FT                   /note="C -> W (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1555525279)"
FT                   /id="VAR_005999"
FT   VARIANT         275
FT                   /note="C -> Y (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs863224451)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:7887414"
FT                   /id="VAR_005998"
FT   VARIANT         276
FT                   /note="A -> D (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs786202082)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045366"
FT   VARIANT         276
FT                   /note="A -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs786202082)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045367"
FT   VARIANT         276
FT                   /note="A -> P (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1131691029)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045368"
FT   VARIANT         276
FT                   /note="A -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045369"
FT   VARIANT         276
FT                   /note="A -> T (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045370"
FT   VARIANT         276
FT                   /note="A -> V (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045371"
FT   VARIANT         277
FT                   /note="C -> F (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs763098116)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045372"
FT   VARIANT         277
FT                   /note="C -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1064795369)"
FT                   /id="VAR_006000"
FT   VARIANT         277
FT                   /note="C -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1064795369)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045373"
FT   VARIANT         277
FT                   /note="C -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045374"
FT   VARIANT         277
FT                   /note="C -> W (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047201"
FT   VARIANT         277
FT                   /note="C -> Y (in an osteosarcoma with no family history;
FT                   germline mutation and in sporadic cancers; somatic
FT                   mutation; dbSNP:rs763098116)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045375"
FT   VARIANT         278
FT                   /note="P -> A (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs17849781)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:15489334"
FT                   /id="VAR_006001"
FT   VARIANT         278
FT                   /note="P -> F (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045869"
FT   VARIANT         278
FT                   /note="P -> H (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs876659802)"
FT                   /id="VAR_006002"
FT   VARIANT         278
FT                   /note="P -> L (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs876659802)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:2263646"
FT                   /id="VAR_006003"
FT   VARIANT         278
FT                   /note="P -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs876659802)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045376"
FT   VARIANT         278
FT                   /note="P -> S (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs17849781)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:16959974,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:2263646, ECO:0000269|PubMed:9450901"
FT                   /id="VAR_006004"
FT   VARIANT         278
FT                   /note="P -> T (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs17849781)"
FT                   /id="VAR_006005"
FT   VARIANT         279
FT                   /note="G -> E (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1064793881)"
FT                   /id="VAR_006006"
FT   VARIANT         279
FT                   /note="G -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1555525248)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045377"
FT   VARIANT         279
FT                   /note="G -> V (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045378"
FT   VARIANT         279
FT                   /note="G -> W (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045379"
FT   VARIANT         280
FT                   /note="R -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs753660142)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045380"
FT   VARIANT         280
FT                   /note="R -> I (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs121912660)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:16959974"
FT                   /id="VAR_006008"
FT   VARIANT         280
FT                   /note="R -> K (in a familial cancer not matching LFS;
FT                   germline mutation and in sporadic cancers; somatic
FT                   mutation; no effect on interaction with CCAR2;
FT                   dbSNP:rs121912660)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:1694291,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:25732823"
FT                   /id="VAR_006007"
FT   VARIANT         280
FT                   /note="R -> P (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045381"
FT   VARIANT         280
FT                   /note="R -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045382"
FT   VARIANT         280
FT                   /note="R -> T (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs121912660)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:1631151"
FT                   /id="VAR_006009"
FT   VARIANT         281..282
FT                   /note="DR -> EW (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047203"
FT   VARIANT         281
FT                   /note="D -> A (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587781525)"
FT                   /id="VAR_006010"
FT   VARIANT         281
FT                   /note="D -> E (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057519984)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:1459726"
FT                   /id="VAR_006011"
FT   VARIANT         281
FT                   /note="D -> G (in a brain tumor with no family history;
FT                   germline mutation and in sporadic cancers; somatic
FT                   mutation; dbSNP:rs587781525)"
FT                   /id="VAR_006012"
FT   VARIANT         281
FT                   /note="D -> H (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs764146326)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:16959974"
FT                   /id="VAR_006013"
FT   VARIANT         281
FT                   /note="D -> N (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs764146326)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047202"
FT   VARIANT         281
FT                   /note="D -> R (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045870"
FT   VARIANT         281
FT                   /note="D -> V (in a familial cancer not matching LFS;
FT                   germline mutation and in sporadic cancers; somatic
FT                   mutation; dbSNP:rs587781525)"
FT                   /id="VAR_006014"
FT   VARIANT         281
FT                   /note="D -> Y (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs764146326)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045383"
