位置:首页 > 蛋白库 > ZC4H2_DANRE
ID   ZC4H2_DANRE             Reviewed;         224 AA.
AC   Q7T3I0;
DT   24-JUL-2013, integrated into UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot.
DT   01-OCT-2003, sequence version 1.
DT   03-AUG-2022, entry version 94.
DE   RecName: Full=Zinc finger C4H2 domain-containing protein;
DE   AltName: Full=Hepatocellular carcinoma-associated antigen 127 homolog;
DE   AltName: Full=Hepatocellular carcinoma-associated antigen 127-like;
GN   Name=zc4h2;
OS   Danio rerio (Zebrafish) (Brachydanio rerio).
OC   Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;
OC   Actinopterygii; Neopterygii; Teleostei; Ostariophysi; Cypriniformes;
OC   Danionidae; Danioninae; Danio.
OX   NCBI_TaxID=7955;
RN   [1]
RC   TISSUE=Embryo;
RX   PubMed=15256591; DOI=10.1073/pnas.0403929101;
RA   Amsterdam A., Nissen R.M., Sun Z., Swindell E.C., Farrington S.,
RA   Hopkins N.;
RT   "Identification of 315 genes essential for early zebrafish development.";
RL   Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 101:12792-12797(2004).
RN   [2]
RC   STRAIN=Tuebingen;
RX   PubMed=23594743; DOI=10.1038/nature12111;
RA   Howe K., Clark M.D., Torroja C.F., Torrance J., Berthelot C., Muffato M.,
RA   Collins J.E., Humphray S., McLaren K., Matthews L., McLaren S., Sealy I.,
RA   Caccamo M., Churcher C., Scott C., Barrett J.C., Koch R., Rauch G.J.,
RA   White S., Chow W., Kilian B., Quintais L.T., Guerra-Assuncao J.A., Zhou Y.,
RA   Gu Y., Yen J., Vogel J.H., Eyre T., Redmond S., Banerjee R., Chi J., Fu B.,
RA   Langley E., Maguire S.F., Laird G.K., Lloyd D., Kenyon E., Donaldson S.,
RA   Sehra H., Almeida-King J., Loveland J., Trevanion S., Jones M., Quail M.,
RA   Willey D., Hunt A., Burton J., Sims S., McLay K., Plumb B., Davis J.,
RA   Clee C., Oliver K., Clark R., Riddle C., Elliot D., Threadgold G.,
RA   Harden G., Ware D., Begum S., Mortimore B., Kerry G., Heath P.,
RA   Phillimore B., Tracey A., Corby N., Dunn M., Johnson C., Wood J., Clark S.,
RA   Pelan S., Griffiths G., Smith M., Glithero R., Howden P., Barker N.,
RA   Lloyd C., Stevens C., Harley J., Holt K., Panagiotidis G., Lovell J.,
RA   Beasley H., Henderson C., Gordon D., Auger K., Wright D., Collins J.,
RA   Raisen C., Dyer L., Leung K., Robertson L., Ambridge K., Leongamornlert D.,
RA   McGuire S., Gilderthorp R., Griffiths C., Manthravadi D., Nichol S.,
RA   Barker G., Whitehead S., Kay M., Brown J., Murnane C., Gray E.,
RA   Humphries M., Sycamore N., Barker D., Saunders D., Wallis J., Babbage A.,
RA   Hammond S., Mashreghi-Mohammadi M., Barr L., Martin S., Wray P.,
RA   Ellington A., Matthews N., Ellwood M., Woodmansey R., Clark G., Cooper J.,
RA   Tromans A., Grafham D., Skuce C., Pandian R., Andrews R., Harrison E.,
RA   Kimberley A., Garnett J., Fosker N., Hall R., Garner P., Kelly D., Bird C.,
RA   Palmer S., Gehring I., Berger A., Dooley C.M., Ersan-Urun Z., Eser C.,
RA   Geiger H., Geisler M., Karotki L., Kirn A., Konantz J., Konantz M.,
RA   Oberlander M., Rudolph-Geiger S., Teucke M., Lanz C., Raddatz G.,
RA   Osoegawa K., Zhu B., Rapp A., Widaa S., Langford C., Yang F.,
RA   Schuster S.C., Carter N.P., Harrow J., Ning Z., Herrero J., Searle S.M.,
RA   Enright A., Geisler R., Plasterk R.H., Lee C., Westerfield M.,
RA   de Jong P.J., Zon L.I., Postlethwait J.H., Nusslein-Volhard C.,
RA   Hubbard T.J., Roest Crollius H., Rogers J., Stemple D.L.;
RT   "The zebrafish reference genome sequence and its relationship to the human
RT   genome.";
RL   Nature 496:498-503(2013).
