位置:首页 > 蛋白库 > VE7_HPV18
ID   VE7_HPV18               Reviewed;         105 AA.
AC   P06788;
DT   01-JAN-1988, integrated into UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot.
DT   01-APR-1990, sequence version 2.
DT   03-AUG-2022, entry version 112.
DE   RecName: Full=Protein E7 {ECO:0000255|HAMAP-Rule:MF_04004};
GN   Name=E7 {ECO:0000255|HAMAP-Rule:MF_04004};
OS   Human papillomavirus type 18.
OC   Viruses; Monodnaviria; Shotokuvirae; Cossaviricota; Papovaviricetes;
OC   Zurhausenvirales; Papillomaviridae; Firstpapillomavirinae;
OC   Alphapapillomavirus.
OX   NCBI_TaxID=333761;
OH   NCBI_TaxID=9606; Homo sapiens (Human).
RN   [1]
RX   PubMed=3039146; DOI=10.1016/0022-2836(87)90343-3;
RA   Cole S.T., Danos O.;
RT   "Nucleotide sequence and comparative analysis of the human papillomavirus
RT   type 18 genome. Phylogeny of papillomaviruses and repeated structure of the
RT   E6 and E7 gene products.";
RL   J. Mol. Biol. 193:599-608(1987).
RN   [2]
RX   PubMed=2833614; DOI=10.1128/jvi.62.5.1640-1646.1988;
RA   Inagaki Y., Tsunokawa Y., Takebe N., Nawa H., Nakanishi S., Terada M.,
RA   Sugimura T.;
RT   "Nucleotide sequences of cDNAs for human papillomavirus type 18 transcripts
RT   in HeLa cells.";
RL   J. Virol. 62:1640-1646(1988).
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RX   PubMed=3023067; DOI=10.1002/j.1460-2075.1986.tb04496.x;
RA   Schneider-Gaedicke A., Schwarz E.;
RT   "Different human cervical carcinoma cell lines show similar transcription
RT   patterns of human papillomavirus type 18 early genes.";
RL   EMBO J. 5:2285-2292(1986).
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RX   PubMed=3034571; DOI=10.1002/j.1460-2075.1987.tb04731.x;
RA   Seedorf K., Oltersdorf T., Kraemer G., Roewekamp W.;
RT   "Identification of early proteins of the human papilloma viruses type 16
RT   (HPV 16) and type 18 (HPV 18) in cervical carcinoma cells.";
RL   EMBO J. 6:139-144(1987).
RN   [5]
RX   PubMed=11921304; DOI=10.1002/rmv.340;
RA   Lee C., Cho Y.;
RT   "Interactions of SV40 large T antigen and other viral proteins with
RT   retinoblastoma tumour suppressor.";
RL   Rev. Med. Virol. 12:81-92(2002).
RN   [6]
RP   25-LEU--GLU-29.
RX   PubMed=26405230; DOI=10.1126/science.aab3291;
RA   Lau L., Gray E.E., Brunette R.L., Stetson D.B.;
RT   "DNA tumor virus oncogenes antagonize the cGAS-STING DNA-sensing pathway.";
RL   Science 350:568-571(2015).
CC   -!- FUNCTION: Plays a role in viral genome replication by driving entry of
CC       quiescent cells into the cell cycle. Stimulation of progression from G1
CC       to S phase allows the virus to efficiently use the cellular DNA
CC       replicating machinery to achieve viral genome replication. E7 protein
CC       has both transforming and trans-activating activities. Induces the
CC       disassembly of the E2F1 transcription factor from RB1, with subsequent
CC       transcriptional activation of E2F1-regulated S-phase genes. Interferes
CC       with host histone deacetylation mediated by HDAC1 and HDAC2, leading to
CC       transcription activation. Also plays a role in the inhibition of both
CC       antiviral and antiproliferative functions of host interferon alpha.
CC       Interaction with host TMEM173/STING impairs the ability of
CC       TMEM173/STING to sense cytosolic DNA and promote the production of type
CC       I interferon (IFN-alpha and IFN-beta) (PubMed:26405230).
CC       {ECO:0000255|HAMAP-Rule:MF_04004, ECO:0000269|PubMed:26405230}.
CC   -!- SUBUNIT: Homodimer. Homooligomer. Interacts with host RB1; this
CC       interaction induces dissociation of RB1-E2F1 complex thereby disrupting
CC       RB1 activity. Interacts with host EP300; this interaction represses
CC       EP300 transcriptional activity. Interacts with protein E2; this
CC       interaction inhibits E7 oncogenic activity. Interacts with host
CC       TMEM173/STING; this interaction impairs the ability of TMEM173/STING to
CC       sense cytosolic DNA and promote the production of type I interferon
CC       (IFN-alpha and IFN-beta) (PubMed:26405230). {ECO:0000255|HAMAP-
CC       Rule:MF_04004, ECO:0000269|PubMed:26405230}.
CC       P06788; P01106: MYC; Xeno; NbExp=5; IntAct=EBI-1776887, EBI-447544;
CC       P06788; P06400: RB1; Xeno; NbExp=4; IntAct=EBI-1776887, EBI-491274;
CC   -!- SUBCELLULAR LOCATION: Host cytoplasm {ECO:0000255|HAMAP-Rule:MF_04004}.