FT   VARIANT         282
FT                   /note="R -> G (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs28934574)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045384"
FT   VARIANT         282
FT                   /note="R -> H (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045385"
FT   VARIANT         282
FT                   /note="R -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs730882008)"
FT                   /id="VAR_006015"
FT   VARIANT         282
FT                   /note="R -> P (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs730882008)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045386"
FT   VARIANT         282
FT                   /note="R -> Q (in a familial cancer not matching LFS;
FT                   germline mutation and in sporadic cancers; somatic
FT                   mutation; dbSNP:rs730882008)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:18453682, ECO:0000269|Ref.22"
FT                   /id="VAR_045387"
FT   VARIANT         282
FT                   /note="R -> W (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; does not induce SNAI1
FT                   degradation; dbSNP:rs28934574)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:20385133,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:8829627"
FT                   /id="VAR_006016"
FT   VARIANT         283
FT                   /note="R -> C (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs149633775)"
FT                   /id="VAR_006017"
FT   VARIANT         283
FT                   /note="R -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_006018"
FT   VARIANT         283
FT                   /note="R -> H (in a brain tumor with no family history;
FT                   germline mutation and in sporadic cancers; somatic
FT                   mutation; dbSNP:rs371409680)"
FT                   /id="VAR_006019"
FT   VARIANT         283
FT                   /note="R -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045388"
FT   VARIANT         283
FT                   /note="R -> P (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_006020"
FT   VARIANT         283
FT                   /note="R -> S (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs149633775)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045389"
FT   VARIANT         284
FT                   /note="T -> A (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:20959462"
FT                   /id="VAR_006021"
FT   VARIANT         284
FT                   /note="T -> I (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs863224685)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045390"
FT   VARIANT         284
FT                   /note="T -> K (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045391"
FT   VARIANT         284
FT                   /note="T -> P (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1204379654)"
FT                   /id="VAR_006022"
FT   VARIANT         285
FT                   /note="E -> A (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045392"
FT   VARIANT         285
FT                   /note="E -> D (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045393"
FT   VARIANT         285
FT                   /note="E -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045394"
FT   VARIANT         285
FT                   /note="E -> K (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs112431538)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:1459726,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:1694291"
FT                   /id="VAR_006023"
FT   VARIANT         285
FT                   /note="E -> Q (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_006024"
FT   VARIANT         285
FT                   /note="E -> V (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs121912667)"
FT                   /id="VAR_006025"
FT   VARIANT         286
FT                   /note="E -> A (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs1057519985)"
FT                   /id="VAR_006026"
FT   VARIANT         286
FT                   /note="E -> D (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_006027"
FT   VARIANT         286
FT                   /note="E -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057519985)"
FT                   /id="VAR_006028"
FT   VARIANT         286
FT                   /note="E -> K (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs786201059)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:11023613,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:8316628"
FT                   /id="VAR_006029"
FT   VARIANT         286
FT                   /note="E -> L (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045871"
FT   VARIANT         286
FT                   /note="E -> Q (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs786201059)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:8829627"
FT                   /id="VAR_006030"
FT   VARIANT         286
FT                   /note="E -> V (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1057519985)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045395"
FT   VARIANT         287
FT                   /note="E -> A (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047204"
FT   VARIANT         287
FT                   /note="E -> D (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs748891343)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045396"
FT   VARIANT         287
FT                   /note="E -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045397"
FT   VARIANT         287
FT                   /note="E -> K (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587782006)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045398"
FT   VARIANT         287
FT                   /note="E -> V (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045399"
FT   VARIANT         288
FT                   /note="N -> D (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045400"
FT   VARIANT         288
FT                   /note="N -> K (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045401"
FT   VARIANT         288
FT                   /note="N -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045402"
FT   VARIANT         288
FT                   /note="N -> T (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045403"
FT   VARIANT         288
FT                   /note="N -> Y (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045404"
FT   VARIANT         289
FT                   /note="L -> F (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045405"
FT   VARIANT         289
FT                   /note="L -> H (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045406"
FT   VARIANT         289
FT                   /note="L -> P (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045407"
FT   VARIANT         289
FT                   /note="L -> R (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045408"
FT   VARIANT         289
FT                   /note="L -> V (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1555525154)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045409"
FT   VARIANT         290
FT                   /note="R -> C (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs770374782)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045410"
