位置:首页 > 蛋白库 > RS12_CHRVO
ID   RS12_CHRVO              Reviewed;         123 AA.
AC   Q7NQE8;
DT   27-SEP-2004, integrated into UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot.
DT   15-DEC-2003, sequence version 1.
DT   25-MAY-2022, entry version 106.
DE   RecName: Full=30S ribosomal protein S12 {ECO:0000255|HAMAP-Rule:MF_00403};
GN   Name=rpsL {ECO:0000255|HAMAP-Rule:MF_00403}; OrderedLocusNames=CV_4191;
OS   Chromobacterium violaceum (strain ATCC 12472 / DSM 30191 / JCM 1249 / NBRC
OS   12614 / NCIMB 9131 / NCTC 9757).
OC   Bacteria; Proteobacteria; Betaproteobacteria; Neisseriales;
OC   Chromobacteriaceae; Chromobacterium.
OX   NCBI_TaxID=243365;
RN   [1]
RC   STRAIN=ATCC 12472 / DSM 30191 / JCM 1249 / NBRC 12614 / NCIMB 9131 / NCTC
RC   9757;
RX   PubMed=14500782; DOI=10.1073/pnas.1832124100;
RA   Vasconcelos A.T.R., de Almeida D.F., Hungria M., Guimaraes C.T.,
RA   Antonio R.V., Almeida F.C., de Almeida L.G.P., de Almeida R.,
RA   Alves-Gomes J.A., Andrade E.M., Araripe J., de Araujo M.F.F.,
RA   Astolfi-Filho S., Azevedo V., Baptista A.J., Bataus L.A.M., Batista J.S.,
RA   Belo A., van den Berg C., Bogo M., Bonatto S., Bordignon J., Brigido M.M.,
RA   Brito C.A., Brocchi M., Burity H.A., Camargo A.A., Cardoso D.D.P.,
RA   Carneiro N.P., Carraro D.M., Carvalho C.M.B., Cascardo J.C.M., Cavada B.S.,
RA   Chueire L.M.O., Creczynski-Pasa T.B., Cunha-Junior N.C., Fagundes N.,
RA   Falcao C.L., Fantinatti F., Farias I.P., Felipe M.S.S., Ferrari L.P.,
RA   Ferro J.A., Ferro M.I.T., Franco G.R., Freitas N.S.A., Furlan L.R.,
RA   Gazzinelli R.T., Gomes E.A., Goncalves P.R., Grangeiro T.B.,
RA   Grattapaglia D., Grisard E.C., Hanna E.S., Jardim S.N., Laurino J.,
RA   Leoi L.C.T., Lima L.F.A., Loureiro M.F., Lyra M.C.C.P., Madeira H.M.F.,
RA   Manfio G.P., Maranhao A.Q., Martins W.S., di Mauro S.M.Z.,
RA   de Medeiros S.R.B., Meissner R.V., Moreira M.A.M., Nascimento F.F.,
RA   Nicolas M.F., Oliveira J.G., Oliveira S.C., Paixao R.F.C., Parente J.A.,
RA   Pedrosa F.O., Pena S.D.J., Pereira J.O., Pereira M., Pinto L.S.R.C.,
RA   Pinto L.S., Porto J.I.R., Potrich D.P., Ramalho-Neto C.E., Reis A.M.M.,
RA   Rigo L.U., Rondinelli E., Santos E.B.P., Santos F.R., Schneider M.P.C.,
RA   Seuanez H.N., Silva A.M.R., da Silva A.L.C., Silva D.W., Silva R.,
RA   Simoes I.C., Simon D., Soares C.M.A., Soares R.B.A., Souza E.M.,
RA   Souza K.R.L., Souza R.C., Steffens M.B.R., Steindel M., Teixeira S.R.,
RA   Urmenyi T., Vettore A., Wassem R., Zaha A., Simpson A.J.G.;
RT   "The complete genome sequence of Chromobacterium violaceum reveals
RT   remarkable and exploitable bacterial adaptability.";
RL   Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 100:11660-11665(2003).
