位置:首页 > 蛋白库 > RL32_CAMJR
ID   RL32_CAMJR              Reviewed;          48 AA.
AC   Q5HWE1;
DT   07-MAR-2006, integrated into UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot.
DT   15-FEB-2005, sequence version 1.
DT   03-AUG-2022, entry version 72.
DE   RecName: Full=50S ribosomal protein L32 {ECO:0000255|HAMAP-Rule:MF_00340};
GN   Name=rpmF {ECO:0000255|HAMAP-Rule:MF_00340}; OrderedLocusNames=CJE0375;
OS   Campylobacter jejuni (strain RM1221).
OC   Bacteria; Proteobacteria; Epsilonproteobacteria; Campylobacterales;
OC   Campylobacteraceae; Campylobacter.
OX   NCBI_TaxID=195099;
RN   [1]
RX   PubMed=15660156; DOI=10.1371/journal.pbio.0030015;
RA   Fouts D.E., Mongodin E.F., Mandrell R.E., Miller W.G., Rasko D.A.,
RA   Ravel J., Brinkac L.M., DeBoy R.T., Parker C.T., Daugherty S.C.,
RA   Dodson R.J., Durkin A.S., Madupu R., Sullivan S.A., Shetty J.U.,
RA   Ayodeji M.A., Shvartsbeyn A., Schatz M.C., Badger J.H., Fraser C.M.,
RA   Nelson K.E.;
RT   "Major structural differences and novel potential virulence mechanisms from
RT   the genomes of multiple Campylobacter species.";
RL   PLoS Biol. 3:72-85(2005).
CC   -!- SIMILARITY: Belongs to the bacterial ribosomal protein bL32 family.
CC       {ECO:0000255|HAMAP-Rule:MF_00340}.
CC   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CC   Copyrighted by the UniProt Consortium, see https://www.uniprot.org/terms
CC   Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) License
CC   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
DR   EMBL; CP000025; AAW34964.1; -; Genomic_DNA.
DR   RefSeq; WP_002858674.1; NC_003912.7.
DR   AlphaFoldDB; Q5HWE1; -.
DR   SMR; Q5HWE1; -.
DR   KEGG; cjr:CJE0375; -.
DR   HOGENOM; CLU_129084_1_2_7; -.
DR   GO; GO:0015934; C:large ribosomal subunit; IEA:InterPro.
DR   GO; GO:0003735; F:structural constituent of ribosome; IEA:InterPro.
DR   GO; GO:0006412; P:translation; IEA:UniProtKB-UniRule.
DR   HAMAP; MF_00340; Ribosomal_L32; 1.
DR   InterPro; IPR002677; Ribosomal_L32p.
DR   InterPro; IPR011332; Ribosomal_zn-bd.
DR   Pfam; PF01783; Ribosomal_L32p; 1.
DR   SUPFAM; SSF57829; SSF57829; 1.
DR   TIGRFAMs; TIGR01031; rpmF_bact; 1.
PE   3: Inferred from homology;
KW   Ribonucleoprotein; Ribosomal protein.
FT   CHAIN           1..48
FT                   /note="50S ribosomal protein L32"
FT                   /id="PRO_0000225712"
FT   REGION          1..48
FT                   /note="Disordered"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000256|SAM:MobiDB-lite"
FT   COMPBIAS        1..19
FT                   /note="Basic residues"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000256|SAM:MobiDB-lite"
FT   COMPBIAS        32..48
FT                   /note="Basic and acidic residues"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000256|SAM:MobiDB-lite"
SQ   SEQUENCE   48 AA;  5628 MW;  A27E86B6E811AE19 CRC64;
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