FT   VARIANT         290
FT                   /note="R -> H (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs55819519)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045411"
FT   VARIANT         290
FT                   /note="R -> L (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045412"
FT   VARIANT         291
FT                   /note="K -> E (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1555525126)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045413"
FT   VARIANT         291
FT                   /note="K -> M (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045414"
FT   VARIANT         291
FT                   /note="K -> N (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs372613518)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045415"
FT   VARIANT         291
FT                   /note="K -> Q (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047205"
FT   VARIANT         291
FT                   /note="K -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs781490101)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045416"
FT   VARIANT         291
FT                   /note="K -> T (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045417"
FT   VARIANT         292
FT                   /note="K -> E (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045418"
FT   VARIANT         292
FT                   /note="K -> G (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045872"
FT   VARIANT         292
FT                   /note="K -> I (in LFS; germline mutation and in a sporadic
FT                   cancer; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs121912663)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:10484981"
FT                   /id="VAR_015819"
FT   VARIANT         292
FT                   /note="K -> N (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045419"
FT   VARIANT         292
FT                   /note="K -> Q (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045420"
FT   VARIANT         292
FT                   /note="K -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs121912663)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045421"
FT   VARIANT         292
FT                   /note="K -> T (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045422"
FT   VARIANT         293
FT                   /note="G -> A (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045423"
FT   VARIANT         293
FT                   /note="G -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587780076)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045424"
FT   VARIANT         293
FT                   /note="G -> V (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045425"
FT   VARIANT         293
FT                   /note="G -> W (in a brain tumor with no family history;
FT                   germline mutation and in sporadic cancers; somatic
FT                   mutation; dbSNP:rs587780076)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045426"
FT   VARIANT         294
FT                   /note="E -> A (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045427"
FT   VARIANT         294
FT                   /note="E -> D (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1305324490)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045428"
FT   VARIANT         294
FT                   /note="E -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045429"
FT   VARIANT         294
FT                   /note="E -> K (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047206"
FT   VARIANT         294
FT                   /note="E -> Q (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045430"
FT   VARIANT         294
FT                   /note="E -> V (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045431"
FT   VARIANT         295
FT                   /note="P -> H (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045432"
FT   VARIANT         295
FT                   /note="P -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs751713111)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045433"
FT   VARIANT         295
FT                   /note="P -> R (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs751713111)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045434"
FT   VARIANT         295
FT                   /note="P -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1131691006)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045435"
FT   VARIANT         296
FT                   /note="H -> C (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045873"
FT   VARIANT         296
FT                   /note="H -> D (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045436"
FT   VARIANT         296
FT                   /note="H -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047207"
FT   VARIANT         296
FT                   /note="H -> N (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045437"
FT   VARIANT         296
FT                   /note="H -> P (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_006031"
FT   VARIANT         296
FT                   /note="H -> Q (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045438"
FT   VARIANT         296
FT                   /note="H -> R (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs483352696)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045439"
FT   VARIANT         296
FT                   /note="H -> Y (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs672601296)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045440"
FT   VARIANT         297
FT                   /note="H -> D (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045441"
FT   VARIANT         297
FT                   /note="H -> N (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045442"
FT   VARIANT         297
FT                   /note="H -> P (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045443"
FT   VARIANT         297
FT                   /note="H -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs876659477)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045444"
FT   VARIANT         297
FT                   /note="H -> Y (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045445"
FT   VARIANT         298
FT                   /note="E -> A (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045446"
FT   VARIANT         298
FT                   /note="E -> D (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045447"
FT   VARIANT         298
FT                   /note="E -> K (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs201744589)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045448"
FT   VARIANT         298
FT                   /note="E -> Q (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs201744589)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045449"
FT   VARIANT         298
FT                   /note="E -> V (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045450"
FT   VARIANT         299
FT                   /note="L -> P (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045451"
FT   VARIANT         299
FT                   /note="L -> Q (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045452"
FT   VARIANT         299
