位置:首页 > 蛋白库 > UL25_EHV1
ID   UL25_EHV1               Reviewed;          54 AA.
AC   P15237;
DT   01-APR-1990, integrated into UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot.
DT   01-APR-1990, sequence version 1.
DT   23-FEB-2022, entry version 53.
DE   RecName: Full=Virion-packaging protein UL25 homolog;
DE   Flags: Fragment;
GN   Name=UL25; OrderedLocusNames=36;
OS   Equine herpesvirus 1 (strain HVS25A) (EHV-1) (Equine abortion virus).
OC   Viruses; Duplodnaviria; Heunggongvirae; Peploviricota; Herviviricetes;
OC   Herpesvirales; Herpesviridae; Alphaherpesvirinae; Varicellovirus.
OX   NCBI_TaxID=10327;
OH   NCBI_TaxID=9796; Equus caballus (Horse).
RN   [1]
RX   PubMed=2849761; DOI=10.1093/nar/16.23.11303;
RA   Robertson G.R., Whalley J.M.;
RT   "Evolution of the herpes thymidine kinase: identification and comparison of
RT   the equine herpesvirus 1 thymidine kinase gene reveals similarity to a
RT   cell-encoded thymidylate kinase.";
RL   Nucleic Acids Res. 16:11303-11317(1988).
CC   -!- FUNCTION: Plays a role at the late stage in the encapsidation of viral
CC       DNA, assuring correct genome cleavage and presumably stabilizing
CC       capsids that contain full-lengtht viral genomes. Located on the
CC       external vertices of the T=16 icosahedric capsid, may bind together the
CC       tegument and the capsid through interaction with large tegument protein
CC       24 (By similarity). {ECO:0000250}.
CC   -!- SUBUNIT: Heterodimerizes with packaging protein 45. Interacts with
CC       major capsid protein 42 and triplex capsid protein 22, essentially at
CC       the pentamer vertices. May interact with large tegument protein 24 (By
CC       similarity). {ECO:0000250}.
CC   -!- SUBCELLULAR LOCATION: Virion. Host nucleus {ECO:0000250}.
CC   -!- SIMILARITY: Belongs to the herpesviridae UL25 family. {ECO:0000305}.
CC   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CC   Copyrighted by the UniProt Consortium, see https://www.uniprot.org/terms
CC   Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) License
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DR   EMBL; X13209; CAA31597.1; -; Genomic_DNA.
DR   PIR; S01993; S01993.
DR   GO; GO:0042025; C:host cell nucleus; IEA:UniProtKB-SubCell.
DR   GO; GO:0019028; C:viral capsid; IEA:UniProtKB-KW.
PE   3: Inferred from homology;
KW   Capsid protein; Host nucleus; Viral genome packaging;
KW   Viral release from host cell; Virion.
FT   CHAIN           1..>54
FT                   /note="Virion-packaging protein UL25 homolog"
FT                   /id="PRO_0000115994"
FT   NON_TER         54
SQ   SEQUENCE   54 AA;  5820 MW;  C5D4F4B7CD354F38 CRC64;
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