CC       Host nucleus {ECO:0000255|HAMAP-Rule:MF_04004}. Note=Predominantly
CC       found in the host nucleus. {ECO:0000255|HAMAP-Rule:MF_04004}.
CC   -!- DOMAIN: The E7 terminal domain is an intrinsically disordered domain,
CC       whose flexibility and conformational transitions confer target
CC       adaptability to the oncoprotein. It allows adaptation to a variety of
CC       protein targets and exposes the PEST degradation sequence that
CC       regulates its turnover in the cell. {ECO:0000255|HAMAP-Rule:MF_04004}.
CC   -!- PTM: Highly phosphorylated. {ECO:0000255|HAMAP-Rule:MF_04004}.
CC   -!- SIMILARITY: Belongs to the papillomaviridae E7 protein family.
CC       {ECO:0000255|HAMAP-Rule:MF_04004}.
CC   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CC   Copyrighted by the UniProt Consortium, see https://www.uniprot.org/terms
CC   Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) License
CC   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
DR   EMBL; X05015; CAA28665.1; -; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; M20324; AAA99513.1; -; mRNA.
DR   EMBL; M20325; AAA99515.1; -; mRNA.
DR   EMBL; M26798; AAA46947.1; -; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; X04773; CAA28467.1; -; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; A06324; CAA00540.1; -; Unassigned_DNA.
DR   EMBL; A06328; CAA00543.1; -; Unassigned_RNA.
DR   PIR; B26165; W7WL18.
DR   PDB; 6IWD; X-ray; 1.80 A; B=54-105.
DR   PDBsum; 6IWD; -.
DR   SMR; P06788; -.
DR   DIP; DIP-45143N; -.
DR   IntAct; P06788; 55.
DR   MINT; P06788; -.
DR   ChEMBL; CHEMBL4802005; -.
DR   Proteomes; UP000009109; Genome.
DR   GO; GO:0030430; C:host cell cytoplasm; IEA:UniProtKB-SubCell.
DR   GO; GO:0042025; C:host cell nucleus; IEA:UniProtKB-SubCell.
DR   GO; GO:0003677; F:DNA binding; IEA:UniProtKB-UniRule.
DR   GO; GO:0003700; F:DNA-binding transcription factor activity; IEA:UniProtKB-UniRule.
DR   GO; GO:0019904; F:protein domain specific binding; IEA:UniProtKB-UniRule.
DR   GO; GO:0008270; F:zinc ion binding; IDA:BHF-UCL.
DR   GO; GO:0039645; P:modulation by virus of host G1/S transition checkpoint; IEA:UniProtKB-UniRule.
DR   GO; GO:0039502; P:suppression by virus of host type I interferon-mediated signaling pathway; IEA:UniProtKB-UniRule.
DR   GO; GO:0006351; P:transcription, DNA-templated; IEA:UniProtKB-UniRule.
DR   HAMAP; MF_04004; PPV_E7; 1.
DR   InterPro; IPR000148; Papilloma_E7.
DR   Pfam; PF00527; E7; 1.
DR   PIRSF; PIRSF003407; Papvi_E7; 1.
PE   1: Evidence at protein level;
KW   3D-structure; Activator; DNA-binding; Early protein;
KW   G1/S host cell cycle checkpoint dysregulation by virus; Host cytoplasm;
KW   Host nucleus; Host-virus interaction;
KW   Inhibition of host innate immune response by virus;
KW   Inhibition of host interferon signaling pathway by virus; Metal-binding;
KW   Modulation of host cell cycle by virus; Oncogene; Reference proteome;
KW   Transcription; Transcription regulation; Viral immunoevasion; Zinc;
KW   Zinc-finger.
FT   CHAIN           1..105
FT                   /note="Protein E7"
FT                   /id="PRO_0000133416"
FT   ZN_FING         65..101
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000250|UniProtKB:P03129"
FT   REGION          1..49
FT                   /note="E7 terminal domain"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000255|HAMAP-Rule:MF_04004"
FT   MOTIF           25..29
FT                   /note="LXCXE motif; interaction with host RB1 and
FT                   TMEM173/STING"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000255|HAMAP-Rule:MF_04004"
FT   MOTIF           83..91
FT                   /note="Nuclear export signal"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000255|HAMAP-Rule:MF_04004"
FT   MUTAGEN         25..29
FT                   /note="LLCHE->VISFD: Abolishes interaction with host
FT                   TMEM173/STING."
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000269|PubMed:26405230"
FT   CONFLICT        73
FT                   /note="K -> E (in Ref. 1 and 4)"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000305"
FT   STRAND          57..64
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:6IWD"
FT   TURN            66..68
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:6IWD"
FT   STRAND          71..78
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:6IWD"
FT   HELIX           80..91
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:6IWD"
FT   HELIX           99..102
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0007829|PDB:6IWD"
SQ   SEQUENCE   105 AA;  11995 MW;  2CDB119534D0186A CRC64;
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