FT                   /note="L -> R (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045453"
FT   VARIANT         299
FT                   /note="L -> V (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045454"
FT   VARIANT         300
FT                   /note="P -> A (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045455"
FT   VARIANT         300
FT                   /note="P -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs909643864)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045456"
FT   VARIANT         300
FT                   /note="P -> R (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_006032"
FT   VARIANT         300
FT                   /note="P -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045457"
FT   VARIANT         301
FT                   /note="P -> A (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045458"
FT   VARIANT         301
FT                   /note="P -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1555525067)"
FT                   /id="VAR_006033"
FT   VARIANT         301
FT                   /note="P -> Q (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045459"
FT   VARIANT         301
FT                   /note="P -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045460"
FT   VARIANT         301
FT                   /note="P -> T (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047208"
FT   VARIANT         302
FT                   /note="G -> A (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045461"
FT   VARIANT         302
FT                   /note="G -> E (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1060501202)"
FT                   /id="VAR_006034"
FT   VARIANT         302
FT                   /note="G -> R (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs863224686)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045462"
FT   VARIANT         302
FT                   /note="G -> V (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_006035"
FT   VARIANT         303
FT                   /note="S -> C (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045463"
FT   VARIANT         303
FT                   /note="S -> I (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045464"
FT   VARIANT         303
FT                   /note="S -> N (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs876658714)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045465"
FT   VARIANT         303
FT                   /note="S -> T (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045466"
FT   VARIANT         304
FT                   /note="T -> A (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587782654)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045467"
FT   VARIANT         304
FT                   /note="T -> I (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045468"
FT   VARIANT         304
FT                   /note="T -> N (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045469"
FT   VARIANT         304
FT                   /note="T -> S (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047209"
FT   VARIANT         305
FT                   /note="K -> E (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045470"
FT   VARIANT         305
FT                   /note="K -> M (in a familial cancer not matching LFS;
FT                   germline mutation and in sporadic cancers; somatic
FT                   mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045471"
FT   VARIANT         305
FT                   /note="K -> N (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation; loss
FT                   of nuclear localization)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:10551826"
FT                   /id="VAR_045472"
FT   VARIANT         305
FT                   /note="K -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045473"
FT   VARIANT         305
FT                   /note="K -> T (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045474"
FT   VARIANT         306
FT                   /note="R -> P (in LFS; germline mutation and in a sporadic
FT                   cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045475"
FT   VARIANT         306
FT                   /note="R -> Q (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1048095040)"
FT                   /id="VAR_006036"
FT   VARIANT         307
FT                   /note="A -> P (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045476"
FT   VARIANT         307
FT                   /note="A -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045477"
FT   VARIANT         307
FT                   /note="A -> T (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_006037"
FT   VARIANT         308
FT                   /note="L -> M (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045478"
FT   VARIANT         308
FT                   /note="L -> V (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045479"
FT   VARIANT         309
FT                   /note="P -> R (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045480"
FT   VARIANT         309
FT                   /note="P -> S (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs1555525012)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|Ref.14"
FT                   /id="VAR_006038"
FT   VARIANT         310
FT                   /note="N -> I (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045481"
FT   VARIANT         310
FT                   /note="N -> T (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045482"
FT   VARIANT         311
FT                   /note="N -> H (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1555525007)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045483"
FT   VARIANT         311
FT                   /note="N -> K (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045484"
FT   VARIANT         311
FT                   /note="N -> S (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs56184981)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045485"
FT   VARIANT         311
FT                   /note="N -> T (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs56184981)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045486"
FT   VARIANT         312
FT                   /note="T -> I (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045487"
FT   VARIANT         312
FT                   /note="T -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs145151284)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045488"
FT   VARIANT         313
FT                   /note="S -> C (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045489"
FT   VARIANT         313
FT                   /note="S -> I (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045490"
FT   VARIANT         313
FT                   /note="S -> N (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045491"
FT   VARIANT         313
FT                   /note="S -> R (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1367492395)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045492"
FT   VARIANT         314
FT                   /note="S -> F (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs751440465)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045493"
FT   VARIANT         315
FT                   /note="S -> C (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045494"