RN   [3]
RC   TISSUE=Embryo;
RG   NIH - Zebrafish Gene Collection (ZGC) project;
RL   Submitted (JUN-2003) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases.
RN   [4]
RX   PubMed=23623388; DOI=10.1016/j.ajhg.2013.03.021;
RA   Hirata H., Nanda I., van Riesen A., McMichael G., Hu H., Hambrock M.,
RA   Papon M.A., Fischer U., Marouillat S., Ding C., Alirol S., Bienek M.,
RA   Preisler-Adams S., Grimme A., Seelow D., Webster R., Haan E., Maclennan A.,
RA   Stenzel W., Yap T.Y., Gardner A., Nguyen L.S., Shaw M., Lebrun N.,
RA   Haas S.A., Kress W., Haaf T., Schellenberger E., Chelly J., Viot G.,
RA   Shaffer L.G., Rosenfeld J.A., Kramer N., Falk R., El-Khechen D.,
RA   Escobar L.F., Hennekam R., Wieacker P., Hubner C., Ropers H.H., Gecz J.,
RA   Schuelke M., Laumonnier F., Kalscheuer V.M.;
RT   "ZC4H2 mutations are associated with arthrogryposis multiplex congenita and
RT   intellectual disability through impairment of central and peripheral
RT   synaptic plasticity.";
RL   Am. J. Hum. Genet. 92:681-695(2013).
RN   [5]
RX   PubMed=26056227; DOI=10.1093/hmg/ddv208;
RA   May M., Hwang K.S., Miles J., Williams C., Niranjan T., Kahler S.G.,
RA   Chiurazzi P., Steindl K., Van Der Spek P.J., Swagemakers S., Mueller J.,
RA   Stefl S., Alexov E., Ryu J.I., Choi J.H., Kim H.T., Tarpey P., Neri G.,
RA   Holloway L., Skinner C., Stevenson R.E., Dorsky R.I., Wang T.,
RA   Schwartz C.E., Kim C.H.;
RT   "ZC4H2, an XLID gene, is required for the generation of a specific subset
RT   of CNS interneurons.";
RL   Hum. Mol. Genet. 24:4848-4861(2015).
CC   -!- FUNCTION: Plays a role in GABAergic and V2 interneurons differentiation
CC       (PubMed:26056227). Involved in motoneuron development and in
CC       neuromuscular junction formation (PubMed:23623388).
CC       {ECO:0000269|PubMed:23623388}.
CC   -!- SUBCELLULAR LOCATION: Nucleus {ECO:0000269|PubMed:26056227}. Cytoplasm
CC       {ECO:0000250|UniProtKB:Q9NQZ6}. Postsynaptic cell membrane
CC       {ECO:0000250|UniProtKB:Q9NQZ6}.
CC   -!- DEVELOPMENTAL STAGE: Expressed throughout the developing central
CC       nervous system, but excluded from the most medial ventricular zone
CC       (PubMed:26056227). {ECO:0000269|PubMed:26056227}.
CC   -!- DISRUPTION PHENOTYPE: Larva with TALEN-induced zc4h2 null mutations
CC       show abnormally pectoral flexed fins, outward positioning of eyes,
CC       continuous swimming movements and balance problems at 5 days post-
CC       fertilization (dpf) (PubMed:26056227). Also exhibited an open mouth as
CC       well as continuous jaw movements (PubMed:26056227). Display a reduction
CC       in the number of V2 interneuron precursors in the hindbrain and spinal
CC       cord at 24 hours post-fertilization (hpf). Display a reduction in the
CC       number of GABAergic interneurons in the midbrain tegmentum at 35 hpf
CC       (PubMed:26056227). {ECO:0000269|PubMed:26056227}.