CC   -!- FUNCTION: With S4 and S5 plays an important role in translational
CC       accuracy. {ECO:0000255|HAMAP-Rule:MF_00403}.
CC   -!- FUNCTION: Interacts with and stabilizes bases of the 16S rRNA that are
CC       involved in tRNA selection in the A site and with the mRNA backbone.
CC       Located at the interface of the 30S and 50S subunits, it traverses the
CC       body of the 30S subunit contacting proteins on the other side and
CC       probably holding the rRNA structure together. The combined cluster of
CC       proteins S8, S12 and S17 appears to hold together the shoulder and
CC       platform of the 30S subunit. {ECO:0000255|HAMAP-Rule:MF_00403}.
CC   -!- SUBUNIT: Part of the 30S ribosomal subunit. Contacts proteins S8 and
CC       S17. May interact with IF1 in the 30S initiation complex.
CC       {ECO:0000255|HAMAP-Rule:MF_00403}.
CC   -!- SIMILARITY: Belongs to the universal ribosomal protein uS12 family.
CC       {ECO:0000255|HAMAP-Rule:MF_00403}.
CC   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CC   Copyrighted by the UniProt Consortium, see https://www.uniprot.org/terms
CC   Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) License
CC   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
DR   EMBL; AE016825; AAQ61851.1; -; Genomic_DNA.
DR   RefSeq; WP_011137738.1; NC_005085.1.
DR   AlphaFoldDB; Q7NQE8; -.
DR   SMR; Q7NQE8; -.
DR   STRING; 243365.CV_4191; -.
DR   EnsemblBacteria; AAQ61851; AAQ61851; CV_4191.
DR   GeneID; 66366337; -.
DR   KEGG; cvi:CV_4191; -.
DR   eggNOG; COG0048; Bacteria.
DR   HOGENOM; CLU_104295_1_2_4; -.
DR   OrthoDB; 1707228at2; -.
DR   Proteomes; UP000001424; Chromosome.
DR   GO; GO:0015935; C:small ribosomal subunit; IEA:InterPro.
DR   GO; GO:0019843; F:rRNA binding; IEA:UniProtKB-UniRule.
DR   GO; GO:0003735; F:structural constituent of ribosome; IEA:InterPro.
DR   GO; GO:0000049; F:tRNA binding; IEA:UniProtKB-UniRule.
DR   GO; GO:0006412; P:translation; IEA:UniProtKB-UniRule.
DR   CDD; cd03368; Ribosomal_S12; 1.
DR   Gene3D;; -; 1.
DR   HAMAP; MF_00403_B; Ribosomal_S12_B; 1.
DR   InterPro; IPR012340; NA-bd_OB-fold.
DR   InterPro; IPR006032; Ribosomal_S12/S23.
DR   InterPro; IPR005679; Ribosomal_S12_bac.
DR   PANTHER; PTHR11652; PTHR11652; 1.
DR   Pfam; PF00164; Ribosom_S12_S23; 1.
DR   PIRSF; PIRSF002133; Ribosomal_S12/S23; 1.
DR   SUPFAM; SSF50249; SSF50249; 1.
DR   TIGRFAMs; TIGR00981; rpsL_bact; 1.
PE   3: Inferred from homology;
KW   Methylation; Reference proteome; Ribonucleoprotein; Ribosomal protein;
KW   RNA-binding; rRNA-binding; tRNA-binding.
FT   CHAIN           1..123
FT                   /note="30S ribosomal protein S12"
FT                   /id="PRO_0000146208"
FT   REGION          104..123
FT                   /note="Disordered"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000256|SAM:MobiDB-lite"
FT   MOD_RES         89
FT                   /note="3-methylthioaspartic acid"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000250"
SQ   SEQUENCE   123 AA;  13550 MW;  962BCDD6AB41E4F9 CRC64;
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