FT   VARIANT         315
FT                   /note="S -> F (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045495"
FT   VARIANT         315
FT                   /note="S -> P (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045496"
FT   VARIANT         316
FT                   /note="P -> L (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1555524979)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045497"
FT   VARIANT         316
FT                   /note="P -> T (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs772773208)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045498"
FT   VARIANT         317
FT                   /note="Q -> H (in a kidney cancer with no family history;
FT                   germline mutation and in a sporadic cancer; somatic
FT                   mutation; dbSNP:rs1060501199)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045499"
FT   VARIANT         317
FT                   /note="Q -> K (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs764735889)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045500"
FT   VARIANT         317
FT                   /note="Q -> L (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047210"
FT   VARIANT         317
FT                   /note="Q -> P (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045501"
FT   VARIANT         317
FT                   /note="Q -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1159579789)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045502"
FT   VARIANT         318
FT                   /note="P -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1555524975)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045503"
FT   VARIANT         319
FT                   /note="K -> E (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045504"
FT   VARIANT         319
FT                   /note="K -> N (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045505"
FT   VARIANT         319
FT                   /note="K -> R (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045506"
FT   VARIANT         320
FT                   /note="K -> N (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045507"
FT   VARIANT         321
FT                   /note="K -> E (in kidney cancer; germline mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045508"
FT   VARIANT         321
FT                   /note="K -> R (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045509"
FT   VARIANT         322
FT                   /note="P -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045510"
FT   VARIANT         322
FT                   /note="P -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045511"
FT   VARIANT         323
FT                   /note="L -> G (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045874"
FT   VARIANT         323
FT                   /note="L -> M (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045512"
FT   VARIANT         323
FT                   /note="L -> P (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045513"
FT   VARIANT         323
FT                   /note="L -> R (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045514"
FT   VARIANT         323
FT                   /note="L -> V (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1432281680)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047211"
FT   VARIANT         324
FT                   /note="D -> E (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045515"
FT   VARIANT         324
FT                   /note="D -> S (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   requires 2 nucleotide substitutions)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045875"
FT   VARIANT         324
FT                   /note="D -> Y (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045516"
FT   VARIANT         325
FT                   /note="G -> A (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045517"
FT   VARIANT         325
FT                   /note="G -> E (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045518"
FT   VARIANT         325
FT                   /note="G -> V (in LFS; germline mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs121912659)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:1565144"
FT                   /id="VAR_006039"
FT   VARIANT         326
FT                   /note="E -> G (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045519"
FT   VARIANT         327
FT                   /note="Y -> H (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045520"
FT   VARIANT         327
FT                   /note="Y -> S (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045521"
FT   VARIANT         328
FT                   /note="F -> L (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045522"
FT   VARIANT         328
FT                   /note="F -> S (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045523"
FT   VARIANT         328
FT                   /note="F -> V (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045524"
FT   VARIANT         329
FT                   /note="T -> I (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs969930693)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045525"
FT   VARIANT         329
FT                   /note="T -> S (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045526"
FT   VARIANT         330
FT                   /note="L -> H (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045527"
FT   VARIANT         330
FT                   /note="L -> P (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047212"
FT   VARIANT         330
FT                   /note="L -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045528"
FT   VARIANT         331
FT                   /note="Q -> H (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs11575996)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045529"
FT   VARIANT         331
FT                   /note="Q -> P (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045530"
FT   VARIANT         331
FT                   /note="Q -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1064795056)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045531"
FT   VARIANT         332
FT                   /note="I -> V (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045532"
FT   VARIANT         334
FT                   /note="G -> V (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_006040"
FT   VARIANT         334
FT                   /note="G -> W (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs730882028)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045533"
FT   VARIANT         335
FT                   /note="R -> G (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045534"
FT   VARIANT         335
FT                   /note="R -> H (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs771939956)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045535"
FT   VARIANT         335
FT                   /note="R -> L (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045536"
FT   VARIANT         337
FT                   /note="R -> C (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs587782529)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:9452042"
FT                   /id="VAR_006041"
FT   VARIANT         337
