位置:首页 > 蛋白库 > YDJC_BACSU
ID   YDJC_BACSU              Reviewed;         116 AA.
AC   O34715;
DT   11-JUL-2003, integrated into UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot.
DT   01-JAN-1998, sequence version 1.
DT   03-AUG-2022, entry version 84.
DE   RecName: Full=Uncharacterized protein YdjC;
GN   Name=ydjC; OrderedLocusNames=BSU06130;
OS   Bacillus subtilis (strain 168).
OC   Bacteria; Firmicutes; Bacilli; Bacillales; Bacillaceae; Bacillus.
OX   NCBI_TaxID=224308;
RN   [1]
RC   STRAIN=168 / Marburg / ATCC 6051 / DSM 10 / JCM 1465 / NBRC 13719 / NCIMB
RC   3610 / NRRL NRS-744 / VKM B-501;
RX   PubMed=9455482; DOI=10.1093/dnares/4.5.335;
RA   Kasahara Y., Nakai S., Ogasawara N., Yata K., Sadaie Y.;
RT   "Sequence analysis of the groESL-cotA region of the Bacillus subtilis
RT   genome, containing the restriction/modification system genes.";
RL   DNA Res. 4:335-339(1997).
RN   [2]
RC   STRAIN=168;
RX   PubMed=9384377; DOI=10.1038/36786;
RA   Kunst F., Ogasawara N., Moszer I., Albertini A.M., Alloni G., Azevedo V.,
RA   Bertero M.G., Bessieres P., Bolotin A., Borchert S., Borriss R.,
RA   Boursier L., Brans A., Braun M., Brignell S.C., Bron S., Brouillet S.,
RA   Bruschi C.V., Caldwell B., Capuano V., Carter N.M., Choi S.-K.,
RA   Codani J.-J., Connerton I.F., Cummings N.J., Daniel R.A., Denizot F.,
RA   Devine K.M., Duesterhoeft A., Ehrlich S.D., Emmerson P.T., Entian K.-D.,
RA   Errington J., Fabret C., Ferrari E., Foulger D., Fritz C., Fujita M.,
RA   Fujita Y., Fuma S., Galizzi A., Galleron N., Ghim S.-Y., Glaser P.,
RA   Goffeau A., Golightly E.J., Grandi G., Guiseppi G., Guy B.J., Haga K.,
RA   Haiech J., Harwood C.R., Henaut A., Hilbert H., Holsappel S., Hosono S.,
RA   Hullo M.-F., Itaya M., Jones L.-M., Joris B., Karamata D., Kasahara Y.,
RA   Klaerr-Blanchard M., Klein C., Kobayashi Y., Koetter P., Koningstein G.,
RA   Krogh S., Kumano M., Kurita K., Lapidus A., Lardinois S., Lauber J.,
RA   Lazarevic V., Lee S.-M., Levine A., Liu H., Masuda S., Mauel C.,
RA   Medigue C., Medina N., Mellado R.P., Mizuno M., Moestl D., Nakai S.,
RA   Noback M., Noone D., O'Reilly M., Ogawa K., Ogiwara A., Oudega B.,
RA   Park S.-H., Parro V., Pohl T.M., Portetelle D., Porwollik S.,
RA   Prescott A.M., Presecan E., Pujic P., Purnelle B., Rapoport G., Rey M.,
RA   Reynolds S., Rieger M., Rivolta C., Rocha E., Roche B., Rose M., Sadaie Y.,
RA   Sato T., Scanlan E., Schleich S., Schroeter R., Scoffone F., Sekiguchi J.,
RA   Sekowska A., Seror S.J., Serror P., Shin B.-S., Soldo B., Sorokin A.,
RA   Tacconi E., Takagi T., Takahashi H., Takemaru K., Takeuchi M.,
RA   Tamakoshi A., Tanaka T., Terpstra P., Tognoni A., Tosato V., Uchiyama S.,
RA   Vandenbol M., Vannier F., Vassarotti A., Viari A., Wambutt R., Wedler E.,
RA   Wedler H., Weitzenegger T., Winters P., Wipat A., Yamamoto H., Yamane K.,
RA   Yasumoto K., Yata K., Yoshida K., Yoshikawa H.-F., Zumstein E.,
RA   Yoshikawa H., Danchin A.;
RT   "The complete genome sequence of the Gram-positive bacterium Bacillus
RT   subtilis.";
RL   Nature 390:249-256(1997).
RN   [3]
RC   STRAIN=168 / Marburg / ATCC 6051 / DSM 10 / JCM 1465 / NBRC 13719 / NCIMB
RC   3610 / NRRL NRS-744 / VKM B-501;
RX   PubMed=11751814; DOI=10.1128/jb.184.2.381-389.2002;
RA   Ohshima H., Matsuoka S., Asai K., Sadaie Y.;
RT   "Molecular organization of intrinsic restriction and modification genes
RT   BsuM of Bacillus subtilis Marburg.";
RL   J. Bacteriol. 184:381-389(2002).
CC   -!- DISRUPTION PHENOTYPE: No BsuMI restriction or methylation-related
CC       phenotype. {ECO:0000269|PubMed:11751814}.
CC   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CC   Copyrighted by the UniProt Consortium, see https://www.uniprot.org/terms
CC   Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) License
CC   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
DR   EMBL; AB007637; BAA22757.1; -; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; AL009126; CAB12432.1; -; Genomic_DNA.
DR   PIR; G69788; G69788.
DR   RefSeq; NP_388494.1; NC_000964.3.
DR   RefSeq; WP_010886429.1; NC_000964.3.
DR   AlphaFoldDB; O34715; -.
DR   SMR; O34715; -.
DR   STRING; 224308.BSU06130; -.
DR   EnsemblBacteria; CAB12432; CAB12432; BSU_06130.
DR   GeneID; 936012; -.
DR   KEGG; bsu:BSU06130; -.
DR   eggNOG; COG1073; Bacteria.
DR   BioCyc; BSUB:BSU06130-MON; -.
DR   Proteomes; UP000001570; Chromosome.
DR   Gene3D;; -; 1.
DR   InterPro; IPR029058; AB_hydrolase.
DR   SUPFAM; SSF53474; SSF53474; 1.
PE   4: Predicted;
KW   Reference proteome.
FT   CHAIN           1..116
FT                   /note="Uncharacterized protein YdjC"
FT                   /id="PRO_0000049511"
SQ   SEQUENCE   116 AA;  13636 MW;  3B680B4849A5EDA3 CRC64;
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