CC   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CC   Copyrighted by the UniProt Consortium, see https://www.uniprot.org/terms
CC   Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) License
CC   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
DR   EMBL; AY648796; AAT68114.1; -; mRNA.
DR   EMBL; CR812469; -; NOT_ANNOTATED_CDS; Genomic_DNA.
DR   EMBL; BC053110; AAH53110.1; -; mRNA.
DR   RefSeq; NP_955936.1; NM_199642.1.
DR   AlphaFoldDB; Q7T3I0; -.
DR   SMR; Q7T3I0; -.
DR   STRING; 7955.ENSDARP00000010952; -.
DR   PaxDb; Q7T3I0; -.
DR   Ensembl; ENSDART00000020908; ENSDARP00000010952; ENSDARG00000015314.
DR   Ensembl; ENSDART00000185576; ENSDARP00000156257; ENSDARG00000112180.
DR   GeneID; 323487; -.
DR   KEGG; dre:323487; -.
DR   CTD; 55906; -.
DR   ZFIN; ZDB-GENE-030131-2207; zc4h2.
DR   eggNOG; KOG4451; Eukaryota.
DR   GeneTree; ENSGT00390000018389; -.
DR   HOGENOM; CLU_067420_0_0_1; -.
DR   InParanoid; Q7T3I0; -.
DR   OrthoDB; 1316216at2759; -.
DR   PhylomeDB; Q7T3I0; -.
DR   TreeFam; TF315275; -.
DR   PRO; PR:Q7T3I0; -.
DR   Proteomes; UP000000437; Genome assembly.
DR   Proteomes; UP000814640; Chromosome 5.
DR   Bgee; ENSDARG00000015314; Expressed in cleaving embryo and 28 other tissues.
DR   GO; GO:0070161; C:anchoring junction; IEA:UniProtKB-KW.
DR   GO; GO:0005737; C:cytoplasm; ISS:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0005634; C:nucleus; IDA:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0045211; C:postsynaptic membrane; ISS:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0046872; F:metal ion binding; IEA:UniProtKB-KW.
DR   GO; GO:0007399; P:nervous system development; IMP:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0007528; P:neuromuscular junction development; IMP:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0048666; P:neuron development; IMP:ZFIN.
DR   GO; GO:0048665; P:neuron fate specification; IMP:ZFIN.
DR   GO; GO:0045666; P:positive regulation of neuron differentiation; IMP:UniProtKB.
DR   GO; GO:0021522; P:spinal cord motor neuron differentiation; IMP:UniProtKB.
DR   InterPro; IPR044069; ZF_C4H2.
DR   InterPro; IPR018482; Znf-C4H2.
DR   PANTHER; PTHR31058; PTHR31058; 1.
DR   Pfam; PF10146; zf-C4H2; 2.
DR   PROSITE; PS51896; ZF_C4H2; 1.
PE   2: Evidence at transcript level;
KW   Cell membrane; Coiled coil; Cytoplasm; Developmental protein;
KW   Differentiation; Membrane; Metal-binding; Nucleus;
KW   Postsynaptic cell membrane; Reference proteome; Synapse; Zinc; Zinc-finger.
FT   CHAIN           1..224
FT                   /note="Zinc finger C4H2 domain-containing protein"
FT                   /id="PRO_0000423169"
FT   ZN_FING         189..206
FT                   /note="C4H2-type"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000255|PROSITE-ProRule:PRU01244"
FT   REGION          166..185
FT                   /note="Disordered"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000256|SAM:MobiDB-lite"
FT   REGION          204..224
FT                   /note="Disordered"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000256|SAM:MobiDB-lite"
FT   COILED          12..97
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000255"
FT   COMPBIAS        168..182
FT                   /note="Polar residues"
FT                   /evidence="ECO:0000256|SAM:MobiDB-lite"
SQ   SEQUENCE   224 AA;  26212 MW;  A1101403DB8D756A CRC64;
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