FT                   /note="R -> H (in LFS; germline mutation and in sporadic
FT                   cancers; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs121912664)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:11481490"
FT                   /id="VAR_035016"
FT   VARIANT         337
FT                   /note="R -> L (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs121912664)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045537"
FT   VARIANT         337
FT                   /note="R -> P (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs121912664)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045538"
FT   VARIANT         338
FT                   /note="F -> I (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045539"
FT   VARIANT         338
FT                   /note="F -> L (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs150293825)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045540"
FT   VARIANT         339
FT                   /note="E -> K (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs17882252)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|Ref.12"
FT                   /id="VAR_022316"
FT   VARIANT         339
FT                   /note="E -> Q (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs17882252)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045541"
FT   VARIANT         341
FT                   /note="F -> C (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045542"
FT   VARIANT         342
FT                   /note="R -> L (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045543"
FT   VARIANT         342
FT                   /note="R -> P (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs375338359)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045544"
FT   VARIANT         342
FT                   /note="R -> Q (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs375338359)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047213"
FT   VARIANT         343
FT                   /note="E -> G (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045545"
FT   VARIANT         344
FT                   /note="L -> P (in LFS; germline mutation and in a sporadic
FT                   cancer; somatic mutation; dbSNP:rs121912662)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045546"
FT   VARIANT         344
FT                   /note="L -> R (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045547"
FT   VARIANT         346
FT                   /note="E -> A (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045548"
FT   VARIANT         347
FT                   /note="A -> G (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045549"
FT   VARIANT         347
FT                   /note="A -> T (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045550"
FT   VARIANT         348
FT                   /note="L -> F (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045551"
FT   VARIANT         348
FT                   /note="L -> S (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045552"
FT   VARIANT         349
FT                   /note="E -> D (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045553"
FT   VARIANT         352
FT                   /note="D -> H (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045554"
FT   VARIANT         353
FT                   /note="A -> T (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045555"
FT   VARIANT         354
FT                   /note="Q -> E (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045556"
FT   VARIANT         354
FT                   /note="Q -> K (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs755394212)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045557"
FT   VARIANT         354
FT                   /note="Q -> R (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs752142489)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047214"
FT   VARIANT         356
FT                   /note="G -> A (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045558"
FT   VARIANT         356
FT                   /note="G -> W (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045559"
FT   VARIANT         358
FT                   /note="E -> D (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045560"
FT   VARIANT         358
FT                   /note="E -> K (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587782237)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045561"
FT   VARIANT         360
FT                   /note="G -> A (in dbSNP:rs35993958)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045562"
FT   VARIANT         360
FT                   /note="G -> V (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs35993958)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045563"
FT   VARIANT         363
FT                   /note="R -> K (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs876660285)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045564"
FT   VARIANT         364
FT                   /note="A -> P (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045565"
FT   VARIANT         364
FT                   /note="A -> T (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045566"
FT   VARIANT         364
FT                   /note="A -> V (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045567"
FT   VARIANT         365
FT                   /note="H -> R (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_047215"
FT   VARIANT         365
FT                   /note="H -> Y (in a familial cancer not matching LFS;
FT                   germline mutation and in a sporadic cancer; somatic
FT                   mutation; dbSNP:rs267605075)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045568"
FT   VARIANT         366
FT                   /note="S -> A (in a familial cancer not matching LFS;
FT                   germline mutation and in sporadic cancers; somatic
FT                   mutation; dbSNP:rs17881470)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|Ref.12"
FT                   /id="VAR_022317"
FT   VARIANT         370
FT                   /note="K -> Q (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045569"
FT   VARIANT         376
FT                   /note="S -> A (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045570"
FT   VARIANT         376
FT                   /note="S -> T (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045571"
FT   VARIANT         379
FT                   /note="R -> H (in sporadic cancers; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs863224682)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045572"
FT   VARIANT         385
FT                   /note="F -> L (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs1555524094)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045573"
FT   VARIANT         389
FT                   /note="G -> W (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation;
FT                   dbSNP:rs587783064)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045574"
FT   VARIANT         392
FT                   /note="S -> L (in a sporadic cancer; somatic mutation)"
FT                   /id="VAR_045575"
FT   MUTAGEN         15
FT                   /note="S->A: Loss of interaction with PPP2R5C, PPP2CA AND
FT                   PPP2R1A."
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:17967874"
FT   MUTAGEN         18
FT                   /note="T->A: No effect on interaction with MDM2 and
FT                   increase in protein levels after DNA damage."
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:10570149"
FT   MUTAGEN         20
FT                   /note="S->A: Abolishes phosphorylation site. Abolishes
FT                   increase in protein levels after DNA damage."
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:10570149"
FT   MUTAGEN         20
FT                   /note="S->D: Constitutively increased TP53 protein levels."
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:10570149"
FT   MUTAGEN         22..23
FT                   /note="LW->QS: Loss of interaction with MDM2, leading to
FT                   constitutively increased TP53 protein levels."
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:10570149"
FT   MUTAGEN         24
FT                   /note="K->R: Abolishes ubiquitination by MUL1."
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:21597459"
FT   MUTAGEN         37
FT                   /note="S->D: Abolishes phosphorylation by MAPKAPK5."
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:17254968"
FT   MUTAGEN         46
FT                   /note="S->A: Abolishes phosphorylation by DYRK2 and HIPK2
FT                   and acetylation of K-382 by CREBBP."
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:11740489,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:16219768, ECO:0000269|PubMed:17349958"
FT   MUTAGEN         46
FT                   /note="Missing: Alters interaction with WWOX."
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:11740489,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:16219768, ECO:0000269|PubMed:17349958"
FT   MUTAGEN         55
FT                   /note="T->A: Blocks phosphorylation by TAF1."
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:15053879"
FT   MUTAGEN         183
FT                   /note="S->A: Abolishes strongly phosphorylation."
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:20959462"
FT   MUTAGEN         183
FT                   /note="S->E: Inhibits slightly its transcriptional
FT                   activity."
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:20959462"
FT   MUTAGEN         248
FT                   /note="R->S: Does not induce SNAI1 degradation."
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:20385133"
FT   MUTAGEN         269
FT                   /note="S->A: Abolishes phosphorylation."
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:20959462"
FT   MUTAGEN         269
FT                   /note="S->E: Inhibits strongly its transcriptional
FT                   activity."
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:20959462"
FT   MUTAGEN         284
FT                   /note="T->E: Inhibits strongly its transcriptional
FT                   activity."
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:20959462"
FT   MUTAGEN         291..292
FT                   /note="KK->RR: Abolishes polyubiquitination by MKRN1."
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:19536131"
FT   MUTAGEN         319
FT                   /note="K->A: Loss of nuclear localization; when associated
FT                   with A-320 and A-321."
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:2156209"
FT   MUTAGEN         320
FT                   /note="K->A: Loss of nuclear localization; when associated
FT                   with A-319 and A-321."
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:2156209"
FT   MUTAGEN         321
FT                   /note="K->A: Loss of nuclear localization; when associated
FT                   with A-319 and A-320."
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:2156209"
FT   MUTAGEN         333..337
FT                   /note="RGRER->KGKEK: Reduced methylation by PRMT5. Reduced
FT                   nuclear localization. Decreased binding to promoters of
FT                   target genes. Reduced transcriptional activity. Decrease in
FT                   cell cycle arrest."
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:19011621"
FT   MUTAGEN         359
FT                   /note="P->D: Abolishes binding to USP7."
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:16402859"
FT   MUTAGEN         361
FT                   /note="G->E: Abolishes binding to USP7."
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:16402859"
FT   MUTAGEN         362
FT                   /note="S->A: Abolishes binding to USP7."
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:16402859"
FT   MUTAGEN         370
FT                   /note="K->R: Induces a decrease in methylation by SMYD2."
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:17108971"
FT   MUTAGEN         372
FT                   /note="K->R: Induces a decrease in protein stabilization."
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:15525938"
FT   MUTAGEN         373
FT                   /note="K->R: Abolishes dimethylation by EHMT1 and EHMT2."
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:20118233"
FT   MUTAGEN         381
FT                   /note="K->Q: Mimics acetylation, leading to increased
FT                   stability."
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:29474172"
FT   MUTAGEN         381
FT                   /note="K->R: Decreased acetylation."
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:29474172"
FT   MUTAGEN         382
FT                   /note="K->A: Abolishes acetylation by CREBBP."
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:10884347,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:11740489, ECO:0000269|PubMed:17707234,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:20870725"
FT   MUTAGEN         382
FT                   /note="K->R: Abolishes monomethylation by KMT5A."
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:10884347,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:11740489, ECO:0000269|PubMed:17707234,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:20870725"
FT   MUTAGEN         383
FT                   /note="L->A: Abolishes S-315 phosphorylation by CDK2/cyclin
FT                   A."
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:10884347"
FT   MUTAGEN         385
FT                   /note="F->A: Reduced SUMO1 conjugation."
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:10884347,
FT                   ECO:0000269|PubMed:11124955"
FT   MUTAGEN         386
FT                   /note="K->A: Abolishes SUMO1 conjugation, in vitro and in
FT                   vivo."
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:11124955, ECO:0000269|Ref.37"
FT   MUTAGEN         387
FT                   /note="T->A: No effect SUMO1 conjugation."
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:11124955"
FT   MUTAGEN         388
FT                   /note="E->A: Abolishes SUMO1 conjugation."
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:11124955"
FT   HELIX           3..6
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:5HOU"
FT   TURN            8..10
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:5HOU"
FT   HELIX           19..21
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:6T58"
FT   HELIX           22..27
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:6V4F"
FT   STRAND          29..31
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:2LY4"
FT   STRAND          33..35
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:2L14"
FT   HELIX           36..38
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:2B3G"
FT   HELIX           41..44
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:2B3G"
FT   HELIX           47..55
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:2B3G"
FT   STRAND          95..97
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:7B49"
FT   TURN            105..108
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:3D06"
FT   STRAND          110..112
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:3D06"
FT   STRAND          118..120
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:3Q05"
FT   TURN            121..123
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:3Q05"
FT   STRAND          124..127
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:3D06"
FT   TURN            128..131
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:3D06"
FT   STRAND          132..135
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:3D06"
FT   STRAND          141..146
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:3D06"
FT   STRAND          148..150
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:5UN8"
FT   STRAND          156..165
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:3D06"
FT   HELIX           166..168
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:3D06"
FT   HELIX           177..180
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:3D06"
FT   STRAND          181..183
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:4KVP"
FT   STRAND          187..189
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:6GGC"
FT   STRAND          194..199
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:3D06"
FT   STRAND          204..207
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:3D06"
FT   TURN            209..211
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:3D06"
FT   STRAND          214..219
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:3D06"
FT   TURN            225..227
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:2FEJ"
FT   STRAND          228..236
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:3D06"
FT   HELIX           240..242
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:3D07"
FT   TURN            243..248
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:3D06"
FT   STRAND          251..258
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:3D06"
FT   STRAND          260..262
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:2ADY"
FT   STRAND          264..274
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:3D06"
FT   HELIX           278..287
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:3D06"
FT   HELIX           288..290
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:4HJE"
FT   HELIX           322..324
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:3Q01"
FT   STRAND          327..334
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:3Q01"
FT   HELIX           335..354
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:1AIE"
FT   HELIX           375..380
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:1YC5"
SQ   SEQUENCE   393 AA;  43653 MW;  AD5C149FD8106131 CRC64;
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